I hate this whole "It doesn't make sense for a racial city to be in expansion content".
Once 11.0 releases, Dragon Isles won't be "expansion content", it'll be base game.
I hate this whole "It doesn't make sense for a racial city to be in expansion content".
Once 11.0 releases, Dragon Isles won't be "expansion content", it'll be base game.
I just want the main cities to be updated with modern graphics.
Imagine all of Stormwind with the graphical fidelity of Boralus, or an updated Orgrimmar with entire new sections such as an Iron Horde inspired railway that lead to the other side of Kalimdor.
We don't know tbh. The thing is, only Sintharia could survive sex with Old God-corrupted Deathwing, any other broodmother would perish. We only really know his mother was Nyxondra who IS a sister of Onyxia, Nefarian and Sabellian. Meanwhile Sabellian is Neltharion's eldest son and was his heir apparent.
A lot of people confused the relation since Wrathion calls Deathing his father in game for whatever reason.
Sabellian being his father I guess is possible. I am assuming there is some level of incest among dragons and they might have completely different concepts of familial bonds than mortals do.
Personally, I think we will get something much more cliche like Wrathion and Sabellian bonding and the latter handling over leadership to Wrathion because he proved himself or something.
It's possible, but I personally expect them to go the other way: Wrathion realizing he should yield the aspect position to Sabellian, that he is not ready to take the mantle of leadership, and that he can do more good as a free agent.
Which is probably what Blizzard prefers, because it allows them to slot the character in many more ways than they could with someone shouldering aspect responsibility. ESPECIALLY if they bring back Anduin and want to revive that whole dynamic.
It would be hilarious if Ebonhorn was picked as the aspect.
Happy New Year’s Eve! I’m really excited to see this channel alive again after a period of silence/very limited conversation.
Now, we have a roadmap and many in-game hints as to where we are going next. I was thinking that maybe we could have a discussion/speculate on what we think 10.1 will be? This conversation can also involve 10.0.7 prelude stuff or post 10.1, too. What do we think?
Yeah no don't put the new NE capitol in the Dragon Isles, leave it elsewhere.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
I dunno why people keep acting like Wrathion has no leadership experience and is some greenhorn who needs to prove that can handle leading people.
The guy has, since infancy and for nearly a decade, been leading the Blacktalon, a world-spanning network of dozens spies and operatives. Your very first introduction to Wrathion is that he is nearly innately able to lead people, right out of the shell. Everyone also seems to repeat this idea that he has no experience leading other dragons, forgetting that Fahrad was a black dragon who recognized his authority and willingly followed him until the whispers overcame his loyalty. He also has, on three sperate occasions, directed player characters.
Considering that Sabellians only leadership experience pre-DF is the absolute colossal failure of helping Deathwing (i.e. following orders, not making leadership decisions) settle black dragons in hostile territory in northern Draenor, where nearly all of them were wiped out in the ensuing conflict; and then directing the player character to kill gronn in revenge... I feel like, if anything, Sabellian's leadership experience is really the one in question.
Last edited by Hitei; 2022-12-31 at 11:15 PM.
Wrathion has tried to do the Aspects' job since the moment he was born. Sabellian never cared about the Oath of the Aspects; he is the de facto leader of the black dragonflight (Given almost the entire flight recognizes him as such and owes their existence to him) but he has never shown any interest in the duties of the Aspect of the Earth. Wrathion has worked for the title, Sabellian just expects to inherit it just because he was Neltharion's heir; well Deathwing broke that Oath and his choice means shit.
Sabellian's timeline goes as far back as the old Horde, so decades. Wrathion has done more leading in his 10-15 years than Sabellian has in his entire existence. He's not a 15 year old human child. He's a titan-infused drake who was conscious in his shell and even then planning out how to turn the tables on the red dragons who planned on keeping him captive, and has been leading a spy organization that rivals SI;7 since being a toddler.
This is exactly the problem. It is an important position and instead of actually looking at the leadership experience both dragons have you're going "Um yeah, but Wrathion is younger?". Wrathion is the one who has management experience, and, as Nymrohd said, is the only black dragon in the past 20,000 years to actually do the job responsibilities of that position we are talking about filling.
Darn I dont know how I missed this for a month. Im always in the first few pages of the new thead. Oh well. How bout that road map tho?
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I can guarantee Archeology 2.0 will be 10.1. If 10.1 is underground, what better time to do it.
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Placing it in 10.1.5 means it gets 4 months to shine and be better than Normal raid gear. I imagine if Normal raid gear is 430 ilev in 10.1, the dungeon would drop like 440 ilev inbetween Normal and heroic, and allowing it to be upgraded to Almost mythic with Valor?
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I imagine Anduin in his potential 11.0 return would be nearly 30 by that point. Manduin if you will. He will be much more practical and less idealistic. Kinda like Legion Varian. Peace is nice, but not at the cost of your people etc.
We need a "Lies of Wrathion" Book, apparently. One where we finally confront his involvement with the Iron Horde & deal with his Parentage. In Cataclysm it established him as "the last uncorrupted black dragon" and therefor, the only person fit to inherit the role of Black Aspect: But he suddenly he starts calling Deathwing his father. Deathwing was hibernating for thousands of years when did that happen?
Things the writers never firmly established but they really should have: Who's job is it to make dragon babies? How long do Dragon Eggs gestate? What powers did the Aspects actually lose when they extinguished the Dragon Soul?