1. #72361
    Herald of the Titans Hugnomo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    How is Wizard a race??? Dalaran is literally a collegate town made from sending mage candidates from the other human cities. They're not a divergent species. The Arathi turned into the eastern kingdoms less than 1000 years ago.
    Well neither of the races we have are "races" anyway.
    For there to be a distinct race there isn't a strict, settled criteria. But being of a different, sovereign political group is a trait that is common to all of them. Maghar and MU orcs are technically the same race. So are Zandalari and darkspear. Kultirans and Stormwindians. But they are are disparate groups of people, with their own governance, culture, themes.

    "Wizard" is a theme, archetype. The Kingdom of Dalaran is a distinct group of humans who formed their own kingdom, with their specific style of governance, leadership, culture and themes. Just like the Kultiran were before them.

  2. #72362
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I'm maintaining my insane dose of Copium that we will see Khadgar return at some point. I refuse to let go
    I have hope. The description says he's "nowhere to be found" and presumed - typically a major hero doesn't go down unless we have a body (or figuratively in Varian's case) and they get a long, dramatic, and unambiguous death scene.

    Doesn't preclude him dying later in the same expansion, mind you. Again, like Varian. A number of close calls in a full CGI cinematic followed by dying shortly later.

  3. #72363
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    That key art goes hard.
    Anybody know where if possible I could get a 1440P version of that key art for my desktop?

  4. #72364
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Anybody know where if possible I could get a 1440P version of that key art for my desktop?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #72365
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugnomo View Post
    But what is wrong in wanting a specific fantasy to be expressed in game? Whether that be Burly sailors, Silver covenant elves, aristocratic human mages, Sun elves, void elves ... These are all distinct themes. Maybe not enough for a full new race (though they did manage to do that with Gilneans), but different enough for there to make sense having a distinct group with different customizations, racials, hubs, mounts, etc. Kirin Tor have always had stormwind models, that's true. But like, Sylvanas had a night elf model at one point. I don't know, I don't really get arguing for less things. If we can get more diverse fantasies expressed in game, and there's people who want it, I don't get the instinct to stifle that. The only reason I genuinely do concede is that these resources could be allocated to things other people would prefer. That's fine, it's a matter of preference. But being against it at face value I don't really get.
    ??? Dalaran is literally a different city. Are we gonna get Lorlathil Night Elves, Camp Ataya Taurens etc. added as Allied Races as well?

    If you live in Florida, do you consider people from California or the UK a different race as well?

    It's a waste of a race slot. What's the point of having different races for different character customization options? Having all human customization under "Humans" actually makes it way better to express a specific fantasy. And all it requires people to do is to, y'know, roleplay. That's why the Mag'har Orc thing and the Dark Iron thing is so bad. Because it actively hinders roleplaying.
    Last edited by Makorus; 2024-05-31 at 04:27 PM.

  6. #72366
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugnomo View Post
    But what is wrong in wanting a specific fantasy to be expressed in game? Whether that be Burly sailors, Silver covenant elves, aristocratic human mages, Sun elves, void elves ... These are all distinct themes. Maybe not enough for a full new race (though they did manage to do that with Gilneans)
    Gilneans became separate playable race because they have something that makes them distinct from other humans. And I don't mean their british accents.

  7. #72367
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I have hope. The description says he's "nowhere to be found" and presumed - typically a major hero doesn't go down unless we have a body (or figuratively in Varian's case) and they get a long, dramatic, and unambiguous death scene.

    Doesn't preclude him dying later in the same expansion, mind you. Again, like Varian. A number of close calls in a full CGI cinematic followed by dying shortly later.
    idk. Killing him off feels incredibly rushed, but at the same time he has been throwing out death flags for the last 6 years or so, especially in SHadowlands.

  8. #72368
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugnomo View Post
    But being of a different, sovereign political group is a trait that is common to all of them.
    Dalaran "both-sides'd" the faction war so hard it caused 2 genocides.

    For the same reason welcoming the Alliance elves back to Silvermoon would create the same problem, even if the factions are at peace.

  9. #72369
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    idk. Killing him off feels incredibly rushed, but at the same time he has been throwing out death flags for the last 6 years or so, especially in SHadowlands.
    Agree with the death flags, but I think they are tossing a lot of Shadowlands into the wind (Thrall and the Elements particularly) so I wouldn't focus on that bit of dialogue too intensely... especially after he was a main character for 10.0.

  10. #72370
    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Not to mention Anduin looking defeated
    he always looks like this

  11. #72371
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Dalaran "both-sides'd" the faction war so hard it caused 2 genocides.

    For the same reason welcoming the Alliance elves back to Silvermoon would create the same problem, even if the factions are at peace.
    Yet it's what will happen.

    If I were you, I'd just enjoy this year of Horde-exclusive Silvermoon. It's going to be the last year of Horde-exclusive Silvermoon. You may bookmark My post.

  12. #72372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I have hope. The description says he's "nowhere to be found" and presumed - typically a major hero doesn't go down unless we have a body (or figuratively in Varian's case) and they get a long, dramatic, and unambiguous death scene.

    Doesn't preclude him dying later in the same expansion, mind you. Again, like Varian. A number of close calls in a full CGI cinematic followed by dying shortly later.
    No body and no death scene = not dead, yeah. It's as simple as that.

    Whether he comes back soon or after a while is really the only question there. My suspicion is we might not see him again until Midnight.
    "A youtuber said so."

    "... some wow experts being interviewed..."

    "According to researchers from Wowhead..."

  13. #72373
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Dalaran "both-sides'd" the faction war so hard it caused 2 genocides.

    For the same reason welcoming the Alliance elves back to Silvermoon would create the same problem, even if the factions are at peace.
    Not that I think faction war needs to happen, but the Alliance will be welcomed into Silvermoon and I almost gaurantee there will be very little to say about it other than "We need to fight the Void together!"

  14. #72374
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Not that I think faction war needs to happen, but the Alliance will be welcomed into Silvermoon and I almost gaurantee there will be very little to say about it other than "We need to fight the Void together!"
    I can't wait till Silvermoon explodes & the cross-faction hub is like, Strathholme or something.

  15. #72375
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    idk. Killing him off feels incredibly rushed, but at the same time he has been throwing out death flags for the last 6 years or so, especially in SHadowlands.
    That's why I'm saying I think it'll at worst be later in a circumstance where it wouldn't be rushed.

  16. #72376
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    how can it be feel rushed if its been 6 years of deathflags?

  17. #72377
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I can't wait till Silvermoon explodes & the cross-faction hub is like, Strathholme or something.
    I would be so happy if Midnight has separate faction hubs solely as an excuse to update Undercity (or Lordaeron city I guess), and Gilneas.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  18. #72378
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I can't wait till Silvermoon explodes & the cross-faction hub is like, Strathholme or something.
    Honestly, this is what makes the most sense to me.

    I feel like them "liberating" Undercity and rushing the liberation of Gilneas at the end of DF kinda feels like thats where the story will go.

    Prepatch/start-of-expansion event is Alleria actually turning the Sunwell into a Void Portal. 12.0 will be Voidwell Crater, 12.1 will be on K'aresh.

  19. #72379
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Thank you so much. Thats such a cool background.

  20. #72380
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    I'm wondering why Anduin and Thrall look depressed, while Jaina and Alleria look shocked

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