1. #70661
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yeah I don't get playing a monk that is not going to engage in the August Celestial class fantasy. You don't need to be a Pandaren per se but that's the class fantasy and while there are NPCs who get to deviate from it, the player can't.
    Isn't that the same complaint people are making for non-undead dark rangers? Why are they tying the class' identity to a specific race? For demon hunter, that makes sense because only elves can be demon hunters, but monk is a pretty general concept. They don't make you be a member of the Kirin tor when you make a mage, etc.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-05-11 at 05:22 PM.

  2. #70662
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It's a whole bunch of random characters, including lore characters like Gazlowe, under the pretext that they were in Dalaran and survived the crash but got kidnapped by Nerubians AFAIK.
    Oh, did not see him there but very happy he is. The usage is going to be really interesting, especially with Delves in mind.

    I kind of get the feeling the former members of the Expedition may serve some purpose as an in-world extension of the player characters, particularly as we stray further from faction heavy gameplay (not specifically faction war, but different faction campaigns, hubs, and presences in expansions).

    This is now going to be the third expansion that follows a faction agnostic route, which is okay, but definitely diminishes world buidling in some way, so it would not surprise me to see these NPCs fill the roll of say Jade Forest's squads, or garrison characters. If Midnight has any flavor of garrison, I fully expect it to be manned by the former Dragonscale Expedition. Or for that matter any of the non Raid, Mythic or Renown Track PvE content.

  3. #70663
    I still wonder what this image was about

    based on the lore of the zone, Xalatath doesn't really ally with the Nerubians until later on, doesn't she? So it can't really be the pre-patch event.

  4. #70664
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    based on the lore of the zone, Xalatath doesn't really ally with the Nerubians until later on, doesn't she? So it can't really be the pre-patch event.
    In the zone she allies herself with the Nerubian monarchy, but she already has Nerubian followers. She works from the bottom upwards. We can assume this is part of the pre-patch campaign.

  5. #70665
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    based on the lore of the zone, Xalatath doesn't really ally with the Nerubians until later on, doesn't she? So it can't really be the pre-patch event.
    She teams up with the queen and feeds them Old Gods blood so they can evolve. I doubt she established this alliance that made all those change in Neubian society and made them attack others when we just landed on Isle of Dorn.


    Reddit theory of that new Council of Six member being sus.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-05-11 at 05:30 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  6. #70666
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Isn't that the same complaint people are making for non-undead dark rangers? Why are they tying the class' identity to a specific race? For demon hunter, that makes sense because only elves can be demon hunters, but monk is a pretty general concept. They don't make you be a member of the Kirin tor when you make a mage, etc.
    For me it's not a complaint. This is what the game allows and I'm ok with it. I am not trying to play an archetype I cannot actually play properly.

  7. #70667
    You can actually get a spoiler description of what happens during the pre-patch in the alphas, or you could last build.. Nobbel read it out on stream last week
    Last edited by Throren; 2024-05-11 at 06:24 PM.

  8. #70668
    Btw I know a lot of people hated it but I really hope the max level campaign has us questing in the nerubian city like we did in Suramar, hidden and dodging patrols. The leveling campaign already has something like that and I'd love if we get more of it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    You can actually get a spoiler description of what happens during the pre-patch in the alphas, or you could last build.. Nobbel read it out on stream last week

    I wanna post it here but I dont want to spoil folks that want to keep it a secret but afaik I dont see a "spoiler text" option on these forums (Unless Im blind)
    Place your text between these tags
    [spoiler ][/spoiler ]
    Just remove the spaces I added after "r"

  9. #70669
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post

    [ spoiler][ /spoiler]
    Just remove the spaces
    Ya I'm dumb I forgot I could just type that lmao

    - - - Updated - - -

    Okay so major spoilers for the Dalaran Pre-patch - gunna just give a very brief TL;Dr since the exact details arent clear

    Archmage Drenden is indeed sus, and by that I mean he is literally Xal'attath herself in disguise.
    She opens up a bunch of portals and Nerubians start swarming the city.
    IIRC Alleria tries to stop them, but she hesitates, scared her void power might do more harm than good - so she partially blames herself for Dalaran's fate - thinking if she didnt hesitate, she could have stopped them.

  10. #70670
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Isn't that the same complaint people are making for non-undead dark rangers? Why are they tying the class' identity to a specific race? For demon hunter, that makes sense because only elves can be demon hunters, but monk is a pretty general concept. They don't make you be a member of the Kirin tor when you make a mage, etc.
    WoW's Monks- or at least the playable version of them- have always been inseparably tied to Pandaren lore though. Hence all the August Celestial skills they have. That is the Monk fantasy. The justification for other races being able to be one is even just a Pandaren teaching them.

    They're not alone in that either- Druid has always been a Night Elf class before anything else. Their talents have always involved Elune, and apart from Hamuul's presence and a bit of lore justifying each added race, their story has been very heavily Night Elven. I'm pretty sure even Tauren only got them to avoid Alliance having a second exclusive class, though I don't think that was ever actually confirmed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    Okay so major spoilers for the Dalaran Pre-patch - gunna just give a very brief TL;Dr since the exact details arent clear

    Archmage Drenden is indeed sus, and by that I mean he is literally Xal'attath herself in disguise.
    She opens up a bunch of portals and Nerubians start swarming the city.
    IIRC Alleria tries to stop them, but she hesitates, scared her void power might do more harm than good - so she partially blames herself for Dalaran's fate - thinking if she didnt hesitate, she could have stopped them.
    I just saw a screenshot of that myself- there's a full recap of the whole starting questline. There also seems to be a second massive spoiler in there- Magni seems to have managed to confirm that the Radiant Song is, in fact, Azeroth herself warning us. So I guess that gets answered really early on unless they're outright lying to us, since Magni of all people should be able to recognize Azeroth's voice, even if he hasn't had the best judgement about what to do with the knowledge she gives him.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2024-05-11 at 07:00 PM.

  11. #70671
    Elemental Lord
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    You-know-what is likely start of expansion itself, not pre-patch for obvious reason. During pre-patch city will likely be our hub where we spend currency from event to buy accou-- I mean warband gear.

  12. #70672
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    WoW's Monks- or at least the playable version of them- have always been inseparably tied to Pandaren lore though. Hence all the August Celestial skills they have. That is the Monk fantasy. The justification for other races being able to be one is even just a Pandaren teaching them.

    They're not alone in that either- Druid has always been a Night Elf class before anything else. Their talents have always involved Elune, and apart from Hamuul's presence and a bit of lore justifying each added race, their story has been very heavily Night Elven. I'm pretty sure even Tauren only got them to avoid Alliance having a second exclusive class, though I don't think that was ever actually confirmed.
    A specific race having a depth of lore to associate with a specific class is good. But that shouldn't cause a class to be restrictive when it comes to roleplay & characterization. After all, there are currently more troll races & human races that can be druids than elf races. I think that improves the druid's "class identity" rather than hurts it.

    I like monk & the one thing I want is so it feels, plays & looks less like a druid.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-05-11 at 07:30 PM.

  13. #70673
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    You-know-what is likely start of expansion itself, not pre-patch for obvious reason. During pre-patch city will likely be our hub where we spend currency from event to buy accou-- I mean warband gear.
    Yeah, it seems like the fall of Dalaran is going to lead directly into Isle of Dorn, so they really can't really have the whole thing up before release. At most, they could have some of the reveals up in the prepatch but stop right before they teleport the city to Khaz Algar, but even that isn't guaranteed.

  14. #70674
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    Yeah, it seems like the fall of Dalaran is going to lead directly into Isle of Dorn, so they really can't really have the whole thing up before release. At most, they could have some of the reveals up in the prepatch but stop right before they teleport the city to Khaz Algar, but even that isn't guaranteed.
    I am fairly sure at this point that it will be a scenario you start like the Siege of Undercity was though probably solo.

  15. #70675
    People are really interpreting more into the intro scenario than we know.

    11.0 Prologue Summary

    Our heroes travel to Khaz Algar by way of Dalaran.
    To their horror, it is revealed Xalatath snuck aboard and launches an all-out assault on Dalaran as soon as they arrive.
    Dalaran is torn to shreds, crashing into the beach of Khaz Algar.
    Many are dead or wounded, and Khadgar is nowhere to be found.

  16. #70676
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    People are really interpreting more into the intro scenario than we know.
    No we aren't - that isnt the summary we are talking about

    this is

  17. #70677
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    No we aren't - that isnt the summary we are talking about

    this is
    Huh, I didn't see that before.

    I gotta say, the Drenden twist is clever enough and actually introduced organically to commend Blizzard for that.

  18. #70678
    It's definitely a better twist than the usual fare. I'd rather it have taken a bit longer with established trust before blowing the load quite so hard.

  19. #70679
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    People are really interpreting more into the intro scenario than we know.
    If the last 10.2 patch campaign is set in Dalaran & the beginning of the release questline is our characters being rescued from Dalaran, wouldn't the most obvious assumption be that the attack on dalaran & a map showing dalaran partially destroyed with webbing, are the campaign quests that go right between it, in the pre-patch era?

  20. #70680
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    It's definitely a better twist than the usual fare. I'd rather it have taken a bit longer with established trust before blowing the load quite so hard.
    Yeah, having "Drenden" at the Amirdrassil feast would have been interesting.

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