1. #71501
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    Probably won't see anything major until reset now

    Hopefully it's significant buffs for 70s and rollbacks to people doing 20x the damage of other players or the mode won't really be improved
    It's no ones fault but Blizzard's that a predictable farm was used to grind up an infinite power system. The best they can do is just open it for all and revert the nerf. Alternatively, buff up the thread drop rate a ton and just slash upgrade costs massively so people can catch up to those who grinded.
    Every bug and issue I've seen in MoP remix would have been caught if you had a group of 5 people from Q&A simply play through the mode for a 40h workweek.

  2. #71502
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It's no ones fault but Blizzard's that a predictable farm was used to grind up an infinite power system. The best they can do is just open it for all and revert the nerf. Alternatively, buff up the thread drop rate a ton and just slash upgrade costs massively so people can catch up to those who grinded.
    Every bug and issue I've seen in MoP remix would have been caught if you had a group of 5 people from Q&A simply play through the mode for a 40h workweek.
    You're right, it is entirely Blizzard's fault and no one should be banned, that would be too far

    Players that can do 5 million DPS when people who didn't do the exploit can do maybe 200k however, they need to be rolled back or the players who didn't exploit need to be signifcantly buffed

    A simple cap on how strong your cloak can get each week would've easily prevented this

  3. #71503
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    A simple cap on how strong your cloak can get each week would've easily prevented this
    And by doing so completely defeat the purpose of this infinitely scalable event, and also punish anyone who got unlucky with threads.

    Absolutely not.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #71504
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    I'm sure it would be fine in an organised group with ward - but pugging is an absolute nightmare right now if you didn't frog camp
    Is there even such a thing as pugging without ward right now? Man I hope ward stays as is, working as intended.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  5. #71505
    Kind of insane to me that Blizzard allowed this to happen… frog framing was a known thing back in MoP for farming reroll coins, iirc.

  6. #71506
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    We were max level when we tried the raids? That said, we are a mythic CE guild, and as I said, ToT normal felt more like early mythic bosses and we were hardstuck on the Animus fight (had like 6 tries and after that our raid time was over^^). Durumu, Megaera (first boss where we had to 3 heal) and the bridge after the first boss were the other problematic bosses.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's an issue of leveling a BM hunter though, nothing to do with remix. You really need beastcleave otherwise running dungeons won't be fun at all. Also, current retail BM really need both the 4 piece and high enough haste to play smooth, one which you can't have and the second you prolly don't have yet.
    Well, I havent played hunter in years but saw online BM was recommended for leveling in DF so thats what I chose.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Not at all. All that confirms is that there were plans for a Goblin-focused raid that progressed far enough that somebody made an item. Whether they are still being pursued or that raid has any connection to Undermine beyond it also being Goblin related is not something you can conclude from that.

    It might just be us raiding a Venture Co. operation in Khaz Algar, if it is still being developed.
    Pretty much every filename leak has turned out to be true. Im pretty convinced we will have Undermine in 11.1.

  7. #71507
    Call me crazy, but IF we get the Undermine, it'll likely be TWWs Megadungeon.

  8. #71508
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    And by doing so completely defeat the purpose of this infinitely scalable event, and also punish anyone who got unlucky with threads.

    Absolutely not.
    So you think people soloing mythic bosses 3 days into the event is a good thing, when other players can't even do heroic dungeons without getting carried by level 20s?

  9. #71509
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    So you think people soloing mythic bosses 3 days into the event is a good thing, when other players can't even do heroic dungeons without getting carried by level 20s?
    The problem is not the overpowered players soloing bosses, the problem is the underpowered players not getting their power.

    A weekly or any other kind of cap on the cloak takes away peoples agency and is counterintuitive to what the event is marketed to be.
    And in the case of people not getting the right threads, would be an active punishment on a per character basis.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  10. #71510
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Shadowlands happened in the span of 2 years our time (which in the Shadowlands could feel like nothing or an eternity, depending on how the Realms deal with it). Anduin was definitely dominated for more than a week lol.
    But he was only dominated for the Zereth Mortis patch. And we were only there for as long as it took for Zovaal to walk into the Sepulcher & hit a button.

  11. #71511
    Gotta say I'm a lil disapointed in the frogs issue here.

    Expecting some minor scaling issues from the get go, expecting them to be fixed in a week but the first day of remix was great with 8 friends who came back to give it a shot. We raided, we dungeoned, we quested. It was great fun. 5 have half dropped out now they know they missed out on frog farm and have no chance of catching up. Now me and the remainders are sitting struggling getting into any groups because we're not frog farmers.

    Literally overnight going from getting into any group and having a blast, to having to fight to find one. The changes they're planning surely need working out, but they need to come thick and fast before they loose people who tried to come back and give wow a go here.

    I cannot believe the frogs of all things were left unchecked before release.

    Just to clarify, a group of four of us quested together to play through the story in order and the others went off on their own taking which quests they wanted, but joining up together for raids at 25. All playing at our own paces and times. Our lowest player after the first night was 29, highest was 55. None of us heard about the frog farms before it was too late. Some of the group find the most fun racing eachother in raid dps. charts. Seeing somebody doing 25 times their possible highest damage is sapping that for them.

    I don't regret missing the frog farm, i never enjoy being that overly overpowered. But man, I dont want to be left out of the fun here for not doing a 'bugged' grind as early as possible before it got taken away.
    Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2024-05-21 at 01:13 AM.

  12. #71512
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    But he was only dominated for the Zereth Mortis patch. And we were only there for as long as it took for Zovaal to walk into the Sepulcher & hit a button.
    No he wasn't? He was dominated for all of 9.1.

  13. #71513
    People underestimate how much stronger gear is compared to your cloak.

    Once they obliterate upgrade costs, there will still be a gap between people who exploited and people who didn't, but it'll be minor enough where it hardly matters.

  14. #71514
    Elemental Lord
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    I think very soon everyone playing Remix will be just one shoting everything, at worst you will pug raids like SL ones for transmog. If cloak is infinite indeed you will never catch up to someone who no-lifed frogs and still farm next 90 days for some reason, but honestly who cares.

    Whole thing feels like some fake competition on birthday party, where everyone is doing it for fun but one parent took things way too seriously and act like a clown. Of course in WoW community madness spread like wildfire, so frog farm had to be removed or soon you couldnt find group for anything.

  15. #71515
    I love how off-topic this forum gets at times. Isn’t there a separate Remix thread

  16. #71516
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I love how off-topic this forum gets at times. Isn’t there a separate Remix thread
    Remix is 10.x content. Falls under the topic of this thread.
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  17. #71517
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    People underestimate how much stronger gear is compared to your cloak.

    Once they obliterate upgrade costs, there will still be a gap between people who exploited and people who didn't, but it'll be minor enough where it hardly matters.
    I don't think I will ever upgrade the gear in Remix.

    Why would I spend millions of Bronze on gear that is destroyed the second TWW prepatch hits instead of getting the permanent cosmetics this mode was made for?

    The gear upgrade currency should have been something different. How has Blizz still not leaned that forcing people to choose between looks and power will never end well?
    Last edited by Lahis; 2024-05-21 at 07:22 AM.

  18. #71518
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    It would've been cool if the Song was a random occurrence in the world like Deathwing was/is in cata.

    Randomly hearing the Song while out and about, throughout the expansion.
    Got Voice of the Silent Star on an alt from the BC TW Weekly in the first week of S4, then did some group content on him the week that 10.2.7 came out, thought it was the Radiant Song, or rather Xal'atath whispers
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  19. #71519
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Isn't it funny to think that there are Draenei older than IRL human civilisation. Lightforged Draenei would be worshipped as sun gods in ancient Egypt. Peak race.

  20. #71520
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Lightforged Draenei would be worshipped as sun gods in ancient Egypt.
    Don't give them ideas...
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