1. #71201
    No, I don't think the Progenitors should be imprisoned or anything. Honestly? They shouldn't even hold a major part in the story tbh. And if they do, it should be in the far far future of Warcraft.

    The Titans having specific gifts of the Progenitors and kinda losing sight of their true goals is something I'd love to see tho.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, the forces and their embodiments are actual Gods. They're the higher tier of Gods even. The Progenitors just happen to fit that "Creator God" archetype, and even then, WoW considers them above godhood.

  2. #71202
    Either way - a division cutting the players off from being too chummy with anything resembling that kind of power over the natural order would be nice.

    They tried this at the end of Reign of Chaos and Cataclysm with the whole "age of mortals" deal, but the fact is we still end up rubbing elbows with some new entity or plural entities that make it pretty easy to bail us out of things almost every time.

    I'm not saying Azeroth should dive into a miserable and directionless dark age or anything, D4 lore style, but the conclusion of whatever this "conspiracy" surrounding the Titans is and the wrap-up of the last 20 years should, IMO, really set us back quite a bit to where we stood around Vanilla in terms of unknowns.

    Some people really like the endless spectacle, I think spectacle shines brighter when there's something tempering it a bit. But it might be hard to go back.

  3. #71203
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Either way - a division cutting the players off from being too chummy with anything resembling that kind of power over the natural order would be nice.

    They tried this at the end of Reign of Chaos and Cataclysm with the whole "age of mortals" deal, but the fact is we still end up rubbing elbows with some new entity or plural entities that make it pretty easy to bail us out of things almost every time.

    I'm not saying Azeroth should dive into a miserable and directionless dark age or anything, D4 lore style, but the conclusion of whatever this "conspiracy" surrounding the Titans is and the wrap-up of the last 20 years should, IMO, really set us back quite a bit to where we stood around Vanilla in terms of unknowns.

    Some people really like the endless spectacle, I think spectacle shines brighter when there's something tempering it a bit. But it might be hard to go back.
    I want dark, grim shit. Gimme Disorder Lords Vs the Titans. Give me 2 expacs focused on the Nether (both the known areas and the unknown areas), gimme all that Warhammer 40k type craziness.

  4. #71204
    Checking all the S1 Tier sets for TWW now and Rogues seem to have won the Tier lottery, imo at least, that set looks amazing, in all colours.

  5. #71205
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    Checking all the S1 Tier sets for TWW now and Rogues seem to have won the Tier lottery, imo at least, that set looks amazing, in all colours.
    It's a tough choice between rogue, priest and evoker for me

  6. #71206
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It's a tough choice between rogue, priest and evoker for me
    Those are the ones that stand out the most yeah. The mythic Priest one in particular looks amazing. We will probably get a decent amount of Void-themed armour/weapons, well overdue tbh. Pretty excited for those.

  7. #71207
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    Those are the ones that stand out the most yeah. The mythic Priest one in particular looks amazing. We will probably get a decent amount of Void-themed armour/weapons, well overdue tbh. Pretty excited for those.
    I am personally happy enough with the set of weapons we got recently but I guess we do a need a couple more options for all classes to be covered.

  8. #71208
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I am personally happy enough with the set of weapons we got recently but I guess we do a need a couple more options for all classes to be covered.
    Interestingly enough, the creation catalyst seems to have an option for weapons in TWW - and while I doubt we will get matching class weapons for the S1 stuff (since I have the feeling most models are already in the alpha), it would be something they could do in future seasons, maybe make it simple like you can turn any 2h weapon into a specific 2h sword for paladins, or so.

  9. #71209
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I am personally happy enough with the set of weapons we got recently but I guess we do a need a couple more options for all classes to be covered.
    The ones we got are great yeah but would have been nice to get some more variety, I'd have loved a Staff! Upcoming raids will probably cover that though.

  10. #71210
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    The ones we got are great yeah but would have been nice to get some more variety, I'd have loved a Staff! Upcoming raids will probably cover that though.
    A staff and a spear would have rounded the set up nicely. Maybe a dagger and a bow. Though I do think a 2h axe with a large blade colored like the 1h weapon would also be super cool.
    Still for staff there is always Voidcore from HFC and the recent Harbinger staff from the post. And you can always grab something cool and just slap Void Edge on it.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-05-16 at 08:13 AM.

  11. #71211
    I know elves have been pretty much stuffed to the brim and spoiled with content, but I am a bit surprised we still haven't seen the Spellbreaker sword and shield from the guards, considering the newer paladin halberd and heritage armor being very similar in style.

    Probably saving a lot of that including an updated phoenix closer to the Al'ar color scheme for 12.0.

  12. #71212
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    A staff and a spear would have rounded the set up nicely. Maybe a dagger and a bow. Though I do think a 2h axe with a large blade colored like the 1h weapon would also be super cool.
    Still for staff there is always Voidcore from HFC and the recent Harbinger staff from the post. And you can always grab something cool and just slap Void Edge on it.
    Huh? The new raid has bows, daggers and staffs, or are you talking about something else?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I know elves have been pretty much stuffed to the brim and spoiled with content, but I am a bit surprised we still haven't seen the Spellbreaker sword and shield from the guards, considering the newer paladin halberd and heritage armor being very similar in style.

    Probably saving a lot of that including an updated phoenix closer to the Al'ar color scheme for 12.0.
    Well, we know they have an alar coloured HD phoenix already done thanks to the mage hero talent. I would expect that one aswell as orange, purple and red recolours via Midnight tbh.

  13. #71213
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I know elves have been pretty much stuffed to the brim and spoiled with content, but I am a bit surprised we still haven't seen the Spellbreaker sword and shield from the guards, considering the newer paladin halberd and heritage armor being very similar in style.

    Probably saving a lot of that including an updated phoenix closer to the Al'ar color scheme for 12.0.
    I wish they'd consider bringing Al'ar back to replace Smolderon.

  14. #71214
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I wish they'd consider bringing Al'ar back to replace Smolderon.
    Eh, Smoldi is dead dead as he got eaten up by Fyrrak in the Raid while inside the Firelands. Which means either Fyrrak will respawn there or we may see another new Firelord during the WSS.

  15. #71215
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well, we know they have an alar coloured HD phoenix already done thanks to the mage hero talent. I would expect that one aswell as orange, purple and red recolours via Midnight tbh.
    Yup - they lack AdvFly animations in the viewer, and it likely needs some scaling adjustments, but otherwise she looks perfect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I wish they'd consider bringing Al'ar back to replace Smolderon.
    I feel like a semi-sentient paper plate would be better than Smolderon. I mean, I guess it's better than Ragnaros for the third time?

    Unpopular opinion, while Fyrrak is obviously as two dimensional as it gets, I actually have a soft spot for him, mostly due to his raid encounter dialogue. He's such an asshole and gets deeply, guttingly personal and petty, especially with Alex and Merithra. I kinda like it. Only other character that really seems that directly unpleasant was Nathanos. I wouldn't hate him staying Fire Lord.
    Last edited by Vakir; 2024-05-16 at 08:22 AM.

  16. #71216
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Yup - they lack AdvFly animations in the viewer, and it likely needs some scaling adjustments, but otherwise she looks perfect.

    I feel like a semi-sentient paper plate would be better than Smolderon. I mean, I guess it's better than Ragnaros for the third time?
    Well, the animations shouldn't be a problem at all since they literally used the model for the blue phoenix we got from the store.

  17. #71217
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well, the animations shouldn't be a problem at all since they literally used the model for the blue phoenix we got from the store.
    Yup, minus a few of them - in particular the MountSpecial, while also having the Falconer stuff. Shouldn't be difficult to tweak it compared to most stuff.

    I'd say they'd be jerks and hide it behind a higher tier purchase for Midnight if it wasn't for how similar it would be to a yellow or red Algarian Stormrider.

  18. #71218
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I feel like a semi-sentient paper plate would be better than Smolderon. I mean, I guess it's better than Ragnaros for the third time?

    Unpopular opinion, while Fyrrak is obviously as two dimensional as it gets, I actually have a soft spot for him, mostly due to his raid encounter dialogue. He's such an asshole and gets deeply, guttingly personal and petty, especially with Alex and Merithra. I kinda like it. Only other character that really seems that directly unpleasant was Nathanos. I wouldn't hate him staying Fire Lord.
    I like the native races of the Elemental Planes to be explored a bit. E.g. Loved the Djinn angle for Air but then Thunderaan was such an obvious pick for that.

  19. #71219
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Azeroth = A Zereth has to be stupidest fan theory I've seen across in any franchise, ever.

    The way Metzen phrased Midnight at BlizzCon makes this somewhat hard to believe. He said we would "make our stand with the forces of Light and banish the Shadow forever". So unless there's some plot twist there where us siding with the Light is actually the wrong move, then I don't see the bad guys winning in Midnight.
    Wonder what banishing the shadow "forever" mean. Are we never getting another void enemy after that?

  20. #71220
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Wonder what banishing the shadow "forever" mean. Are we never getting another void enemy after that?
    Would make sense not to get one for a fair bit of time after. And I think it would mean we'd remove all the shadow threats that are local to Azeroth. Doesn't stop a new invasion but it would come from outside, not from what was left here by the original Black Empire like Xal is.

    Plus I think we will get a reset of the status quo. Imo Sargeras will be free and our main worry will be a new form of the Legion (only this time without Nathrezim and without the Eredar in a prominent position so same theme but largely new cast). Add the Arathi Empire, possible Denathrius in the ruins of Nathreza with his Nathrezim, maybe one of the Pantheon that survives TLT but is still opposed to us, hopefully Azshara and we have a solid roster of villains for what comes next.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-05-16 at 09:23 AM.

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