1. #71901
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    True but I always try to think of how someone would see things in game if they had not seen any supplementary material.
    Like imagine playing Legion but with no knowledge of the Chronicle (which it effectively retconned which is hilarious in retrospect)

    The fact that Chronicles released a few months before Legion, and that they couldnt even keep it consistent with that one expansion, is still so fckn funny.

    "HERES OUR DEFINITIVE LORE GUIDE.....wait, we need to end the current xpac somehow....IGNORE THAT SHIT IMMEDIATELY"
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  2. #71902
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    The fact that Chronicles released a few months before Legion, and that they couldnt even keep it consistent with that one expansion, is still so fckn funny.

    "HERES OUR DEFINITIVE LORE GUIDE.....wait, we need to end the current xpac somehow....IGNORE THAT SHIT IMMEDIATELY"
    "...also it's the Titans' perspective."
    "But this has things that don't work with what the Titans would know and believe. And also it says the world of Warcraft in the first chap---"

  3. #71903
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Tomb of Soakgeras was a nightmare.

    That being said, it looks like it was intended from that for Argus to just be a dungeon and raid based on that datamining...? With the Tomb itself being a portal from Argus proper rather than what it eventually was, which explains why the vanguard poured directly from it...? Hard to say. All speculation.
    I just think you could have done Argus plus some single zones in different Legion planets and have a very meaty expac.

  4. #71904
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I just think you could have done Argus plus some single zones in different Legion planets and have a very meaty expac.
    I agree, feels like a missed opportunity on the whole. At the very least, I believe that 7.3 is the biggest patch we've had to date, but I could easily be wrong.

  5. #71905
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I agree, feels like a missed opportunity on the whole. At the very least, I believe that 7.3 is the biggest patch we've had to date, but I could easily be wrong.
    It did feel massive and I personally enjoyed it a ton (Antoran Wastes with a strong character gave amazing Demonslayer power fantasy.)

  6. #71906
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I just think you could have done Argus plus some single zones in different Legion planets and have a very meaty expac.
    Oh people would have grown bored of Black and fel green pretty quickly.

  7. #71907
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Necron was much, much worse. It literally only shows up after what should have been the final boss with no explanation whatsoever and then poofs back out of the story immediately after. It's just one extra fight that has no business being there.

    Argus at least had an actual story presence, even if it was just in the last patch of Legion. We know it is there before we face it, we have a reason to do so and unlike Sargeras, we wouldn't just be fighting his little toe.
    I think of Necron like I think of Kaguya. She had no business being the final boss. There were some small hints sure, but Madera definitely should have been the final boss. I actually don't think Argus as the final boss is bad at all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Imo there will be less Void in Last Titan than Orcs in Legion. I think defeating Void in 12.2 will be signal for Titans to start whatever they planned and they will be our enemy in 13.0.
    I think its going to be a titan war. Few of them vs a few of the others and us. Aman'thul definitely has final boss vibes to me. Tyr will be our best friend during the expansion, and the main villain of the first raid will be Odyn.

  8. #71908
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Oh people would have grown bored of Black and fel green pretty quickly.
    I think that's major reason why Argus wasn't an expansion. Yes, sure, there was Mc'aree (or whatever it's name now) to alleviate the visual boredom but realistically there's only so much you can do with a Fel blasted hellscape. I guess you could just port us to other worlds to remedy that somewhat but then that brings its own problems of the expansion lacking direction and grounding, kinda like Shadowlands did.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  9. #71909
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Oh people would have grown bored of Black and fel green pretty quickly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    I think that's major reason why Argus wasn't an expansion. Yes, sure, there was Mc'aree (or whatever it's name now) to alleviate the visual boredom but realistically there's only so much you can do with a Fel blasted hellscape. I guess you could just port us to other worlds to remedy that somewhat but then that brings its own problems of the expansion lacking direction and grounding, kinda like Shadowlands did.
    Here me out
    Legion ends at Tomb with Illidan opening the Argus portal. Pre-expansion event is Legion invasions Redux with even more zones. Storyline has Velen reach out to A'dal who brings Tempest Keep to Azeroth. We use Tempest Keep to get to Argus and it serves as the expansion capital
    First zone is a combination of Antoran Wastes and Krokuun. Army of Light has a massive encampment trying to gain back the Xenedar which is the first dungeon. The reason the Krokul still exist is sustainable soul farming (the Eredar just allow them to be around in case they need more souls for their engines so they never fully cull them). Brox is alive and he is the Krokul war leader cause the orcs need SOME engagement in this xpac! At end of zone storyline we reunite X'era inside Tempest Keep, Illidan kills her. We get A'dal to tell us how this is not their way and what X'era did was wrong.
    Second zone is Eredath. Instead of killing the Void Ethereals we ally with them (they betray us in a patch).
    Third zone is the Halls of the Boundless Reach, the place with Portal Keeper Hazabel. instead of being in Antorus it becomes a small zone in its own floating shard of Argus. We have the full might of the Light and Void assisting us in attacking the Legion there so we can cut down reinforcements. This is more of a leveling scenario than a zone proper, Tempest Keep will also move to this area once we secure it.
    This unlocks the rest of the expansion zones; Xoroth and Rancora. Xoroth will be a firelands-like zone and Rancora is a jungle so they look quite different to Antoran Wastes. As expansion content we unlock the ruins of Nathreza (which I guess would look like Revendreth?) and a massive Eredar city with Suramar like mechanics that would look like a lush paradise beneath a massive Echodome like the ones ethereals use in Netherstorm; think Shattrath but in red, gold and black, the Sargerai colors.

    Invasion points can be an expansion mechanic like Island Expeditions where we use the Halls to reach Legion worlds for resources (and maybe an ally or two). KJ is still alive and I'd have Velen's wife be the main expac villain having replaced him as a Triumvir. Raids would be an entry tier with two small raid locations in Rancora and Xoroth, then the Citadel of the Nathrezim in Nathreza, the new Palace of the Triumvirate and finally Antorus. Antorus would not be demons except for Shivara, it will all be Sargeras' keepers and constellar.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-05-26 at 03:33 PM.

  10. #71910
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I just think you could have done Argus plus some single zones in different Legion planets and have a very meaty expac.
    I think there’s a good chance that was originally the plan for an Argus expansion following Legion. If you look at some of the invasion point planets, some of them seemed completely unique.

    I think it’s likely we were to get what we did of Argus in Legion, as well as those planets we saw in the invasion points as fully fledged zones. It’s like everything that was planned for an Argus expansion was chopped up and put into the Argus patch.

  11. #71911
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    I think we can call Bronze experiment - currency both for cosmetic and power items - as big failure. People just buy mounts ASAP before thinking and then complain how 'broken' and 'overtuned' content is - while intended way of playing Remix is clearly upgrading gear, being OP and then farm bronze for cosmetic.

    In future Remix they just need to implement 2 curriencies that drop evenly - and way to transfer power currency to cosmetic one when you reach height of your power. People just need holding hand.

  12. #71912
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I think we can call Bronze experiment - currency both for cosmetic and power items - as big failure. People just buy mounts ASAP before thinking and then complain how 'broken' and 'overtuned' content is - while intended way of playing Remix is clearly upgrading gear, being OP and then farm bronze for cosmetic.

    In future Remix they just need to implement 2 curriencies that drop evenly - and way to transfer power currency to cosmetic one when you reach height of your power. People just need holding hand.
    "People are idiots" is not a failure of the game mode.

  13. #71913
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    "People are idiots" is not a failure of the game mode.
    You still need to communicate the design better then.

    E.g. you could have had the mogs and other items gated behind specific achievements that effectively force you to complete content (And thus force you to spend bronze).

  14. #71914
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    You still need to communicate the design better then.

    E.g. you could have had the mogs and other items gated behind specific achievements that effectively force you to complete content (And thus force you to spend bronze).
    Either open cosmetic vendors when people get to really comfortable item level (around 400 for main pieces) and get taste of system or make 2 currencies.

    Now we don't even have tutorial, people see vendor with shiny mog/mount for 5k and next to him gear upgrade where they see 21/35 135000 for single item. Instead telling us gear is important, it sends opposite message.

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    "People are idiots" is not a failure of the game mode.
    I didn't say they are idiots, just they didn't plan ahead. Most people don't play carefully movies in ultra casual mode for casual game.

  15. #71915
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    "People are idiots" is not a failure of the game mode.
    People aren't idiots for buying permanent items that they are interested in rather than invest in fleeting power progression.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #71916
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    People aren't idiots for buying permanent items that they are interested in rather than invest in fleeting power progression.
    Logically, using bronze to power up your character before cosmetic items will help you get more overall bronze within a set amount of time.

  17. #71917
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Logically, using bronze to power up your character before cosmetic items will help you get more overall bronze within a set amount of time.
    Not if you need more bronze for gearing up than for the rewards itself lol.

  18. #71918
    I don't think the system itself is a failure but I also don't think people are idiots.

    Remix still overtuned certain things earlier on and the upgrades are still very expensive. I also don't like having to hit the benchmark on every single item before it lets me go to the next tier and swapping every item in is very tedious when sometimes it requires closing and reopening the menu.

    I don't fault these things, it's an experimental mode and good for the game in the long run.

    In a speculation way to keep it on topic, I'd kill to see a game mode that experiments with the faction war to satisfy that audience and keep that aspect alive. Playing off realm vs. realm similar to Age of Reckoning but not a stinky pile of garbage on the combat end. Make individual capturable zones, leading up to capping cities, taking regions conferring bonuses, unique abilities you can only do in that space.

    So Ashran. But experimental and on another game mode altogether.

  19. #71919
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Not if you need more bronze for gearing up than for the rewards itself lol.
    Will you abandon Remix after you buy all cosmetic you want? Sure, buy cosmetics first (just don't complain if people won't invite your for any raid when everyone around you is 1000x stronger than your char - especially relevant if you want Tusk or heirlooms from Garrosh).

    Will you play Remix to achiev max power after you get cosmetics? If yes, then buying them first is completely devoid of any logic.

    Anyway, probably fastest way for cosmetic items (beside Garrosh ones) is just: make new char, get quick achievs for orange boxes of bronze, take 40k for lvl 70, repeat on another char.

  20. #71920
    To me it seems like the game plan is to create a Timerunner main and spend all of his bronze gearing up to do mythic SoO and get the Paragon of the Mists title. Then, if you want to level up alt classes to try out the hero talent specializations in TWW, you can do that and spend their bronze on cosmetics. If not, then just use your geared up main to speedrun the highest difficulty raids until you've bought the stuff you wanted and then you're done.

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