Which is fine. It would still be a substantial amount of lore for one of the playable Horde races and its storyline would no doubt rope in Horde faction leaders like Gazlowe and Thrall. Further when it’s all said and done, a Horde race gets it’s homeland back that it lost way back in Cataclysm.
Again, Horde content.
They told us about 10.2's new zone 10 months before it actually came out when it was on the original 2023 roadmap they released over holiday break 2022. 10.0.5 is on the 2024 roadmap & if it included a new zone it would be there.
(yes return to the forbidden reach is also on the earliest roadmap. but also there is no additional unused zone in the beta like in dragonflight)
Last edited by Ersula; 2024-06-20 at 01:06 PM.
That's not twists nor is it Blizzard making it seem like a twist????
It's the playerbase wanting it to be a twist ("No, it's not actually the Primus, even though it's obviously the Primus!") and then acting like Blizzard reverse-twisted them when it's just... normal writing?
Not every mystery is a twist.
I’m not seeing how Undermine being neutral changes the fact that it’s still a Goblin city run by Goblins and will be a massive lore dump and storyline for one of the playable Horde races who have connections to that location.
I mean, Gazlowe himself has neutral leanings.
Last edited by Teriz; 2024-06-20 at 01:14 PM.
Is Teldrassil Horde content because the Forsaken now have undead Kaldorei Dark Archers? Is Kul Tiras Horde content because Tandred is Forsaken?
Blizzard itself is moving away from faction specific lore and you want to make the most neutral place in all Warcraft lore Horde content.
Undercity is now Alliance then?
This is definitely just pointless arguing on semantics. TWW is not an Alliance-only expansion but many people feel it is an Alliance expansion because the racial aesthetics of the Earthen and Arathi feel more Alliance than Horde.
How people feel about something is more important than what it canonically is.
People will 100% feel a Goblin patch is more Horde aligned as Goblins, despite only two cartels being Horde, are a Horde playable race, have historically been associated with the Horde, and appear more often in Horde areas.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Has this happened?
- - - Updated - - -
100% of all goblins on Azeroth are not 100% apart of the Horde.
Do you have a crystal ball? I'm not sure why you are making arguments with many people, portraying something as a fact, when such details have not happened.and will be a massive lore dump and storyline for one of the playable Horde races who have connections to that location.
You should learn to use words like "likelihood"
I don't know why people are continuing to harp on factions when there hasn't been a faction specific storyline in the game for nearly 6 years now. The factions serve no purpose in the narrative anymore. If people want to complain that x race is under-represented that's one thing but factions are functionally obsoleted at this point.
And TWW seems to be doing a pretty good job on expanding upon races which have been neglected for years. Goblins and Dwarves haven't gotten the spotlight since Cataclysm. Nerubians got shafted by Azol'Nerub being cut in WotLk. Even the Arathi storyline offers something totally new for humans. People are better off if you remove looking at the story from lense of Horde/Alliance only.
You don't know what it's going to revolve around.
It could very well be a case of "Oh no, Venture Co. completely took over! We have to stop them!" with a focus on both Gnomes/Goblins equally because they usually share a space. Yeah, the story in your mind that hasn't happened yet is absolutely a Horde scenario.
But Undermine inherently is not Horde. Undermine has NOTHING to do with the Horde. Just because Goblins are in the Horde doesn't mean a story set in Gadgetzan is Horde, or a story set in Everlook is Horde. The player goblins aren't even from Undermine. (Just to pre-emptively stop a long discussion: I know that Undermine is the capital of Kezan.)
Doubtful, since there's no prominent Gnomes anywhere in sight, and the player, whether alliance or horde is going to be following Gazlowe and (possibly) Thrall to Undermine.
How are they not from Undermine when Undermine is the capital of the area that the player goblin starts in?But Undermine inherently is not Horde. Undermine has NOTHING to do with the Horde. Just because Goblins are in the Horde doesn't mean a story set in Gadgetzan is Horde, or a story set in Everlook is Horde. The player goblins aren't even from Undermine. (Just to pre-emptively stop a long discussion: I know that Undermine is the capital of Kezan.)
This is the level of obtuse nonsense I'm talking about.