1. #7201
    Quote Originally Posted by Frood View Post
    So true! I think what people are referring to is more of a sea-themed expansion. Perhaps Azshara would be the main villain, but there could still be room for pirates as a major plot device or overarching theme, like you suggest. Maybe it just ends up being called a 'pirate' expansion, because that's what people typically associate with seafaring in WoW.
    I mean, you just need to look at Euron Greyjoy from the A Song of Ice and Fire books to see that pirates as a chief antagonistic force could easily be extremely compelling.

  2. #7202
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Imagine comparing the Burning Legion, literally the greatest physical threat in Warcraft, to pirates.

    The second part of your post is also flawed, pirates are unworthy and undeserving of so much screentime and attention from Blizzard.
    At this point, the Burning Legion is a non-threat. Lacking Sargeras leadership, it is guaranteed to have descended into infighting and accomplishing pretty much nothing.

    Pirates might not be threatening to wipe out the universe, but they'd be a much more immediate and relevant threat than the Legion.

  3. #7203
    Quote Originally Posted by Frood View Post
    So true! I think what people are referring to is more of a sea-themed expansion. Perhaps Azshara would be the main villain, but there could still be room for pirates as a major plot device or overarching theme, like you suggest. Maybe it just ends up being called a 'pirate' expansion, because that's what people typically associate with seafaring in WoW.
    Did you not play BfA? That's literally BfA. Azshara was the main threat to Kul Tiras through her puppets Lady Ashvane and Lord Stormsong and was also implied to have dealings with Zul. It was a Seafaring expansion as multiple island chains were introduced as the location of maritime expeditions. The two main questing hubs were large islands in the Great Sea. Pirates were frequent threat in Kul Tiras.

    So you just want a rehash of BfA? With no faction war? Boring!
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2023-06-03 at 02:12 PM.

  4. #7204
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    The greatest physical threat, yet they weren't nearly as successful as Zovaal in terms of achieving their goals lmaooo
    Sargeras literally stabbed the planet and nearly killed Azeroth. We beat him by the skin of our teeth. We had to sacrifice our artifacts to cleanse his sword of the corruption that was killing Azeroth. We still don’t know truly how much damage he did.

    Your bias for Zovaal and anything First One related is out of hand.

  5. #7205
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    The greatest physical threat, yet they weren't nearly as successful as Zovaal in terms of achieving their goals lmaooo
    This is why you were banned from that Discord server some time ago. No one mentioned Zovaal, why you mention him?

  6. #7206
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Sargeras literally stabbed the planet and nearly killed Azeroth. We beat him by the skin of our teeth. We had to sacrifice our artifacts to cleanse his sword of the corruption that was killing Azeroth. We still don’t know truly how much damage he did.

    Your bias for Zovaal and anything First One related is out of hand.
    What’s funny is that Sargeras’ sword is still influencing the story to this day. (And likely will again in the future)

    Whereas everyone seemingly forgot about Zovaal, who didn’t leave any form of lasting impact on Azeroth anywhere near what the Burning Legion did.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  7. #7207
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Sargeras literally stabbed the planet and nearly killed Azeroth. We beat him by the skin of our teeth. We had to sacrifice our artifacts to cleanse his sword of the corruption that was killing Azeroth. We still don’t know truly how much damage he did.

    Your bias for Zovaal and anything First One related is out of hand.
    Not to mention how Zovaal wouldn't have accomplished anything if it wasn't for Sargeras and his Legion. It was the actions of Sargeras and his Legion that caused the Arbiter to break down, which kickstarted the whole plot of SL.

  8. #7208
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Because they're really not the greatest lmaooo. They're really cool visually and are among the most iconic, but they ain't shit overall. 2 failed invasions, Sargeras failed like 3 times in 7.3 alone...

    It's insane just how goofed the Legion got throughout WoW.
    My guy, you literally used to RP on this forum as Sargeras and then Argus.

    Zovaal doesn’t even come into the equation for both effectiveness and icon status as Warcraft villains.

  9. #7209
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Because they're really not the greatest lmaooo. They're really cool visually and are among the most iconic, but they ain't shit overall. 2 failed invasions, Sargeras failed like 3 times in 7.3 alone...

    It's insane just how goofed the Legion got throughout WoW.
    And yet, if Blizzard were to make a poll asking "Who was the best antagonist between Sargeras and Zovaal?", I guarantee you that Sargeras would get at least 99% of the votes.

    Sargeras might not have been as successful as Danuser's asspulled OC, but he definitely won the hearts of the community more than Zovaal ever could.

  10. #7210
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    What’s funny is that Sargeras’ sword is still influencing the story to this day. (And likely will again in the future)

    Whereas everyone seemingly forgot about Zovaal, who didn’t leave any form of lasting impact on Azeroth anywhere near what the Burning Legion did.
    I'm sure Anduin would disagree with that, and well the top of Icecrown Lich Kingless atm. Zovaal has had a pretty big influence on Azeroth.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  11. #7211
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I'm sure Anduin would disagree with that, and well the top of Icecrown Lich Kingless atm. Zovaal has had a pretty big influence on Azeroth.
    Anduin is one person. You cannot compare that to the countless damage the Legion had done.

  12. #7212
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I'm sure Anduin would disagree with that, and well the top of Icecrown Lich Kingless atm. Zovaal has had a pretty big influence on Azeroth.
    Weird I go to Icecrown and it’s exactly the same as it was before SL.
    The “rampant scourge” isn’t even a major issue after the prepatch so having a Lich King was clearly pointless.

    Also, two people getting bullied ≠ the planet getting stabbed.
    Hell, you even have some elemental NPCs still referencing Sargeras stabbing the planet in DF.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  13. #7213
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Sargeras was trying to corrupt Azeroth during the Argus fight, he failed and was forced to stab her, which didn't even do much lol.

    He tried to use Argus against us. It failed and his soul was actually used to better Zovaals plan in deactivating the Arbiter, hence shutting down the machine of Death.

    Sargeras and his Legion nearly corrupted the Titans, which failed and resulted in them being more united than ever, namely due to our aid.

    Also, isn't Azeroth literally healing right now? Pretty sure the corruption wasn't much lol.

    Meanwhile, let's look at Zovaal, and his "stuff".

    The shutting down of the Arbiter: Done VIA Argus' world soul, resulting in all the souls coming into the Maw, which results in more power for the Jailer.

    Gaining all the Covenant sigils in like...a patch: Done via Dominating Anduin, and going about different area and siphoning said sigils either from the Eternal Ones or another thing (Like the Heart of the Forests center area).

    Gaining access to the Sepulcher: Was done via stealing Roh'kalo, using a massive ass Telescope to claim a piece of Zereth Mortis, where he would gain its access cyphers, etc.

    Oh, and he managed to regain his power via "destroying" the previous Arbiter. He then went out into Zereth Mortis, where he would shut down the Forge of Afterlives and reach the Sepulcher.

    And during our fight against Zovaal, he was smacking Azeroth's soul left and right, was in the process of dominating the Cosmic Forces, and even siphoned much of her life force for himself. Now, he was definitely not successful in his plans, but he was definitely far more successful than Sargeras was...and this is just a single expansion. Hell, some of his plans basically took advantage of Sargeras' failed plans, such as Argus, as well as Azeroth's soul being wounded via the stabbing lmao. And if we assume Sargeras' blades "corruption" was actually Death Magic...then that only really aids Zovaal now, doesn't it? Lol, but we don't know such fully, so I'm not gonna fuck around with that theory.
    I checked out after you said “and even that didn’t do much.”

  14. #7214
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I'm sure Anduin would disagree with that, and well the top of Icecrown Lich Kingless atm. Zovaal has had a pretty big influence on Azeroth.
    Gul'dan, a minion of Sargeras, killed Varian though, and we know that Anduin is traumatized by his father's death. That's why he keeps hallucinating conversations with him. Another minion of Sargeras, Putress, killed Anduin's mentor and adoptive father in Bolvar. Surely Anduin has changed immensely as a result of Sargeras' actions. If Sargeras never invaded Azeroth, Anduin would still be a little prince hiding in his father's shadow.

    As for the absence of the Lich King 1) Lich King Bolvar was dormant anyway, it's not like anything's changed that much, the Scourge has been contained rather rapidly by the mortals and 2) In fairness, the Legion got very close to destroying the Lich King too and was stopped only because Illidan lost the duel with Arthas at the end.

  15. #7215
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Weird I go to Icecrown and it’s exactly the same as it was before SL.
    The “rampant scourge” isn’t even a major issue after the prepatch so having a Lich King was clearly pointless.

    Also, two people getting bullied ≠ the planet getting stabbed.
    Hell, you even have some elemental NPCs still referencing Sargeras stabbing the planet in DF.

    -_- You couldn't go up to the top of Icecrown before SL(Prepatch doesn't count). Secondly in Stormwind Turalyon is sitting on the throne. Guess who was on the throne before SL...Anduin.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  16. #7216
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Did you not play BfA? That's literally BfA. Azshara was the main threat to Kul Tiras through her puppets Lady Ashvane and Lord Stormsong and was also implied to have dealings with Zul. It was a Seafaring expansion as multiple island chains were introduced as the location of maritime expeditions. The two main questing hubs were large islands in the Great Sea. Pirates were frequent threat in Kul Tiras.

    So you just want a rehash of BfA? With no faction war? Boring!
    I have no idea how or why you equate my explanation what other people mean about a pirate expansion to me actually wanting one. I don't.

    That being said, there are plenty of recently implemented lore tidbits that hint at Azshara's possible return (please don't confuse this with me wanting her to return).

  17. #7217
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    -_- You couldn't go up to the top of Icecrown before SL(Prepatch doesn't count). Secondly in Stormwind Turalyon is sitting on the throne. Guess who was on the throne before SL...Anduin.
    Why is Turalyon being on the throne relevant? The point is, Anduin suffering at the hand of Zovaal isn’t comparable to the damage that Sargeras and the Legion have done.

  18. #7218
    Quote Originally Posted by Frood View Post
    I have no idea how or why you equate my explanation what other people mean about a pirate expansion to me actually wanting one. I don't.

    That being said, there are plenty of recently implemented lore tidbits that hint at Azshara's possible return (please don't confuse this with me wanting her to return).
    I agree that Azshara will return, and her return is inevitable. But Azshara is no longer tied to the oceans of the world of Azeroth, she pursues a higher calling. She has used a Void portal to travel somewhere. When Azshara returns, it is unlikely that the "Great Sea" will be involved. It is much more plausible that Azshara will return for a storyline revolving around the Void.

    But I find a Pirate expansion extremely boring, pirates are not important, they're just criminals. They can work as villains of a dungeon, like Freehold. That's it.

  19. #7219
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    With the right amps and whatnot, we can take on different foes just fine. But without said amps, we'd get demolished
    You really don't get my point; I'm saying that the stakes of the story will become entirely deprived of meaning if he we continuously climb our way up the aforementioned cosmic food chain. If we continue concerning ourselves with perpetual escalation, nothing could potentially be impressive. There's far more to a villain and the stakes of a story than magnitude alone.

  20. #7220
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Icecrown actually isn't the same as it was pre SL. Post SL Icecrown actually has a normal looking skybox now, and not a weird cloud line in the sky.

    Also, 2 people getting bullied doesn't begin to describe what they did for Zovaal across SL. Sylvanas burned Teldrassil, and that plotline is still going on past SL (but now, the Night Elves at least have a new tree growing), and Anduin was a prime suspect in the Realms of Death, as well as the greater Cosmos nearly collapsing.
    Your argument is poor. Sylvanas destroyed Teldrassil? According to Gul'dan, the Legion destroyed 10000 worlds

    Do you think that the destruction of Teldrassil is worse than the destruction of 10000 worlds?

    The Jailer was bound to the Maw for millennia. During that time, the physical cosmos was at the mercy of Sargeras' Legion. His Burning Crusade caused unspeakable destruction to the Cosmos. And, even though Sargeras is imprisoned, his demons remain. Logically, just because the Legion has collapsed, doesn't mean the demons will stop being a blight upon the Cosmos.

    Gul'dan yells: I have seen the end of your pitiful world, Wrynn. You will perish in felfire, like ten thousand worlds before your own. The legion is ENDLESS.

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