I am glad Xalatath is not an Old God. We really, really, really need to move past Old Gods at this point. It's like if we fought random Infernals for like 10 expansions in a row and they expect us to fear the Burning Legion.
I am glad Xalatath is not an Old God. We really, really, really need to move past Old Gods at this point. It's like if we fought random Infernals for like 10 expansions in a row and they expect us to fear the Burning Legion.
If color skin diversity is the issue, all you need to do is have diverse skin colors among Vrykul clans. You could have had the Vrykul clans themselves be homogeneous but then the humans who came from all the clans and mingled immediately would be diverse from the start.
Can someone tell me what's up with the placed called Rootlands? I've seen it brought up a couple of times in this thread, is this some sort of datamined location?
One of the zones (ringing depths I want to say) has a very suspicious area blocked off by roots, along with the Harronir evidently being primarily located somewhere else. The area blocked off by roots also leads to an unused area on the map that is the perfect location and size to have a zone.
The Rootlands is just a speculation shorthand for whatever zone would be set in this area.
It's not confirmed, but almost everything points to it being a location eventually. Similar to how more or less everyone expected the area west of the Ohn'ahran plains to have a zone eventually.
The world revamp dream will never die!
The roots are sticking out of the northwest chasm where Hallowfall meets Azj Kahet. AK is also where the two Harronir camps are located, on that western end of the zone.
Alternatively, the Venture Company area is on the far east side of AK, in the Niffen village. We don't see their tunnel however.
There is a small pit in the village that could be used for the Brawlers Guild but it is VERY small so I'm not sure.
You know what's funny?
There are so many ethnicities in real-life, yet americans think the world is comprised of whites, blacks and asians. Moreover, for some reason, americans think all blacks, whites and asians are the same, like there aren't multiple different countries with different people in Europe, Africa and Asia.
I have always been confused about the "there doesn't need to be a reason for POC humans" argument. No, I guess there doesn't HAVE to be, but there is definitely some lore potential there that would help flesh out the universe. Much more than the weird "they came from Stranglethorn lol" ideas that have been toyed with by Traveler.
I also don't think that encouraging a lore explanation makes you racist. Maybe DEMANDING one, sure, but imo it would be cool if there were islands and areas of Azeroth where asian and black humans came from.
It also doesn't have to be "black people come from wow africa asian people come from wow asia" if people are scared of that. Pandaria already nipped the latter in the bud unless the new scare is WoW Japan (people seem insistent this will never happen because China but idk)
Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-06-10 at 05:51 PM.
If anything the game needed a lore reason why there are so many "white" characters and there just wasn't a good one, so they started fixing the discrepancy.
Given that Vrykul and Humans are ultimately the result of the Curse of Flesh - an ailment created by creatures of the void, void being all about "possibilities", it kind of makes sense if the Curse also introduced more variation instead of just making things fleshy and weak(er)
Last edited by Samin; 2024-06-10 at 06:03 PM.
I think Terry Pratchett got it right with Discworld.
Humans in wow have always covered white black and Asian living among each other with no separation, there’s no reason to make up some new kingdom or culture where all the black or Asian people came from there magic mutants who only one step removed from being robots they don’t make any actual sense so they don’t need to explain where different skin colours come from it’s just a result of said magic.Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.
Last edited by Lorgar Aurelian; 2024-06-10 at 06:03 PM.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Ok, raid testing starts this week.
3-4 bosses tested instead of normal 2 each evening. They speed things up.
Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-06-10 at 07:20 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Race is actually a meaningless pseudoscientific concept irl. It's no different than other 19th century quackery like phrenology, where the shape of your skull somehow dictates your behavior. In fact, the idea of "race" comes directly from phrenology (which is now seen in the same way as astrology, palm reading, tarot, etc.). However, genetic tests show humans just don't fit into neat little boxes that are perfectly separated from each other, with no overlap, where everyone inside a box is exactly the same.
We as a species are actually much more closely related than other species, due to a population bottleneck where we nearly went extinct roughly 50,000 years ago. Having a different body shape or color is next to meaningless when genes say that is your distant cousin. Think of it like this, if a redhead is born into a family of brunettes, is the redhead child a different "race" from their siblings? They technically fit the requirements of a "race," as they have a set of physical traits that are different from others but are shared among redheads. Now expand that idea out across billions of people and across time. Or for another example, how blood type B has origins in Asia. Is every European with type B or AB blood actually an Asian instead of European? At what point do we decide that this is all arbitrary, nitpicking nonsense? We are all just a bunch of mutts in the end. Really, science should cleave nature at its faultlines, not chop it up into boxes of our choosing.
Ethnicities are a reality, but those are a culturally-based social construct centered around language, art, music, religion, etc., not some sort of separate species.