1. #7261
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Would be kinda redundant now that we have Dragonriding tbh.
    I guess that's true.

    As someone that still likes to use ground mounts, sometimes i still use them in DF even tho it's a waste of time to go to different zone, but it would be nice if it was revamped, adding some race activities to that and such, but with dragonriding i guess it really is redundant in some ways.

    Unless they won't activate flying at the beginning of next expansion, i don't see them doing it.

  2. #7262
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    Quel'thalas and Amani mountains. the Chronicles artwork of Silvermoon is gorgeous, but the in-game version doesn't compare. there is a plot to be finished there - a people divided due to the Void, which might be featured fairly soon.
    Nah, it got forgotten. Blizzard probably doesn't know who the Void Elves are at this point.

  3. #7263
    Quote Originally Posted by Utsuko View Post
    They've been doing this for several expansions, do you think a revamp is planned? I don't see why they would do that otherwise.
    I just think they like to update old models if they're using the critter in the expansion or because they're old. BfA wind serpents because it was using them regularly

    Who even knows why boars got updated though
    Last edited by Mecheon; 2023-06-04 at 07:07 AM.

  4. #7264
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I guess that's true.

    As someone that still likes to use ground mounts, sometimes i still use them in DF even tho it's a waste of time to go to different zone, but it would be nice if it was revamped, adding some race activities to that and such, but with dragonriding i guess it really is redundant in some ways.

    Unless they won't activate flying at the beginning of next expansion, i don't see them doing it.
    Yeah - it works in GW2 because you start with the raptor and work yourself up to the glider dragon - and since I can't see them taking away dragonriding from max level players again I doubt they would do such a feature just for new players who happen to level up their first char.

    Maaaybe if we ever get a non-flying endgame zone again which could give us some kind of wall climbing mount, but again they could just stick with dragonriding.

    Edit: Oh, and maybe some kind of updated underwater mount. Special Groudmounts could see a use in PvP/Dungeons but that's either hard to balance or super niché and might break stuff (for example if you could use a bunny jump mount to damage mobs in dungeons etc).

  5. #7265
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Would be kinda redundant now that we have Dragonriding tbh.
    Yup. You can already see that in GW2 as well. Near enough everyone of the mounts was made redundant when Skyscales were added. The only time you would ever use another mount is for horizontal speed, but often time, you are still better off flying around stuff with a skyscale.

    And in WoW, we already started with a (better) Skyscale.

  6. #7266
    Quote Originally Posted by Abraxan View Post
    Here's my speculation for 10.2:

    primalists want to 'unleash' the emerald dream to overwrite our ordered reality. I think the new zone will be the tree area west of ohnaran planes, after the primalists there successfully bring the dream into/over reality. Or we just go into the dream to stop the primalists there
    Actually good and sensible theory. Have a thumbs up lad.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  7. #7267
    Quote Originally Posted by Utsuko View Post
    Yes it must take time and I'm really sure it will happen one way or another.

    How about the changes?

    I hope Durotar will have again a forest as the orcs' heritage quests suggest. I wonder what that would look like.

    The Barrens could become a single area again with new giraffes.

    On the Alliance side, I don't have too many ideas. Surely Gnomeregan reclaimed, Loch Modan dam rebuilt etc.

    Do you have other ideas?
    Here's some ideas I could see for zones:

    Durotar - No longer primarily a barren wasteland. Life has seeped into the zone from the North, with forests similar to Ashenvale permeating around Orgrimmar. The Botani, having taken over the Northern Barrens have invaded the zone from the east, bringing their own jungle styled ecosystem with them. Durotar is now a zone teeming with life, but from different eco based systems at war with each other, reflecting the savageness of Draenor. The zone will be a mix of Gorgrond, Tanaan Jungle and a small elven style forest in the North.

    Northern Barrens - The Botani have completely taken over the Northern Barrens. It is now a lush jungle full of life, and savage terrain.

    Southern Barrens - Alternatively, the Breakers have taken over the Southern Barrens, terraforming much of the zone into dangerous ravines, canyons and a rocky landscape. The border of Northern and Southern Barrens is home to a never ending war between the Botani and Breakers.

    Stonetalon Mountains - The Night Elves have regrown the forest in the wake of the Venture Co's destruction. The zone range truly reflects a forested mountain range now. The Saberon that fled Draenor make their home here, as well as a group of Arakkoa.

    Desolace - Life continues to flourish in the zone, thanks to the Cenarion Circle's efforts. The northern half the zone is completely teeming with life and jungles. In The Maruuk Centaur have made their way over from the Dragon Isles to establish relations with their long lost centaur relatives. Further south in the zone, corrupted Arakkoa make their home. The Naga have vanished from the coastline. Instead, Dread Admiral Nightsquall sends a contingent of his pirate fleet to scour the ruins for an unknown purpose.

    Feralas - The Highborne have repopulated Dire Maul. The Woodpaw Gnolls have learned the magic of Decay from Decatriarch Wratheye, who intends to unite the Gnoll clans under her banner. The Gnoll's lead attacks on Dire Maul, with the southern half of the zone becoming a decayed, blighted forest.

    Tanaris - Gadgetztan has expanded, taking up the majority of the zone, with the meat of the zone taking place within the corrupt city. Trade Princes, crime families, syndicate members etc can be found here. Dread Admiral Nightsquall's pirates have a huge presence in the city, and are docked in the harbour.

    Winterspring - Mazthoril has been expanded into a major Blue Dragon settlement. Vyranoth having escaped the events of Dragonflight relatively unscathed has destroyed Everlook and creates an Ice Palace in its place. Here she leads the remnants of the Primalists.
    Last edited by Santandame; 2023-06-04 at 01:29 PM.

  8. #7268
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    His plan wasn't to make the scourge and LK so that he could get to Sylvanas so that he could get to Anduin so that he could steal the Sigils. He had the Dreadlords convince the Legion to use the LK and Scourge so that he could spread his influence in the mortal realm. The LK was rather useless to him, but when Arthas was killed, Sylvanas happened to show up so he saw another potential pawn to send more souls his way. When Sylvanas fucked up her own gambit, he had her kidnap a bunch of potential people in hopes that maybe one could be used as a puppet to retrieve one or more of the sigils for him.
    Let's not forget that out of the three Lich Kings (Ner'zhul, Arthas, The Bolvar) none did what he wanted. Sylvanas was just happenstance.

    The guy took the shotgun approach to planning. Do everything, keep what works.

  9. #7269
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Let's not forget that out of the three Lich Kings (Ner'zhul, Arthas, The Bolvar) none did what he wanted. Sylvanas was just happenstance.

    The guy took the shotgun approach to planning. Do everything, keep what works.
    Thats really his fault. He's the one in control.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  10. #7270
    Jungle Orgrimmar sounds cool. The city covered in green foliage

  11. #7271
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Can we continue talking about future patch/expac speculation please? I don't want anyone to get banned here.
    Worry about policing your own posts and less about other people’s posts.

  12. #7272
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    This thread isn't about the lore of previous expansions such as BfA or Shadowlands, it's about discussing future content patches and expansions. The lore of possible future content would be relevant, but let's keep it on-topic and not keep mining for previous controversy.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  13. #7273
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utsuko View Post
    On the Alliance side, I don't have too many ideas. Surely Gnomeregan reclaimed, Loch Modan dam rebuilt etc.
    There is a lot of things you could do.

    Cleansing and repopulation of the Plaguelands (which should be combined into one zone imo)
    Reclamation of Gilneas and the rebuilding of Tirisfal/Lordaeron city/Undercity under the desolate Council.
    Easing Gilnean/Forsaken relations.
    Lots of Scarlet Crusade activity in that entire region.

    Reestablishing Stromgarde as a civilian hub.
    Do something with the Raventusk and the elements in the area.

    Reclamation of Gnomeregan with the help of Mechagon.
    Finalize rebuilding the Dam in Loch Modan.
    Maybe do something with Grim Batol.
    Expand on that loose plotthread with the Dark Iron cult that wanted to ressurect Ragnaros into a proper Khaz Modan spanning threat, especially around the Blackrock zones.

    Add a gilnean presence in Westfall and have them help out the settlers and teach them how to do druidism (yey, human druids) to elevate them out of poverty.
    Establish the Stormwind nobility as antagonists and give them a fucking face for once, and have them try to knock Westfall down again.

    Unite the Gnolls clans in Redridge and make them a big, 2nd Gnoll War-esque threat.

    Add more Gilnean presence in Duskwood, open up the Twilight Grove, do Life/Death shenanigans between the Grove and Raven Hill.
    Add more cults and more insane dark magic practitioners, maybe even unite the zone with Deadwind Pass and do something funky with Karazhans influence.

    Expansion of Booty Bay and the presence of Goblin ventures in Stranglethorn, maybe do something again with Zul'Gurub.

    Turn the Harborage into a proper town.
    We know Hakkar isn't fully gone (somehow) so maybe do more Hakkari shenagigans and summon him successfully in Atal'Hakkar. (mostly saying this so Zul'gurub can be used for something else for once, maybe as a proper questhub.)

    And i have honestly no idea what to do with the Blasted lands.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  14. #7274

  15. #7275
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post

    Are you guys happy with another zaralek recolors?
    I really don't mind, not only do i like the sets to beginn with, but it is a .5 patch and i'm not exactly expecting brand new sets to be designed for it.

    And tbh, the fact that the dungeon gets its own little set drop, instead of just rehashing lvling gear, is a good thing.
    Regardless of it being a recolor or not.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #7276
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I really don't mind, not only do i like the sets to beginn with, but it is a .5 patch and i'm not exactly expecting brand new sets to be designed for it.

    And tbh, the fact that the dungeon gets its own little set drop, instead of just rehashing lvling gear, is a good thing.
    Regardless of it being a recolor or not.
    Maybe i got a little spoiled by operation mechagon, but recently im doing mog runs there and most weapon items are unique(at least i think so), i kinda hoped it will be the same way here.

    Tazavesh i think also had good share of unique models, but maybe there is still a lot of to come, but i doubt it since all weapons here cover all classes pretty much.

    Still, hopefully they add more.

  17. #7277
    Herald of the Titans Hugnomo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post

    Are you guys happy with another zaralek recolors?
    I like them. I think the weapons/armor sets they made for regular zaralek/fyrakk assault content look freaking incredible. I even enjoy the armor set better than the tier set, looks wise.

  18. #7278
    Field Marshal Abraxan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Will do.

    Speaking of which, I really wish Blizzard revamped Quel'Thalas and the Draenei starting areas so that they worked with the current EK and Kalimdor maps.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Holy fucking W. These are some GREAT ideas

    - - - Updated - - -

    We know there is a Gilneas race being offered for Dragonriding, I hope Blizzard has more plans for Gilneas than just that.

    I really hope they do something to revitalize capitals, especially if they revamp old world. Adding some kind of rotating event that forces the player base to go to a city besides org/sw periodically would be a good start.

  19. #7279
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Gotta say, I really dig the new Void aesthetics we had during Sark fight. No more tentacles, fleshy masses and purples. Instead nice deep blues, dark stars and silent, cosmic void. Really like it.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  20. #7280
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Gotta say, I really dig the new Void aesthetics we had during Sark fight. No more tentacles, fleshy masses and purples. Instead nice deep blues, dark stars and silent, cosmic void. Really like it.
    New? We've had those since Legion. Fleshy stuff is specificially Old Gods. This is what pure Void looks like.

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