1. #71561
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I personally love the changes they did to M+ with S4 and it is time they rethink Raiding as well.

    They honestly dont go far enough. M0 should be matchmade. Manual group finding should be a last resort for content that actually needs it because in my opinion sitting in town and starring at a UI window isnt content.

    It works for Gammas in Wrath(yes they are easier but the playerbase is also worse) it would work for M0.

  2. #71562
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I personally love the changes they did to M+ with S4 and it is time they rethink Raiding as well.
    Despite the changes being good, the community has acted so poorly over the M+ changes that I can see them being rolled back, sadly.

  3. #71563
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Despite the changes being good, the community has acted so poorly over the M+ changes that I can see them being rolled back, sadly.
    They have? Most discourse I have seen around it is more so players just being confused rather than genuinely angry. The complaints about M+ this season seems to stem more from the dungeons just being the original 8 DF dungeons, rather than something more experimental like what SL Fated season had.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I know some people hated them but I enjoyed the legendary campaigns in MoP and WoD. Personally would love to get them back. They are very much borrowed power tbh but they give a throughline to the expansion that most modern expacs have been missing.
    They did have a clear downside in that they locked a gear slot though, which is always annoying for min-maxers, and to a lesser extent, the transmog enthusiasts. Legendary cloak in BfA meant no cloak appearances from the last raid for instance.

    The only slot that fully works with the system are rings, since you always need two. And if every expansion had a legendary ring then it would get old real fast.

    Not sure how to remedy it though. I did love the WoD approach the most since it felt nice and easy to complete if you just did some raids each week. The Legion approach was neat, but the lack of player power did make it feel less impressive by the end somehow.
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  4. #71564
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Despite the changes being good, the community has acted so poorly over the M+ changes that I can see them being rolled back, sadly.
    What? Where are you getting this from? Where is this community I haven't seen complaining? In contrary, peeps seemed to be excited to have a challenging M0 in S1.

    You sure you didn't just witness a few usual complainers?
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-05-21 at 09:19 PM.
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  5. #71565
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Two raid mounts dropping from the first raid is really nice, but I hope it doesn't have any greater implications.
    Why? M+ and PvP always have their seasonal stuff, so giving us Mythic raiders one mount for every raid just makes it fair, especially as you can farm it later anyways?

  6. #71566
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Why? M+ and PvP always have their seasonal stuff, so giving us Mythic raiders one mount for every raid just makes it fair, especially as you can farm it later anyways?
    Also, Amirdrassil had two mounts (three, technically).

  7. #71567
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The first time we see dominated Anduin is in the final phase of the Sylvanas fight - Then the Jailer immediately walks into Zereth Mortis.

    The cutscene where they're still building Kingsmorne was even released after Sanctum came out.

    You're assuming they couldn't refund the Bronze people spent on upgrades - They can, easily.
    This is false. The first time we see dominated Anduin is in the 9.1 beginning cinematic. We then personally see him twice in game, once at Ardenweald, and the second at Torghast (Where he takes the Primus' sigil).

    I'd suggest looking back at the story. Kingsmourne was already made before 9.1 was announced.

  8. #71568
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    This is false. The first time we see dominated Anduin is in the 9.1 beginning cinematic. We then personally see him twice in game, once at Ardenweald, and the second at Torghast (Where he takes the Primus' sigil).

    I'd suggest looking back at the story. Kingsmourne was already made before 9.1 was announced.
    It wouldn't even make sense. Dominating Anduin was how Zovaal obtained the sigils he needed to get into Zereth Mortis. By Ersula's timeline, Zovaal would have first entered Zereth Mortis and then obtained the key that allows him to do so.

  9. #71569
    Wonder if Story mode is like a skip to the final boss (which is what the quests are usually about) and you fight that but it has less mechanics and it's much easier. 1 to 5 means you can literally solo it.

  10. #71570
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Wonder if Story mode is like a skip to the final boss (which is what the quests are usually about) and you fight that but it has less mechanics and it's much easier. 1 to 5 means you can literally solo it.
    The final boss is usually the one required by questlines so maybe they add him in story mod so you can fight them and just complete the quest without them having to do the full raid.

  11. #71571
    I have a solution to Legendaries. Its time they make a legendary neck with a cosmetic aura, which then becomes the first transmog neck item in history, opening the door to many other things. Such as the talisman of the binding shard etc. They could even retroactively make the heart of azeroth visible.

  12. #71572
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Vault had 2 mounts too, we had that weird experiment with trading specific rings or trinkets for mount.
    Fyrakk had 2 mounts aswell. The regular and shadowflame skins for the protodragon.
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  13. #71573
    In terms of Legendary, if they go back to the way MoP handled it they just have to be careful into adding a real catchup mechanic and make progression work through the different types of endgame content. The strength of MoP was that they tied the legendary to an epic questline in the same veins as the Cataclysm daggers but made it available to everyone and at a moment where raiding was the sole repeatable endgame activity.

    WoD tried a dumbed down version of this where the questline had almost nothing to tell but present Khadgar as a power hungry and fearful mage which they've moved away from in Legion.

    The legendary shouldn't be a barrier to the content and unfortunately that's what it ends up being after a patch. In a sense we have the same issue with tier sets that are blocking unlucky people in mm+ progression in the first weeks of a new season.

  14. #71574
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Why is everyone suddenly expecting a shitty welfare legendary when they already said the plan is to continue the Dragonflight style of legendaries, although they wanted feedback on the crafting part.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ateo View Post
    I have a solution to Legendaries. Its time they make a legendary neck with a cosmetic aura, which then becomes the first transmog neck item in history, opening the door to many other things. Such as the talisman of the binding shard etc. They could even retroactively make the heart of azeroth visible.
    No, legendaries should be weapons.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Fyrakk had 2 mounts aswell. The regular and shadowflame skins for the protodragon.
    Sarkareth also had a mount. Again, every raid should have two - one rare drop and one mythic only drop. Especially as we only get three raids per expansion now.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2024-05-22 at 07:58 AM.

  15. #71575
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Sarkareth also had a mount. Again, every raid should have two - one rare drop and one mythic only drop. Especially as we only get three raids per expansion now.
    I wouldn't be against a shift in this and get other types of cosmetics like a full transmogrification or weapon arsenal

  16. #71576
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I wouldn't be against a shift in this and get other types of cosmetics like a full transmogrification or weapon arsenal
    Yep, pvp rewards also need a revamp and be streamlined to be in line with the other stuff, done via a seasonal renown at best (looking at other games like SWTOR who already did this instead of rating based rewards).

    All three (or four with delves) pillars need seasonal stuff that can be aquired by anyone who plays the season, imo. And mythic only mounts can be farmed once a season is over, so there is literally no issue there.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2024-05-22 at 09:30 AM.

  17. #71577
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Yep, pvp rewards also need a revamp and be streamlined to be in line with the other stuff, done via a seasonal renown at best
    Wasn't there a start of that in BfA, some progress indicator towards the vicious mount? Honestly, I started it, cleared the weekly bar with Faction Assaults and Supply Drops a couple times, but one thing that always put me off PvP is that it appears like you have to invest weeks and weeks of grinding arena matches etc. to even get something. It could definitely need a clearer progress bar with more intermediate steps.
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  18. #71578
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Wasn't there a start of that in BfA, some progress indicator towards the vicious mount? Honestly, I started it, cleared the weekly bar with Faction Assaults and Supply Drops a couple times, but one thing that always put me off PvP is that it appears like you have to invest weeks and weeks of grinding arena matches etc. to even get something. It could definitely need a clearer progress bar with more intermediate steps.
    Nah, BfA gave you solid gear through conquest (perhaps too good tbh given how easy it was to conquest cap) but that was entirely separate to the vicious mount.

  19. #71579
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Nah, BfA gave you solid gear through conquest (perhaps too good tbh given how easy it was to conquest cap) but that was entirely separate to the vicious mount.
    Yes, there was the weekly bar, but I also recall some tooltip showing your percentage of progress towards the seasonal mount.
    Other than (I think) 1800 Rating for the Elite sets (but not in 2s, because those are "too easy") I have no idea how PvP rewards work, what they require exactly.
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  20. #71580
    Elemental Lord
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    Ok, current hotfix is pretty huge. We can get like what, ~9 orange threads every day from trivial sources? I wonder how long it will take for casual to solo raids.

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