1. #70521
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    I hope they make TWW the standard begginner questing experience in midnight, DF's leveling campaign is super boring and unexciting. BFA's is much better
    I made a post a few pages back but I really hope that DF is the one moving forward. TWW is the start of the saga sure, but DF is the prologue. It introduces key characters like Iridkron that will be important moving forward.

    Exile's Reach > DF > TWW > Midnight > TLT should be the progressive levelling route until the saga is over and players hit 100.

    BFA is godawful for a starting experience and I'm glad they were aware enough to not replace it with Shadowlands which is 10 times worse.

  2. #70522
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    You have really big faith for 2020s people that can create a huge shitstorm on social media over slightest inconvenience (not to mention making excuse for another Asmon "blizzard lied and wow is dead really this time" with >1M views).

    I doubt Blizzard share that faith, but we will see.
    lol as if that buffoon will not find something to make such a video.

  3. #70523
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    You bought beta access with the MoP preorder.
    Oh ? I didn't remember it at all! Thanks for the reminder

  4. #70524
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I made a post a few pages back but I really hope that DF is the one moving forward. TWW is the start of the saga sure, but DF is the prologue. It introduces key characters like Iridkron that will be important moving forward.

    Exile's Reach > DF > TWW > Midnight > TLT should be the progressive levelling route until the saga is over and players hit 100.

    BFA is godawful for a starting experience and I'm glad they were aware enough to not replace it with Shadowlands which is 10 times worse.
    Yeah the reality is, faction war is dead at least in the medium term so BfA should not in any way be part of the default leveling experience. I don't think DF would be successful in getting you invested in the franchise if that is how you start but that's the best they have.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-05-10 at 12:26 PM.

  5. #70525
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    You bought beta access with the MoP preorder.
    Not pre-order, 1 year sub. "The World of Warcraft Annual Pass was a limited-time offer that required a commitment to subscribe to WoW for one year, first made available on October 21, 2011, the opening day of BlizzCon 2011, and ending on April 30, 2012." Yeah, and people say now Blizzard went crazy with FOMO. xD

  6. #70526
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    You bought beta access with the MoP preorder.
    I don't think it came with pre-orders, but the Annual Pass gave guaranteed beta access along Tyrael's Charger and a copy of Diablo 3.

  7. #70527
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Not pre-order, 1 year sub. "The World of Warcraft Annual Pass was a limited-time offer that required a commitment to subscribe to WoW for one year, first made available on October 21, 2011, the opening day of BlizzCon 2011, and ending on April 30, 2012." Yeah, and people say now Blizzard went crazy with FOMO. xD
    Ah you are right, it was the annual pass. Still, they have sold beta access before.

    I remember people went mad against the poor sparkle pony back then

  8. #70528
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yeah the reality is, faction war is dead at least in the medium term so BfA should not in any way be part of the default leveling experience. I don't think DF would be successful in getting you invested in the franchise if that is how you start but that's the best they have.
    I never really liked the starting quests to begin with. For new players it makes zero sense. Go with Jaina, someone you don't know anything about, end up in jail, have to escape and then listen to Talia talk about random things you have no interest in.

    While with DF you take a boat (which is part of the gameplay mind you, like with Wrath) and you are told we are going to this new island to explore. You meet tons of NEW people which is good because there's no attachments needed. There's a lot of introduction quests that are very "WoW-like" if that makes sense. Alexstrasza is pretty much the only old character we meet but she's introduced as the Queen and that's the only thing you need to know as a new player.

  9. #70529
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    Obviously DF is far better as starting point. BfA was just best option from modern era until now.

  10. #70530
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Obviously DF is far better as starting point. BfA was just best option from modern era until now.
    I think DF is probably a bad start for players too, atleast in terms of the warcraft feeling. It does not do a good job of representing the rest of Warcraft.
    Though that's just my bias speaking, the voice acting in some of the zones annoyed me a lot.
    Atleast with TWW releasing, that can be used as the intro for new players starting with Midnight.

  11. #70531
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurahk View Post
    I think DF is probably a bad start for players too, atleast in terms of the warcraft feeling. It does not do a good job of representing the rest of Warcraft.
    Though that's just my bias speaking, the voice acting in some of the zones annoyed me a lot.
    Atleast with TWW releasing, that can be used as the intro for new players starting with Midnight.
    It's not that DF is good, it's that it is better than BfA or Shadowlands. And heck, better than Legion; Legion makes no sense as a starting character cause you are meant to go in as the hero. DF is better than the alternatives simply because of how damn basic it is as a story. There are stories that will suffer badly in the leveling experience if you are fresh to the game; you ain't going to be able to understand wtf is going on with Wrathion and Sabellian for instance or later on with the Bronze flight.

  12. #70532
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurahk View Post
    I think DF is probably a bad start for players too, atleast in terms of the warcraft feeling. It does not do a good job of representing the rest of Warcraft.
    Though that's just my bias speaking, the voice acting in some of the zones annoyed me a lot.
    Atleast with TWW releasing, that can be used as the intro for new players starting with Midnight.
    I said better, not perfect. If you think something would be better than DF, name it.

    DF is story skip like Vanilla after W3, start slowly with classic zeppelin journey to unexplored continent, have classic fantasy setting with dragons and none of end-of-the-world Legion feeling. So only major downside is lack of Horde/Ally themes, but it's not like we will get them lot of them through whole saga anyway.

  13. #70533
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurahk View Post
    I think DF is probably a bad start for players too, atleast in terms of the warcraft feeling. It does not do a good job of representing the rest of Warcraft.
    Though that's just my bias speaking, the voice acting in some of the zones annoyed me a lot.
    Atleast with TWW releasing, that can be used as the intro for new players starting with Midnight.
    Agreed, DF misrepresents a lot of the feelings that the game gives and seems to be an outlier in that. Not to retread that argument, DF did a great job improving the gameplay, but the story was just not representative of Warcraft.

    TWW does seem like it'll be bumped to the leveling experience in Midnight.

    That being said, Holly Longdale did answer a question about Exile's Reach and NPE in general, stating that they're very aware that it just doesn't meet the mark, and while it may have worked for a certain time, it's proving to have more issues.

    "There's a bunch of challenges. How do we tell 20 years of story? So players get a really good healthy intro. I do think this idea of the player fantasy with the race you choose ... I loved logging in, and still do, as a night elf, going through Teldrassil, and doing all this stuff. Without that, for me, personally — I'm not as bonded to my race, and I don't feel that purpose as much. So, I think we're going to explore that more. There is work to do there. And that's something that we want to aim for in the future."
    I imagine a best case scenario would be revamped starting zones, then leveling to midway to max in the previous expansion's zone. Midnight's of course being TWW.

    I wonder though if they intend to include renown tracks and patch campaigns into the main leveling situation now.

  14. #70534
    Holy shit she said that? God bless this woman. I can actually be hopeful for unique racial starting zones now.

    The thing is, the whole bumping up the starting experience each time a new expansion comes out isn't ideal. Maybe people will start with TWW after Midnight, but I can't imagine bumping it up to Midnight after TLT comes out, and missing out on TWW which is literally the starting point of the WSS saga.

    Now if they make new starting zones or revamp the old ones, they GOTTA keep those that default starting experience for a very long time, and not bump it to something else. And make sure it flows smoothly into what expansion you wanna put players in.

  15. #70535
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurahk View Post
    I think DF is probably a bad start for players too, atleast in terms of the warcraft feeling. It does not do a good job of representing the rest of Warcraft.
    Though that's just my bias speaking, the voice acting in some of the zones annoyed me a lot.
    Atleast with TWW releasing, that can be used as the intro for new players starting with Midnight.
    War Within is not approachable. Like Legion, it requires significant amounts of existing knowledge to follow.

  16. #70536
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Holy shit she said that? God bless this woman. I can actually be hopeful for unique racial starting zones now.

    The thing is, the whole bumping up the starting experience each time a new expansion comes out isn't ideal. Maybe people will start with TWW after Midnight, but I can't imagine bumping it up to Midnight after TLT comes out, and missing out on TWW which is literally the starting point of the WSS saga.

    Now if they make new starting zones or revamp the old ones, they GOTTA keep those that default starting experience for a very long time, and not bump it to something else. And make sure it flows smoothly into what expansion you wanna put players in.
    "There's a bunch of challenges. How do we tell 20 years of story? So players get a really good healthy intro. I do think this idea of the player fantasy with the race you choose ... I loved logging in, and still do, as a night elf, going through Teldrassil, and doing all this stuff. Without that, for me, personally — I'm not as bonded to my race, and I don't feel that purpose as much. So, I think we're going to explore that more. There is work to do there. And that's something that we want to aim for in the future."
    How do you read that & not interpret that as chromie time? She means the Cata Teldrassil. The Night Elves are planning on resettling on the tiny island Teldrassil was on but that island isn't Teldrassil. Teldrassil is the tree & that's dead forever.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-05-10 at 02:12 PM.

  17. #70537
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    How do you read that & not interpret that as chromie time? She means the Cata Teldrassil. The Night Elves are planning on resettling on the island Teldrassil was on but that island isn't Teldrassil. Teldrassil is the tree & that's dead forever.
    What about the last part though?

    So, I think we're going to explore that more. There is work to do there. And that's something that we want to aim for in the future."

  18. #70538
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    War Within is not approachable. Like Legion, it requires significant amounts of existing knowledge to follow.
    Unlike Legion it is not the end of a saga, but a beginning of one. In fact I'd be extremely surprised if they didn't make TWW the levelling experience starting with Midnight.

  19. #70539
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    What about the last part though?
    So, I think we're going to explore that more. There is work to do there. And that's something that we want to aim for in the future."
    Classic? Seems like she's clarifiying they don't intend to remove the cata era versions of the zones when they update Azeroth they way they did in Catalcysm. A new version of old Teldrassil doesn't make sense, and if they really wanted to that's what Seasonal Classic is for.

    Unless they plan on giving Night Elves a new worldtree every other expansion which would be so gd stupid.

  20. #70540
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Classic? Seems like she's clarifiying they don't intend to remove the cata era versions of the zones when they update Azeroth they way they did in Catalcysm. A new version of old Teldrassil doesn't make sense, and if they really wanted to that's what Seasonal Classic is for.
    Just because she's talking about Teldrassil doesn't mean whatever new starting area they make is going to be the exact same place with updated quests though. She's talking about the feeling you get when you go through a starting are specific to the race you chose because it makes you feel more bonded with the character. You can already choose to start in the old starting areas when you make a new character, so her saying that wouldn't make sense unless they planned to do something new.

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