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None of this is particularly front and center. Teldrassil and Amirdrassil's storyline are buried behind max level quests and a patch zone. Deathwing's story is, besides a brief mention in Waking Shores, buried behind a patch zone. The titans are simply mentioned as the thing the aspects work for, and the aspects are simply the leader of the dragons.
DF is very, very straightfoward.
You get recruited to explore an island to help the dragons. You show up and fight elementals, some giants who are old enemies of the dragons, and a group calling themselves primalists who also hate the dragons. All of these are self-contained and explained in the questing. You finish that and go help the self-contained centaurs also fight the primalists, and then also the green dragons. Then you go to Azure span, and help a group of mages fight the primalists, and some walrus people fight gnoll monsters. And then at the end you help time-travelling dragons.
It requires nearly zero foreknowledge. Almost the entirety of the conflicts involved in the DF leveling process are DF specific and DF original. The "old lore stuff" is distant background explored later in max level quests, raid tiers, and patch zones that a new player won't touch, because they'll hit 70 and get redirected to current stuff.