Shamans aren't getting anything until 11.1 are they? Bizarre how there's not a single comment from anyone at Blizzard about Shamans. Poor sods, at least they have time to reroll![]()
Shamans aren't getting anything until 11.1 are they? Bizarre how there's not a single comment from anyone at Blizzard about Shamans. Poor sods, at least they have time to reroll![]()
It doesn't need to be the main center story. It does not need to be a massive total war like what we saw in Cata/MoP or BFA. It can still be local skirmishes like Frostwolves vs Stormpike Clan dwarves or Warsong lumberers vs Ashenvale garrison in Vanilla.
Anduin and Thrall might have declared an end to hostilities, but let's be honest. The captain of an Alliance platoon marching into the Ringing Deeps on his way to fight Nerubians is going to see Horde forces there and remember all the things the Horde did to his friends, his family, his country, his people. "We were friends with the Orcs, and then they burned our holy city of Light and paved a highway with our bones." "They invaded our world destroyed our kingdom and made my parents refugees". "They kidnapped my neighbors and experimented upon them in the Undercity, and raised others into undeath and enslaved them". "They blew up Theramore and then used my aunt for target practice in Orgrimmar". Etc. He's going to rally likeminded people he can count on to go take a few scalps. And then likewise, you're going to have a Horde commander or Orcish chieftain who thinks the Horde council are pussies, remembers the good ole days of Blackhand, Garrosh, etc and decides to take action to expand the Horde's holdings (or his clan's) and attack a nearby settlement. News of some of this will make it back up the chain to the state leaders Anduin and Thrall, and it will complicate their relations, but the Horde and Alliance are too large and there is no way to fully crack down on all of this. Probably lots of sympathizers (and corrupt profiteers) in the middle of the bureaucracy trying to protect the lower ranks on the frontline.
Another thing too is that you had generations of youth growing up in a time that glorified warriors fighting against the enemy. Now there has been a timeskip. You would have young men who grew up wanting to become an honorable warrior fighting for their country like his father and his neighbors and his elder friends/brothers, but by the time he has come of age the war is now officially over. He could easily be drawn into a partisan group (based in Hillsbrad, for example, but you could have this happening all over, be it in Northrend or Pandaria and so on) and cross the border to raid enemy villages, and return home with some scalps and the spoils of war and be celebrated in his community.
All of this could be still happening as a background plot while Anduin and Thrall are fighting together against the mob of the week.
They're not getting comments because Blizzard is terrified of sharing plans they aren't sure of yet. Shamans are supposed to be next after Hunters, but they can't say "hey you'll be next, don't worry" because if things go poorly they might not have the time to do large changes in beta. They would rather say nothing that say that changes are coming and then have to walk that back and say that they actually aren't.
Khaz Algar map has very obvious places for Rootlands and Undermine (bottom left and right respectively)
Wait wait wait-
Ethereals vs World Soul last patch? Nice of them to spoil the entire expansion I guess.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-06-19 at 03:41 AM.
Tbh, I think the rootlands and the goblin raid are part of the same patch.
My theory is that the venture company are going to go into the rootlands do their typical shenanigans. I think the Harronir will try and get us to aid them in repelling the venture company, which could be part of their AR requirements, if they're ARs.
Neither mmoc or wowhead have mentioned it, but Ringing deeps and Hallowfall both have the actual maps in as well on PTR at least.
Could be a miniraid, but given the Xal/Dimensius connection and the Ethereal boss in Nerubar being a tease, it really could be the last raid. They make sense as her goons to attack the world soul and would give them a reason to update Ethereals before they show up in Midnight.
There go my "Qiraji help Xal corrupt the worldsoul" dreams. But it would've been too repetitive with the Nerubians. And Ethereals make sense to go from Black Empire (Aqir Nerubians) -> Void proper.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-06-19 at 03:51 AM.
I think a Beledar-based megadungeon could be possible. But it is curious, with the M+ mounts I thought we would be getting a light themed patch.
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This does slightly lower my hopes of playable Etherals in Midnight, I am starting to think Blizzard forgot that there was an entire faction of Ethereals that were actively fighting the void / Dimensius.
I wouldn't read too much into it. Looks like new icons for raidloot from nexus-princess Ky'veza. Your symbol is probably for the treacherous transmitter and void reapers contract seems to be renamed to void reapers chime and uses the ethereal bell symbol.
Possible they spoiled a ethereal raid, but i'm not so sure considering where these items drop. Do we know if ky'veza survives the raidfight? Did anyone do the boss on ptr?
Ethereals getting an update before Midnight launches is possibly a sign pointing towards them being playable IMO, I think their new models (if they get them: Nerubar princess uses a Legion style model) would be a big hint towards them being playable or not.
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Agreed they come from Ky'veza but usually raid items are coded to the name of their respective raid. Similarly to how the Hallowsfall dungeon items have "arathordungeon" in their filename. As there are multiple colors they could reuse the item icons later.
Could be an accidental spoil, but given how much of the entire expansion they teased in alpha/beta, I think it's intentional.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-06-19 at 03:57 AM.
The transmitter and contract both already have icons in the PTR tho. The Transmitter's effect even says, "Equip: Your spells and abilites have a very high chance to power the Transmitter and receive a snippet of cryptic instructions from somewhere in the Twisting Nether..."
Don't feel like its that big of a long shot to think this etherealraid_communicator could be the other end of the transmitter from the ethereals that are directing Nexus-Princess Ky'veza that will show up in 11.1 or 11.2
I think Karesh is being saved for Midnight as the Argus equivalent, due to the slow buildup to both it and Dimensius.
No idea what the 11.2 area would be in its stead save for some vague area around the world soul/under Silithus. Or it's just a raid and this is part of the accelerated schedule?
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.