1. #71341
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I was like oke cool..but then I got to the part of jade forest, with these annoying scenarios, were you play either one of the party members.. god these things are so slow.
    Those are somewhat annoying but the worst are the ones where you're playing as the sniper and shooting mobs. No one at Blizzard apparently thought about how a fixed perspective can make it really hard to see mobs because the damn trees are in the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    Could be bad luck yeah. Admittedly I am only level 25 but so far I've got 14% exp gain only lol
    Have you done quests at all? The crate rewards from quests seem to drop them pretty regularly, I feel.

  2. #71342
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I saw one thing on Twitter that said that there are some tensions between Geyarah and Turalyon for obvious reasons. So it may be partially to build up that.
    She was quite despective to him but I don’t remember Turalyon saying anything in that regards. Seems more like the one with a grudge is her.

    Edit: it seems she just hates the alliance in general and wants to be an asshole about it
    Last edited by Ksgrip; 2024-05-17 at 12:15 PM.

  3. #71343
    As I have been saying for years, either Geya'rah acknowledges that MU Lightforged =/= AU Lightforged (as We have to acknowledge that MU Orcs =/= Iron Horde), or she's Garrosh 3.0.

    I am so sick and tired of these characters who are irrationally stupid, I genuinely can't take it anymore. How is it so difficult to understand that MU Lightforged are not as committed to the crusade as AU Lightforged? Surely it can't be too difficult to understand this simple concept of "different timelines, different rules"?

    This is the first time I've seen Geya'rah do anything since 2018 and I'm already tired of her.

  4. #71344
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    As I have been saying for years, either Geya'rah acknowledges that MU Lightforged =/= AU Lightforged (as We have to acknowledge that MU Orcs =/= Iron Horde), or she's Garrosh 3.0.

    I am so sick and tired of these characters who are irrationally stupid, I genuinely can't take it anymore. How is it so difficult to understand that MU Lightforged are not as committed to the crusade as AU Lightforged? Surely it can't be too difficult to understand this simple concept of "different timelines, different rules"?

    This is the first time I've seen Geya'rah do anything since 2018 and I'm already tired of her.

    I can already see her doing something stupid and reignite the faction war at the worst moment

  5. #71345
    Quote Originally Posted by Ksgrip View Post
    I can already see her doing something stupid and reignite the faction war at the worst moment
    What makes it all the more obnoxious is that she's now been on Azeroth for almost 10 years.

    BfA started in the Year 33, and the Mag'har questline took place in that year. TWW likely takes place in Year 42, so that's almost 10 years since Geya'rah came to Azeroth.

    What have Turalyon and the Lightforged done in the last 10 years? Hm... Pretty much nothing. Yet that is still not enough to convince Geya'rah?

    Well guess what, Metzen stated that the Light will be the main ally of Midnight, so either Geya'rah concedes that she doesn't have any right to complain, or she'll be in the Dungeon Encounter journal very soon.

  6. #71346
    Quote Originally Posted by Ksgrip View Post
    I can already see her doing something stupid and reignite the faction war at the worst moment
    Let's be forward here: Geya'rah is the last hope for the Horde to ever have an identity again, while Yrel is the last hope for the Alliance unless Turalyon learns to grow a pair and start objecting to people murdering his patron angels. I love them both, and those two exporting their conflict to Azeroth would be the absolute best thing for the narrative going forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Well guess what, Metzen stated that the Light will be the main ally of Midnight, so either Geya'rah concedes that she doesn't have any right to complain, or she'll be in the Dungeon Encounter journal very soon.
    Inconceivable, really. To think they'd actually stop humping the "it's a TWEEEST" bit and allow the ontologically-good cosmic force to be ontologically-good!—it's a surprising step up.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  7. #71347
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Let's be forward here: Geya'rah is the last hope for the Horde to ever have an identity again, while Yrel is the last hope for the Alliance unless Turalyon learns to grow a pair and start objecting to people murdering his patron angels. I love them both, and those two exporting their conflict to Azeroth would be the absolute best thing for the narrative going forward.

    Inconceivable, really. To think they'd actually stop humping the "it's a TWEEEST" bit and allow the ontologically-good cosmic force to be ontologically-good!—it's a surprising step up.
    No it doesn't, it's a stupid narrative, because the MU Lightforged have literally done nothing wrong to Geya'rah.

    At least Garrosh had the "Lumber" excuse, as flimsy and pathetic as it was, to wage war on the Night Elves. Geya'rah has no logical reason to hate the MU Lightforged. Turalyon and his followers have done nothing to Geya'rah, and at this point, she should be smart enough to understand the differences between timelines.

    Clearly Our Lightforged are not as ruthless as the AU Lightforged. This is a forced and inconsistent narrative. The hate towards Turalyon and the Lightforged, as per usual, is vastly-unwarranted. They really haven't done anything wrong.

    Either way, as I've been saying for years, if Geya'rah doesn't change, she's Garrosh 3.0.

  8. #71348
    They should just ignore AU stuff and characters, use TBC maghar instead.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No it doesn't, it's a stupid narrative, because the MU Lightforged have literally done nothing wrong to Geya'rah.

    At least Garrosh had the "Lumber" excuse, as flimsy and pathetic as it was, to wage war on the Night Elves. Geya'rah has no logical reason to hate the MU Lightforged. Turalyon and his followers have done nothing to Geya'rah, and at this point, she should be smart enough to understand the differences between timelines.

    Clearly Our Lightforged are not as ruthless as the AU Lightforged. This is a forced and inconsistent narrative. The hate towards Turalyon and the Lightforged, as per usual, is vastly-unwarranted. They really haven't done anything wrong.

    Either way, as I've been saying for years, if Geya'rah doesn't change, she's Garrosh 3.0.
    It's just bad writing, blizzard doesn't care as much as you (and many others) do.

  9. #71349
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    They should just ignore AU stuff and characters, use TBC maghar instead.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's just bad writing, blizzard doesn't care as much as you (and many others) do.
    Actually, I'm trying to protect the Horde leadership.

    We all know what happens when a Horde leader (typically a Mag'har) acts irrationally antagonistic towards the Alliance, don't we?

  10. #71350
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Let's be forward here: Geya'rah is the last hope for the Horde to ever have an identity again, while Yrel is the last hope for the Alliance unless Turalyon learns to grow a pair and start objecting to people murdering his patron angels. I love them both, and those two exporting their conflict to Azeroth would be the absolute best thing for the narrative going forward.
    Faction war is a conceptual dead end. It's also rooted in archaic gameplay mechanics that have room in WoW anymore. Maybe they can do a Season of Bloodshed for Classic, exploring gameplay and lore of a continued faction war, it might still make sense there. Retail needs to move on.

    Doesn't mean these conflicts shouldn't happen, but not in a "turn this into a faction war" way.
    Last edited by Samin; 2024-05-17 at 12:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  11. #71351
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    Faction war is a conceptual dead end. It's also rooted in archaic gameplay mechanics that have room in WoW anymore. Maybe they can do a Season of Bloodshed for Classic, it might still make sense there. Retail needs to move on.

    Doesn't mean these conflicts shouldn't happen, but not in a "turn this into a faction war" way.
    The biggest problem with the faction war is making content that's only for one faction rather than everyone, but with warbands & as we get more iterations of Remix, players are going to get tons of alts; which solves that problem. They just need to get over the idea that in order to create war-based drama you need to have a singular villain pushing that conflict. Blame game of thrones.

  12. #71352
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    Faction war is a conceptual dead end. It's also rooted in archaic gameplay mechanics that have room in WoW anymore. Maybe they can do a Season of Bloodshed for Classic, exploring gameplay and lore of a continued faction war, it might still make sense there. Retail needs to move on.

    Doesn't mean these conflicts shouldn't happen, but not in a "turn this into a faction war" way.
    I agree the faction divide is something the game can't afford to do anymore. But I also wouldn't be suprised if the faction theme returns as its become much of the brand identity for WarCraft.

    Looking at DF it felt overly generic in a lot of places. I imagine there will be some course correction to that in WSS. Although I doubt it will be a flat out return of a full blown faction war. But we do know this series is suppose to set the stage for the future of WarCraft. So its entirely possible we will see the seeds of faction conflicts re-envisioned in the next few expansions.

  13. #71353
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The biggest problem with the faction war is making content that's only for one faction rather than everyone, but with warbands & as we get more iterations of Remix, players are going to get tons of alts; which solves that problem. They just need to get over the idea that in order to create war-based drama you need to have a singular villain pushing that conflict. Blame game of thrones.
    I'll be honest, I haven't even considered this until now. You're totally right, they're enabling the players to go alt crazy which may open the door for faction based questing again. I don't know if it will ever be all out war or just tensions, but the more alts someone has, the more pick-a-side content they can create.

    I also agree with the singular villain comment, although I feel that Cataclysm and early MoP had the best iteration of it, Varian and Garrosh butting heads hard. I wish they'd introduce small infighting amongst and across factions just to keep tensions high.

    I'm going to don my ASOIAF stan hat for a moment and rally behind your cause, blaming Game of Thrones for thatt mindset is maybe not solely responsible but extremely responsible for it's horrid rendition of a nuanced story.

  14. #71354
    I wish that 'faction war' wasn't thrown out so often when what is usually meant is 'faction identity', or the factions existing at all as entities acting on their own self-interest. We already have plenty of zones in the game where there's little to no neutral questing but the quests have nothing to do with the factions fighting each other. Faction content does not have to automatically equal a genocidal race war where the Horde has to depose their evil warchief and the Alliance sighs and sobs about how cruel the world is.

    It's nice to entertain the notion that complete removal of the factions would lead to more interesting development of the individual nations, but the reality is that Blizzard can decide to either develop quests for one group of people or like 14 different groups and we've already seen what the obvious choice is there. Nothing is perfect, but it's easier to understand why an orc would have more interest in the small problems of a blood elf settlement than of a human or night elf town and vice versa.

    We were already willing to suspend our disbelief and engage with content in vanilla or TBC where there'd be small skirmishes and you'd kill members of the opposite faction, understanding that these were conflicts that strained relationships but did not kickstart all-out war. It doesn't have to be BfA style kill 200 civilians in funny vehicle quest, bonus 35 azerite if you don't wash the blood off your hands.
    Last edited by Murlocos; 2024-05-17 at 02:08 PM.

  15. #71355
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    Faction war is a conceptual dead end. It's also rooted in archaic gameplay mechanics that have room in WoW anymore. Maybe they can do a Season of Bloodshed for Classic, exploring gameplay and lore of a continued faction war, it might still make sense there. Retail needs to move on.

    Doesn't mean these conflicts shouldn't happen, but not in a "turn this into a faction war" way.
    It's a conceptual dead end in the same way as Link is a conceptual dead end for Legend of Zelda. It's a non-negotiable and fundamental part of the story. If this were something meant to wrap up, then it could end. Unfortunately, this is a setting meant to be perpetuated, so the faction war has to stay because that's part of the heart of what WoW is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No it doesn't, it's a stupid narrative, because the MU Lightforged have literally done nothing wrong to Geya'rah.

    At least Garrosh had the "Lumber" excuse, as flimsy and pathetic as it was, to wage war on the Night Elves. Geya'rah has no logical reason to hate the MU Lightforged. Turalyon and his followers have done nothing to Geya'rah, and at this point, she should be smart enough to understand the differences between timelines.
    It's called international realism. It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of rationality—despite the common parlance conflating them, to those in the know rational actors can be pretty stupid. Geya'rah sees something she has a precedent of posing a security threat, Geya'rah smash.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Clearly Our Lightforged are not as ruthless as the AU Lightforged. This is a forced and inconsistent narrative. The hate towards Turalyon and the Lightforged, as per usual, is vastly-unwarranted. They really haven't done anything wrong.
    Correct. The Lightforged are one of my favorite races, if not my favorite, so I can certainly agree with you on that.

    In fact, as far as I'm concerned, it's likely that the Lightbound's malfeasance is at least partly overstated because the only source we have for what happened there is the semi-substantiated testimony of the orcish equivalent of a wehraboo. Unfortunately, the characters are under no obligation to be correct in their assessment of them if it makes for a better story.

    I hate to break it to you, but good writing isn't about wanking the faction/race you like and making everyone slobber 24/7 about how cool some infallible good guys are isn't going to get you anywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Either way, as I've been saying for years, if Geya'rah doesn't change, she's Garrosh 3.0.
    She's Garrosh 2.0, not Garrosh 3.0, because Sylvanas wasn't Garrosh 2.0. Garrosh was an interesting character who had potential and was in a position that suited who he was, namely in that he was an orc in an orcish office leading the faction mainly spearheaded by orcs, while Sylvanas was an elf in an office meant for orcs and whose entire role in the Horde was that of a cultural outlier unfit to be grouped with the rest except behind closed doors. Unlike Sylvanas' inconsistent and inexplicable string of decisions, Garrosh's expansionism was also led by the pursuit of securing more territory for the sake of a strategic advantage, and all his decisions were a coherent expression of that. While Thrall started it with his allying with the forsaken, Garrosh was Azeroth's first proper codifier of international realism, with all the good, the bad, and the stupid that entails.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2024-05-17 at 03:11 PM.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  16. #71356
    The Geyarah beef is justified, though she isn't a very smart character. Her small group of force is saved from certain death/corruption, thrown into MU Azeroth, and immediately gets steamrolled by the Alliance. But only because she signed up with the Horde. She then doubles her losses by siding with Sylvanas during the second Siege of Orgimmar.

    The people complaining about the lack of Talanji don't realize that she is being kept in a bottle with Vol'jin (and Vereesa) to be used in Midnight with, for whatever reason, zero appearances in the meantime. Geyarah makes sense to use her as they want Orcs to do something, and Midnight will be pretty much every other old Horde race. Then who knows who will get the focus for TLT?

    Also... maybe they are bringing her because the Rootlands will be directly tied to the Everbloom and Botani?

    Is there any particular reason nobody is streaming or posting about the max level campaign?
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-05-17 at 03:15 PM.

  17. #71357
    Elemental Lord
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Those are somewhat annoying but the worst are the ones where you're playing as the sniper and shooting mobs. No one at Blizzard apparently thought about how a fixed perspective can make it really hard to see mobs because the damn trees are in the way.
    I actually meant exactly that haha. The girl, the dwarf.. all of them had their own little quest, that are just terrible.
    Horde has the orc, undead etc.

    Before you can even start, you have to wait and listen to their tactics etc.

  18. #71358
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I actually meant exactly that haha. The girl, the dwarf.. all of them had their own little quest, that are just terrible.
    Horde has the orc, undead etc.

    Before you can even start, you have to wait and listen to their tactics etc.
    To each their own. I actually thought these were different and fun.

    At least better than the 2939729398th kill or fetch quest.

  19. #71359
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    It's a conceptual dead end in the same way as Link is a conceptual dead end for Legend of Zelda. It's a non-negotiable and fundamental part of the story. If this were something meant to wrap up, then it could end. Unfortunately, this is a setting meant to be perpetuated, so the faction war has to stay because that's part of the heart of what WoW is.
    DF says otherwise. And SL too, for that matter. You're confusing what you want the game to be with what it actually is.

    Link isn't as non-negotiable as you think, either.

  20. #71360
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    They should just ignore AU stuff and characters, use TBC maghar instead.
    Literally how? The character introduction is recruiting them from Draenor, their identity is that they're from AU Draenor, how in the hell should they "ignore" that?
    I've yet to see an actual reason why they should've gone with the TBC Mag'har, because they're essentially just brown orcs, with nothing really seperating them from the ones on Azeroth. Draenor orcs atleast allows them to utilize concepts like a more industrialized (which they slightly touched upon in BfA) force within the Horde, with all the technology they brought from Draenor.

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