1. #7121
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    People could just level another character, its only "healthy" now because the game is bleeding dry of players and there is not enough to make up for two factions.

    It does make sense still, besides their tentatives of fucking it up, its only dead because they intended to kill it
    "People could just level another character" is really a dumb statement in that situation and as for game bleeding dry, i don't see that personally while im doing content.

    Another question, have you actually played DF?

    About faction war again, no it doesn't make sense anymore.

  2. #7122
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Horde has access to plenty of iconic Alliance weapons though. Especially given the Artifact system. Scythe of Elune, Ashbringer, Silver Hand, Strom'kar, heck Ironfoe
    Strom'kar is very ironic if you play troll warior

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    there is not enough to make up for two factions.
    lack of players is not issue there, massive imbalance is

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    "People could just level another character" is really a dumb statement in that situation and as for game bleeding dry, i don't see that personally while im doing content.
    thing is its completely irrelevant, as unlocking factions wouldnt help that, it only helps to "solve" imbalance

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Titan architecture seems to be a variety of step pyramids and zigurats
    some of it, sure, other not so much, Ulduar, halls of valor, uldaman (what we seen from the model inside) wasnt really like that either
    the "cities" and mogu palace in valley of eternal blossom and mogushan vault should be titanic too if i remember correctly

    so yeah, i dont think it would be issue
    Last edited by Lolites; 2023-06-02 at 11:51 AM.

  3. #7123
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    It's a shame there's no balls because we all know how Galakrond got that powerful in the first place, it even got brought up in this expansion so it's not like they forgot. If Iridikron wanted that power source they should've had us interrupt him midway through chowing down on a big heart.
    Balls? More like age ratings. They kinda need that to stay consistent.

  4. #7124
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It absolutely is a stretch to say it "would absolutely be that".
    But if it was, it would be cool
    Not in the slightest. Considering Banana’s are originally from Asia and the term Banana is actually Arabic. Just going off that, it’s far more likely to assume that Tel’Abim, renowned for its bananas, would be an Arabic/Asian themed expansion.

    It certainly isn’t going to be a European setting.

    The only other option as a setting would be a Caribbean/South American styled setting, of which we already have with Zandalar.

  5. #7125
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Not in the slightest. Considering Banana’s are originally from Asia and the term Banana is actually Arabic. Just going off that, it’s far more likely to assume that Tel’Abim, renowned for its bananas, would be an Arabic/Asian themed expansion.
    So in short, bananas aren't from Arabia, only the word is. Asia is a whole different thing.

    I think you need to look at a map or globe.

  6. #7126
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly not sure how well it would translatge; Titan architecture seems to be a variety of step pyramids and zigurats. It's why egyptian and mesoamerican themes have worked so well (and why I think a mesopotamian version would work great for Avaloren). Though I am unsure how much of this is Titan architecture and not repurposed Black Empire since it looks so similar.
    Since when?

    Outside of Uldum, there is no Titan architecture that is Egyptian in style at all. Pyramids or ziggurats for that matter.

    They’re architecture is primarily very futuristic, and is a lot broader in style.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    So in short, bananas aren't from Arabia, only the word is. Asia is a whole different thing.

    I think you need to look at a map or globe.
    Arabia is a peninsula in Asia.

    Would you like to borrow that globe?

  7. #7127
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    So every part of the “prophecy” is coming true…
    Naga expansion confirmed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  8. #7128
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post

    So every part of the “prophecy” is coming true…
    Naga expansion confirmed?
    I could definitely see Azshara as the main antagonist of an Avaloren expansion. Perhaps the “true throne of power” she referenced when we last saw her is in Avaloren?

    I think an Azshara/Xal’atath team-up could make for a cool expansion too.

    Could see the Naga having a presence on Tel’Abim too.

  9. #7129
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    What is the dark heart though.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  10. #7130
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Arabia is a peninsula in Asia.

    Would you like to borrow that globe?
    In Asia is way overselling it. It's a desert peninsula at the south-westmost corner of Asia, directly next to Africa. It's not exactly a good spot to grow bananas, either.
    And culturally, it's a far cry from what's generally considered "Asian". Asian-themed is uselessly broad due to the sheer number of cultures that covers anyway.

    Also, turns out Banana is in fact not Arabic. The family name Musa is based on Arabic, not the name for the fruit. That's probably from an African language.

  11. #7131
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    In Asia is way overselling it. It's a desert peninsula at the south-westmost corner of Asia, directly next to Africa. It's not exactly a good spot to grow bananas, either.
    And culturally, it's a far cry from what's generally considered "Asian". Asian-themed is uselessly broad due to the sheer number of cultures that covers anyway.

    Also, turns out Banana is in fact not Arabic. The family name Musa is based on Arabic, not the name for the fruit. That's probably from an African language.
    It’s not overselling it. It is it’s actual geographical location. There’s no way of spinning it. Your initial point was wrong. The Arabian Peninsula may very well be next to Africa. It isn’t in Africa though, it’s in Asia. Spain is next to France, that doesn’t make it French. I take it the globe didn’t help?

    Not understanding the relevance of your point here. As you’ve said, Asian theme is very broad in terms of scope. East Asian is vastly different from the Middle East(ergo Arabia). So in actuality you’ve just contradicted the point you were trying to make? A potential Tel’Abim setting based on the Middle East would indeed be Asian.

    Bananas are grown in hot climate all over the world. Including the Middle East and Central Asia. Saudi Arabia especially. Israel too.

    The word Banana comes from the Arabic word Banan which means finger. The Banana was given its name due to its finger like shape. A cluster of Bananas is also called a hand. I could cite and provide various sources if you’d like?

    I don’t think you’re as intelligent as you think you are, Huth. So I think the condescending, contrarian attitude you employ most of the time in this thread is a bit wasted on you.
    Last edited by Santandame; 2023-06-02 at 02:59 PM.

  12. #7132
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I could definitely see Azshara as the main antagonist of an Avaloren expansion. Perhaps the “true throne of power” she referenced when we last saw her is in Avaloren?

    I think an Azshara/Xal’atath team-up could make for a cool expansion too.

    Could see the Naga having a presence on Tel’Abim too.
    God, I am just happy they didnt kill Azshara..

    We also need a Denathrius & Azshara team up as well. They both have this air, which would be a dangerous combo.

  13. #7133
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    We also need a Denathrius & Azshara team up as well. They both have this air, which would be a dangerous combo.
    Though I like both, I don't see the two having a particularly riveting dynamic; I've always taken them as having too similar a presentation re: dialogue, characterization, etc. They have differences, of course, but they're fairly intangible in terms of their actual portrayal.

  14. #7134
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Though I like both, I don't see the two having a particularly riveting dynamic; I've always taken them as having too similar a presentation re: dialogue, characterization, etc. They have differences, of course, but they're fairly intangible in terms of their actual portrayal.
    Definitely. Both are great but I don’t think they’d compliment each other well. Both are quite camp, pompous and arrogant. Great attributes for a villain but I don’t think it would work well with two of the same playing off each other.

    One or the other teaming up with Xal’atath would make for a better dynamic I feel.

    In fairness, I’d prefer to have Azshara as an unwilling ally for an expansion. We don’t have to be buddy buddy, but our goals could align and we help each other before she is inevitably used as a villain for an expansion later on. I’d love to see her given as much screen time as possible, in the Bolvar/Alex/Illidan/Khadgar role.
    Last edited by Santandame; 2023-06-02 at 03:09 PM.

  15. #7135
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    One or the other teaming up with Xal’atath would make for a better dynamic I feel.
    I imagine Azshara or Denathrius could work especially well with one of the following:

    • A practical, highly efficient kind of villain to contrast with their pomp and tastes for luxury. We don't really have many of these in WoW, at least in practice, so this may be difficult to produce.
    • A highly self-serious kind of villain to contrast with their arrogance and acerbic wits, which WoW already has a preponderance of, meaning we wouldn't need to conjure a new villain for this.
    • A more craven, comical kind of villain (i.e. something akin to Gallywix in characterization) to contrast with their lofty objectives and formal personalities.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-06-02 at 03:11 PM.

  16. #7136
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I imagine Azshara or Denathrius could work especially well with one of the following:

    • A practical, highly efficient kind of villain. We don't really have many of these in WoW, at least in practice, so this may be difficult to produce.
    • A highly self-serious kind of villain, which WoW already has a preponderance of, meaning we wouldn't need to conjure a new villain for this.
    • A more craven, informal kind of villain, such as Gallywix.
    Love the idea of either of them with Gallywix, or a Gallywix style villain. Think that suits them to a tee, and would make for some brilliant scenes.

  17. #7137
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    But if it was, it would be cool
    Here's my alternative: Communist Goblins as villains. Then again, Kotick may demand that these malefactors be based on any number of union organizers instead.

  18. #7138
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Here's my alternative: Communist Goblins as villains. Then again, Kotick may demand that these malefactors be based on any number of union organizers instead.
    Didn't we already have goblins trying to form a union?

  19. #7139
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Here's my alternative: Communist Goblins as villains.
    so that's what happened to those kidnapped by Comrade Umbric back in Dazar'alor?
    btw we already have some clues that purple is the new red:

    cover of a book; cold war propaganda posters

  20. #7140
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    so that's what happened to those kidnapped by Comrade Umbric back in Dazar'alor?
    btw we already have some clues that purple is the new red:

    cover of a book; cold war propaganda posters
    I think the first one is just a general Atlas reference.

    The second one fits, though i fail to see what is new about that. We already killed Neltharion.

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