1. #73501
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    you guys keep focusing on the black part while the problem with her character is the sum of her "features" and not that she's freaking black
    The other problems being she's disabled? That's your problem, you don't like that she's black & disabled. The solution getting therapy. You're welcome.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry123 View Post
    Wrathion is a beautiful character, he is black and everyone loves him. Everyone has a different concept of beauty, but the majority supports the classic vision.
    It's wild how you guys forgot everyone's first observation about the War Within was how predominantly featured the beautiful white characters, Anduin, Alleria, & Jaina are this expansion. You're complaining about the disabled black character momentarily obscuring your view of the beautiful people, essentially.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-06-09 at 07:42 PM.

  2. #73502
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry123 View Post
    Wrathion is a beautiful character, he is black and everyone loves him. Everyone has a different concept of beauty, but the majority supports the classic vision.
    Wrathion definitely isn't coded as black...

    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    you guys keep focusing on the black part while the problem with her character is the sum of her "features" and not that she's freaking black
    The issue is that black characters in video games face more scrunity than anything else. If she were a white woman which a russian accect I guarantee people would be saying how "badass" she is rather than focusing on why she's unrealistic or ugly.

  3. #73503
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    really guy? you are the one with the list of things you don't like about the character and one of them is black.

    you hating a character for having injury's is kind of shit too. maybe take some time off twitter and truth social yea?

  4. #73504
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    Ugly characters (not ugly female characters) are not appealing unless they're badass. that's simple.
    But for some mysterious reason those discussions only ever happen when it's a chick that doesn't look like a a supermodel who gets some spotlight, while ugly dudes are all over the place and at most are just ignored instead of being bashed upon or used a springboard for someone's political pet peeves.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  5. #73505
    As long as people see "black" as a feature, there's no point talking about this topic.

    "A character can't be black unless there is a reason for it!".

    And yet Gamers don't have a tendency to be racist

  6. #73506
    Quote Originally Posted by Reive View Post
    missing an arm
    not attractive

    she's also really stupid in the story: "I don't want a functional prosthetic arm because i'm used to not have it"

    I don't like her because she was made with a certain purpose in mind
    Wait, So i want to make very sure im not putting words in your mouth. YOU dont like her because she was made with real life issues other people have an that makes her bad?
    Lets take away the Black part. i wont even comment on that clearly thats a weird reason to not like a character.
    Girlboss would imply shes a badass. which you said she needed to be because shes ugly but now that shes badass shes a girlboss which you hate?
    Not attractive really a eye of the beholder type thing so cant comment on that because i also dont find her attractive but i dont hate her because of it lol.
    Missing an arm doesnt matter because she has a shield arm?
    Blind = "Blind"
    ima be honest i think you just dont like black people my friend.

  7. #73507
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Wrathion definitely isn't coded as black...

    The issue is that black characters in video games face more scrunity than anything else. If she were a white woman which a russian accect I guarantee people would be saying how "badass" she is rather than focusing on why she's unrealistic or ugly.
    To be fair either woman with those characteristics are more realistic than a video game’s body armor, the scrutiny wouldn’t hold. Bodily and mental damage is par the course for army vets.

  8. #73508
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    other than that, that Earthen and Harronir looked fuckin sick, if elves looked more like that i'd actually like them

  9. #73509
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    The issue is that black characters in video games face more scrunity than anything else. If she were a white woman which a russian accect I guarantee people would be saying how "badass" she is rather than focusing on why she's unrealistic or ugly.
    To be honest, i'm one who can't stand the insertion of "modern representation" in media. I roll my eyes everytime i see that. However, this one looks badass. I just hope they don't make her too cheesy for modernity sake.

  10. #73510
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekkle View Post
    other than that, that Earthen and Harronir looked fuckin sick, if elves looked more like that i'd actually like them
    There's no way that Harronir aren't gonna be an Allied Race.

    People who argued that "Oh, it's just NPC options, it doesn't mean anything" have to be absolutely coping now.

  11. #73511
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Wrathion definitely isn't coded as black...

    What? .... he black or should all blacks be African American?

  12. #73512
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    To be honest, i'm one who can't stand the insertion of "modern representation" in media. I roll my eyes everytime i see that. However, this one looks badass. I just hope they don't make her too cheesy for modernity sake.
    she has an attitude i think you'll enjoy, i played in the campaign and i think there is 1 or 2 moments like that. More importantly she doesn't do what i thought she would is coddle Anduin

  13. #73513
    OK . . . I just did a quest about a Nerubian newlywed asking me to bring her husband back and when I get him to her, she kills and eats him? Which . . . why?

  14. #73514
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    OK . . . I just did a quest about a Nerubian newlywed asking me to bring her husband back and when I get him to her, she kills and eats him? Which . . . why?
    Cause spiders??

  15. #73515
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    OK . . . I just did a quest about a Nerubian newlywed asking me to bring her husband back and when I get him to her, she kills and eats him? Which . . . why?
    Probably a reference to how some spider and other bug females behave after copulation.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  16. #73516
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    OK . . . I just did a quest about a Nerubian newlywed asking me to bring her husband back and when I get him to her, she kills and eats him? Which . . . why?
    Some female spiders will consume their mate after he served his purposed.

  17. #73517
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekkle View Post
    she has an attitude i think you'll enjoy, i played in the campaign and i think there is 1 or 2 moments like that. More importantly she doesn't do what i thought she would is coddle Anduin
    Could you give an example?

  18. #73518
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    OK . . . I just did a quest about a Nerubian newlywed asking me to bring her husband back and when I get him to her, she kills and eats him? Which . . . why?
    Don't you know that female spiders eat male spiders?

  19. #73519
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The other problems being she's disabled? That's your problem, you don't like that she's black & disabled. The solution getting therapy. You're welcome.
    It's wild how you guys forgot everyone's first observation about the War Within was how predominantly featured the beautiful white characters, Anduin, Alleria, & Jaina are this expansion. You're complaining about the disabled black character momentarily obscuring your view of the beautiful people, essentially.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekkle View Post
    really guy? you are the one with the list of things you don't like about the character and one of them is black.

    you hating a character for having injury's is kind of shit too. maybe take some time off twitter and truth social yea?
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    As long as people see "black" as a feature, there's no point talking about this topic.

    "A character can't be black unless there is a reason for it!".

    And yet Gamers don't have a tendency to be racist
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    Wait, So i want to make very sure im not putting words in your mouth. YOU dont like her because she was made with real life issues other people have an that makes her bad?
    Lets take away the Black part. i wont even comment on that clearly thats a weird reason to not like a character.
    Girlboss would imply shes a badass. which you said she needed to be because shes ugly but now that shes badass shes a girlboss which you hate?
    Not attractive really a eye of the beholder type thing so cant comment on that because i also dont find her attractive but i dont hate her because of it lol.
    Missing an arm doesnt matter because she has a shield arm?
    Blind = "Blind"
    ima be honest i think you just dont like black people my friend.

    being a girlboss is not problem
    being blind is not a problem
    being disabled is not a problem
    being black is not a problem
    being a woman is not a problem
    being ugly is not a problem

    being all these things at the same time is a problem because you know it's just another attempt of forced inclusivity made by blizzard

    is this that hard to understand?

  20. #73520
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Man ... she is just hard to look at.

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