I find it funny how they had the budget to make 5 CGI cinematics for Saurfang in BfA, but apparently they can no longer do more than 1 long CGI cinemaic, even though Shadowlands broke records thanks to Covid/Lockdown and DF's player retention trashed BfA.
Nah, I expect another LONG CGI cinematic for Xbox Microsoft event on Sunday.
Apparently production budget for these cinematics wasn't a problem when they made an entire movie about a depressed orc and a meme troll.
I want to see the Nerubians and Xal'atath tear down Dalaran and wreck everything up in high-quality CGI. I want to savour every second, every pixel of it.
I don't see them ever happening tbh. By Legion/BFA they settled on the new artstyle and graphics have improved very little since then. This is WoW for the foreseeable future. And it looks fine. Maybe in 10-15 years if WoW is still doing well and WoW 2 isn't a thing, but nothing this decade.
It’s no different to when the conversation gets derailed by pages and pages by others discussing the Jailer and Shadowlands lore. This is still a speculation thread for the World Soul Saga, and Tinker/Articifer seems the most likely candidate for a new class this saga; whether that be in regards to the Gazlowe presence, Undermine hints, the Earthen’s link to technology, and the Titan aspect of a tech based class. It’s a discussion with meat to it that pertains to The War Within and The Last Titan at least.
Despite some posters issues with them, at least Teriz is civil in his debates (in contrast to a select few who oppose his arguments). I’d rather that then the other guy a page or so back who shows up every so often in an attempt to lord their perceived intelligence and experience with the English language over others whilst also constantly using thinly veiled, barbed insults.
Last edited by Santandame; 2024-06-05 at 03:29 PM.
And so from spoilers we know almost the entire plot. Surprisingly, TWW narrative is no different from other expansions. We get acquainted with the flora and local population and kick the first Boss without any special SHOCK plot effects. Didn't Blizzard say that the saga should move faster?
Now you are deliberately dumbing down what was said and shown to fit your point. No, he didnt just voice regret over picking the losing side and he wasnt going on about "burning shit" the entire time (besides his boss fight quotes, but lets wait and see about Xals bossfight quotes before taking that into consideration).
In the cinematic he was showing what i said with his face alone. Look at his facial animation when Velen talked, calling him a monster - his face drops and he starts looking sorrowful - until he composes himself and rejects that idea (the idea that Velen was right) and goes into angry denial again. Its called visual storytelling. A characters face tells stories just as much as their words, especially when said characters very face was specifically animated to look a specific way.
And then in the other cinematic, he was straight up admitting that he was ALWAYS envious of Velen. Not just since he accepted Sargeras's offer - always. And he doesnt say that he definitely picked the losing side - he admits the possibility that he was wrong and Velen was right. That he may have made a mistake in joining Sargeras out of the fear that was inevitably going to win. And again, facial expressions. Why did you think they animated his face like they did after Velen touched his forehead? Just for the lulz?
Its not headcanon, its just surprisingly much more subtle than WoW usually is. Characters dont always literally spell out what they are feeling yknow.
You do know the Void isnt one of the most primordial forces in the universe anymore, and from what we known so far, also not older than the others anymore, right? Thats outdated Chronicles lore and was retconned with the introduction of the First Ones and the reveal that they created all the cosmic forces as equals in their respective Zereths (as bad as that story is). The Light and the Void are now just 2 forces like the others, who believe themselves to be the pinnacle (also just like the others).
Additionally, the Void didnt have the capability to attack the Legion either, judging from anything weve seen in the story. Their polar opposite, the Light, tried, and didnt get anywhere until we showed up. The most impressive display of a Void invasion weve seen was their destruction of K'aresh - something the legion has done thousands of times.
Even more so, the Voids "military" might was shown in a pretty qustionable light compared to the Legion in SL. That xpac presented us with a past Void invasion in Bastion, and a past Legion invasion in Maldraxxus. Bastion beat the Void back. Maldraxxus, THE military force of the entire Shadowlands, barely beat the Legion back at a "terrible price".
Lets see:
"Really? These thugs of Sargeras are so interchangeable. This one is good with his axe! How unique." - Implying that the Void doesnt consist of interchangable purple clouds 99% of the time. In other words, arrogant and also hypocritical.
"Long has this ones time been coming. A true servant of the fallen titan, he seeks the doom of all things. As if that would really save them form the Void" - She arrogantly dismisses the entire effort of the Legion as ultimately meaningless, only to be proven wrong immediatly - the Void (and every other cosmic force) almost lost to the Legion multiple times in that very xpac.
"These pretenders play at whispering. Amateurs! I should demonstrate proper technique." - The Shivarra she means were in the process of corrupting the titans (and already succeeded with Aggramar), something the Void was literally described as incapapable of doing. Again, arrogant to the fullest, despite already being proven wrong by that point.
And there are far more examples of this.
Leading a character into a trap and then betraying them to their known enemy (whom they have fought before, Cata says hello) is antagonistic, there is no discussion to have about it. And she didnt have "assured knowledge" that the character was going to get out of it. She strongly believed they would, thats it. The only one who couldve assured her of it wouldve been N'zoth himself - and N'zoth gave her exactly zero assurance. He told her to leave the dagger and the character and gtfo.
Thats just how i write lol. You know what real overcompensation looks like? Having to start off by throwing belittling insults ("shows me you have no idea what you are talking about") and then calling the other person "angry" to artificially make it seem more like youre the one in the right from the start. Thats what people with no real arguments do.
Nope, its just seeing facts for what they are. Also, again, im not reducing her good points. Shes does have potential. But giving a comment on a few bosses and locations does not make her a deep character yet. The only thing that is implying some depth besides "arrogant, charismatic void entity" is her past and what happened with her and the other void creatures during their empire. Which is largely unexplored so far (altho it looks like TWW will start revealing more of that).
Oh and Sylvanas had close to zero good points by the time BFA was half over. She was an inconsistent mess with constantly changing motivations, and that only got worse in SL.
Last edited by Houle; 2024-06-06 at 04:18 AM.
The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.
From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.
He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.
The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.
From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.
He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.
Are we sure about that? She started the war of the Aqir, causing the end of the Black Empire. I doubt it was an earnest attempt to defeat the Trolls, instead, revenge on the Old Gods who betrayed her. The Void already had control of Azeroth & Xal put a stop to that. If she was a true believer would she snatch Azeroth away from the void for petty revenge?
Xal's basically the void with a human face Dimensius in particular, since Blizzard might have finally relearned their lesson with Sargeras of not frontloading the giant angry monster, with her being someone who's happy to talk, first as a dagger and then an elf, making her fit the Nyarlothep-expy that N'zoth should've had, but never did. She's however still someone who's primary goal is to get a giant voidwalker to eat the planet and then everything else and this for its own sake, not because it benefits her as such. Azshara is purely self-interested and their relationships with their respective patrons get this across, Azshara denying and then becoming an enemy of N'zoth and Xal'atath, among gaining power again, immediately trying to bring her own in.
- - - Updated - - -
The point made repeatedly is that the void isn't really one group working together. All of the Old Gods wanted to eat the planet and use it to spawn the dark titan, but despite ruling said world for umpteens worlds they spent all this time warring with each other for who would get to do it. Xal, what with being heavily implied to be one of them would obviously take the chance to fuck them over, especially since loosing the aiqr and taking out the trolls at the time all the other Old Gods were sealed could easily lead up to her doing the job.
Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.
From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.
He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.
As in higher polygon racial models? Questionable. This is a MMO where the selling point is very large numbers of models onscreen. GPUs have been giving diminishing returns on performance in games as it becomes apparent that most games are not programmed well enough to keep up. In 2014 people bought three Nvidia GTX Titans to try running Skyrim at max graphical quality and only got 20 FPS. In 2024 people with 4080 rigs try running Skyrim at max graphical quality and can still only get 20 FPS. WoW is based off of the Warcraft 3 engine which is almost three decades old (WC3 began development in 1998).
The biggest visual improvement Blizzard could make to WoW is not anything to do with the art assets, but rather changing how the game is presented to the player. Right now, players have to zoom their cameras far out to get a bird's eye view of all of the AoEs and things they can click on. So players aren't getting to appreciate other characters or the animations. If the game had a more effective camera system that was up close like Granblue Fantasy Relink, then a lot of people would take in the art better. Though I guess better animations/character movement could also help a lot, rather than the instant movements we have that are divorced from a sense of weight or direction. Nicer ability effects too, such as for Frost Death knight. Playing the MoP remix with the tinker gems makes it apparent just how lackluster a lot of the base DK animations are.
Then that seems like she's fighting for her own sake, not the void. When her actions delivered the planet into the hands of the Titans for much longer than the Black Empire even existed. Instigating a war between the Trolls & Old Gods while the Titans are currently messing around on the planet seems to primarily help the Titans.
Last edited by Ersula; 2024-06-05 at 04:49 PM.
Some of you don't half talk some absolute nonsense in here![]()