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I was thinking exactly about this when I was reading the article.
For years one of the complaints was "Horde characters become villains and die, Alliance characters become Neutral". Not that anyone was happy with either option but I think this was largely true. The thing is, the neutral Alliance-themed characters could easily be used for the main expansion storylines while the Horde had a much smaller roster for this. Perhaps because it was so very wrong of them that the first character from the Horde that they chose to transition to neutral was Thrall and that questline was just abysmal even if you get past the "why is an Alliance character helping Thrall get married during an all out faction war?"
But we are well past that, faction conflict will likely remain irrelevant for the foreseeable time. I don't want any discussion on that, I don't think it matters. For Horde players to get a better chance at involvement, they need more of their roster to join the "neutral" cast. Thrall is there. Lilian is ALSO there, she was familiar to the Alliance due to the original dungeon quests after all and they have used her consistently since. Who else could join?
Some are already there, just not used as much. Baine and Aethas have largely been seen as more Alliance than Horde by a lot of Horde players so they are not satisfying to use as Neutrals. Thalyssra would make a solid pick for the elf side since she started as Neutral. I cannot say Mayla was nearly as successful a character (but if we are to have a tauren for the neutral cast, how about Lasan over more Baine?)
Also, Marin Noggenfogger was for some reason in Dalaran during the crash and is saved in the intro. Maybe he will be used in the pre-expansion quests and that is how he ended up there (maybe they request his aid as an alchemist to wake Magni up?). No one probably noted it as important when the zone first became available because we did not have the short story yet but now that we do, I think this clearly means he will be engaged in whatever goblin content we get; perhaps he is meant to be the neutral NPC so Gazlowe can retain a Horde-focus.