1. #76041
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    There aint much lore to tell besides what was seen on beta and we were told about it.

    Nothing tells that we will. We might, but nothing is certain.
    Thought GDC talked about it

  2. #76042
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    If we assume Worldsouls aren't naturally Titans, what do y'all think they represent then? Cause, IF they aren't Titans naturally, I have my own theory on the matter
    Currently, i think they are "raw" cosmic matter. Pure energy. Cosmic forces can probably sway the alignment of the souls in one direction or the other. We know of only one world soul that manifested so far, Argus. Yet, argus looked like a Titan... but he was supposedly completely aligned with death magic, thus his crash into the arbiter in the shadowlands. I think argus was the same "thing" as the titans of the pantheon, and what sargeras is. But about azeroth world souls? now, it seems to be special. It could be a the seventh first one, the one that is nothing and all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
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  3. #76043
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    We will probably be level 100 for The Last Titan, right?

  4. #76044
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    We will probably be level 100 for The Last Titan, right?
    Assuming they continue to follow the 10 lvl rule, yes.

  5. #76045
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    We will probably be level 100 for The Last Titan, right?
    Most likely and then level squish in 14.0.

    Weird that we don't have number squish now btw, TWW will have bigger numbers than TLT.

  6. #76046
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Also, the Jailer is quite literally beyond Titan level lmaooo. Literally everything both in game and outside the game states that a prime Eternal One is akin to a prime Titan. This is not debatable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Or need I remind you of the Oribos skybox with the Maw and constant things both in game and out of game stating that the Eternal Ones ARE equal to the Titans?
    Except thats pretty much bullshit. Again, give me one official source that confirms that in any way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Also, @Houle outside of 1 very outdated interview, you have less of a claim to make regarding the Eternal Ones not being Titan level Vs otherwise
    Now this is kinda funny, bc the only source for your claims was always that one EVEN MORE OUTDATED dev interview haha. Thats the only source you managed to find so far, and its older and thus more outdated than the interview that said Eternal Ones are around titan keeper level. So, again, got any other source besides that?

    On the other hand, the indications that the Eternal Ones arent even close to the titans are...pretty much everywhere in the game.

    Youre just doing what youre pretty much always doing - basing your "arguments" on how you WANT things in the lore to be, instead of what was actually shown.
    Last edited by Houle; 2024-07-19 at 12:25 AM.
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  7. #76047
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    Except thats pretty much bullshit. Again, give me one official source that confirms that in any way.

    Now this is kinda funny, bc the only source for your claims was always that one EVEN MORE OUTDATED dev interview haha. Thats the only source you managed to find so far, and its older and thus more outdated than the interview that said Eternal Ones are around titan keeper level. So, again, got any other source besides that?

    On the other hand, the indications that the Eternal Ones arent even close to the titans are...pretty much everywhere in the game.

    Youre just doing what youre pretty much always doing - basing your "arguments" on how you WANT things in the lore to be, instead of what was actually shown.
    There are lots of interviews post Shadowlands launch that describe the Eternal Ones as being Titan level. Try again.

  8. #76048
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    There are lots of interviews post Shadowlands launch that describe the Eternal Ones as being Titan level. Try again.
    Link even a single one. You make the claim, you provide the source for said claim. Try again.
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  9. #76049
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    There are lots of interviews post Shadowlands launch that describe the Eternal Ones as being Titan level. Try again.
    Such dishonesty.
    This claim has been debunked 100 times over, and you personally have participated in arguments where you've been shut down over this. The whole verbiage of "titans plus" comes from Ion stating they needed to have a major antagonistic threat (The Jailer) be "titan-level" or "titan++" level in order to be credible threat after fighting such enemies like Argus and N'Zoth.

    There has never been an interview that outright states the Eternal Ones are stronger or at the same level of the titans. It has not been said.

    You refuse to answer his question, and instead constantly dodge it, because you can't find it.

    Cut out your psuedo-intellectual high horse riding over fictional lore, especially if you are constantly wrong.

    "Try again" bro how about you actually try.

  10. #76050
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Such dishonesty.
    This claim has been debunked 100 times over, and you personally have participated in arguments where you've been shut down over this. The whole verbiage of "titans plus" comes from Ion stating they needed to have a major antagonistic threat (The Jailer) be "titan-level" or "titan++" level in order to be credible threat after fighting such enemies like Argus and N'Zoth.

    There has never been an interview that outright states the Eternal Ones are stronger or at the same level of the titans. It has not been said.

    You refuse to answer his question, and instead constantly dodge it, because you can't find it.

    Cut out your psuedo-intellectual high horse riding over fictional lore, especially if you are constantly wrong.

    "Try again" bro how about you actually try.
    It has not been debunked. Y'alls only "debunks" come from the fact we defeated Denathrius and the fact you saw drought weakened Eternals struggle through stuff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    "There has never been an interview that outright states the Eternal Ones are stronger or at the same level of the titans. It has not been said."

    Hearthstone says they're counterparts to the Titans, Firims notes says they're on par, Dragonflight implies there may be beings of Life whose power rivals that of the Titans

    https://web.archive.org/web/20200710...gendary-power- Morgan Day says they are on par with Titan's

    Steve Danuser has an interview with Bellular where he states the Titans, Void Lords,and Eternal Ones are the next layer down from the First Ones (implying they are all the same level)

    Need I go on or do y'all need quotes as well?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Getting real tired of repeating myself. But keep trying.

  11. #76051
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    It has not been debunked. Y'alls only "debunks" come from the fact we defeated Denathrius and the fact you saw drought weakened Eternals struggle through stuff.
    And again you are trying to deflect the question.

    Link one of these supposed "post-SL-launch interviews". You just said there are apparently "lots of them".

    Link. One.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Hearthstone says they're counterparts to the Titans
    Hearthstone lol.
    Hearthstone also counted Yogg and Mimiron as titan equivalents. Hearthstone does whatever it wants, its not really relevant to the warcraft lore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post

    Firims notes says they're on par, Dragonflight implies there may be beings of Life whose power rivals that of the Titans

    Steve Danuser has an interview with Bellular where he states the Titans, Void Lords,and Eternal Ones are the next layer down from the First Ones (implying they are all the same level)
    They are all the "next layer down" bc they all occupy the same position in their respective forces - they are the leaders of the cosmic forces. Their personal power compared to each other is something very different.
    As weve seen with Sargeras and the other titans (and as you yourself said, Zovaal and the Eternal Ones), they are not all equally powerful. Some titans are stronger than others. Some Eternal ones are stronger than others. So we already know they are not necessarily equally powerful. Which means them occupying the same ranks in their respective forces does not at all mean they are equally powerful. Position doesnt equal personal power.
    Chronicles 1 btw also described the VLs as "envious" of the titans power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    https://web.archive.org/web/20200710...gendary-power- Morgan Day says they are on par with Titan's
    That interview was released months before SL came out lol. Yknow what another interview pre-launch said? That Eternal Ones are around the level of titan keepers. Which means none of them can be really taken into consideration.

    You claimed there were lots of post-launch interviews.
    Last edited by Houle; 2024-07-19 at 01:39 AM.
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  12. #76052
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    And again you are trying to deflect the question.

    Link one of these supposed "post-SL-launch interviews". You just said there are apparently "lots of them".

    Link. One.

    They're all said to be of equal level here.

    https://www.wowhead.com/item=208649/...e-of-the-dream There is also this book (Which implies there is likely a Pantheon of Life and their power is seemingly equal to that of the Titans)

    "At these far reaches, I felt the presence of entities whose power seemed vast and unknowable, akin to the titans themselves."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, one.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Can we knock it off with this debate now?

  13. #76053
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post

    They're all said to be of equal level here.
    Nope, they are said to be of equal ranks, bc they are leaders of cosmic forces. Not of equal power. We already know that even the individual members of each Pantheon are not of equal power (Sargeras and Zovaal being the strongest members of their respective Pantheons) so theres really not much reason to assume the rest of them have to be of equal power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    https://www.wowhead.com/item=208649/...e-of-the-dream There is also this book (Which implies there is likely a Pantheon of Life and their power is seemingly equal to that of the Titans)

    "At these far reaches, I felt the presence of entities whose power seemed vast and unknowable, akin to the titans themselves."

    Can we knock it off with this debate now?
    First of all, thats an unreliable ingame character who FELT something. But even if we take it at face value, then same thing as above: Those beings are not the Eternal Ones. Elune, for example, seemed to be much stronger than the WQ, from what both have shown. Different Pantheons might have the same position in their forces, but can very much be of different strength.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Can we knock it off with this debate now?
    I mean, one post ago you were fully on the "Try again" train.

    But ok i guess?
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  14. #76054
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    If we assume Worldsouls aren't naturally Titans, what do y'all think they represent then? Cause, IF they aren't Titans naturally, I have my own theory on the matter
    My guess would be the material universe itself. Natural elemental power. I think that's the 'seventh power', a realm that borders the six cosmic realms, and the Worldsouls are manifestations of it. Pantheons like the Titans and the Void Lords are trying to hijack the Worldsouls for their own purposes.

  15. #76055
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    Nope, they are said to be of equal ranks, bc they are leaders of cosmic forces. Not of equal power. We already know that even the individual members of each Pantheon are not of equal power (Sargeras and Zovaal being the strongest members of their respective Pantheons) so theres really not much reason to assume the rest of them have to be of equal power.

    First of all, thats an unreliable ingame character who FELT something. But even if we take it at face value, then same thing as above: Those beings are not the Eternal Ones. Elune, for example, seemed to be much stronger than the WQ, from what both have shown. Different Pantheons might have the same position in their forces, but can very much be of different strength.

    I mean, one post ago you were fully on the "Try again" train.

    But ok i guess?
    Yeah equal ranks mean equal power in this case. There is no reason to assume otherwise. Also, regarding the Green Dragon FEELING their presence, wouldn't that be evidence to support the similar power ranking argument? Both them and the Titans are transcendant and possess unfathomable power. I mean, if you think otherwise, I really need to see stuff on your end regarding it, cause I'm not convinced.

    Also, there is nothing to suggest a Prime Winter Queen isn't as strong as Elune in her prime. While we haven't seen them both at their prime, we can at least assume that they're both similar in terms of rank for their respective realms, which should relate to power as well normally (ignoring bullshit like the drought of course).

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm still on the "try again" train.

  16. #76056
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    My guess would be the material universe itself. Natural elemental power. I think that's the 'seventh power', a realm that borders the six cosmic realms, and the Worldsouls are manifestations of it. Pantheons like the Titans and the Void Lords are trying to hijack the Worldsouls for their own purposes.
    That checks out with how Spirit works. However, apparently worlds WITHOUT worldsouls have more spirit. Doesn't that run counter to the idea?

  17. #76057
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    My guess would be the material universe itself. Natural elemental power. I think that's the 'seventh power', a realm that borders the six cosmic realms, and the Worldsouls are manifestations of it. Pantheons like the Titans and the Void Lords are trying to hijack the Worldsouls for their own purposes.
    So you think the 7th Progenitor is something called "Element" or whatnot, and the Worldsouls are more-so manifestations of that Progenitors influence instead of the other 6 influences?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmmm...maybe. But at the same time? Idk. Always saw the elements as a thing the Progenitors created so the Mortal realm could be better structured.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Besides, based off what we know so far, the 7th power seemingly exists outside the design, while the elements are the lower ring within the design.

  18. #76058
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Besides, based off what we know so far, the 7th power seemingly exists outside the design, while the elements are the lower ring within the design.
    I've thought for a while that Time was the 7th but I could see it being Spirit, as otherwise Elementals come from nothing. Elements could be a part of Life magics but I'm not so sure.

  19. #76059
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I've thought for a while that Time was the 7th but I could see it being Spirit, as otherwise Elementals come from nothing. Elements could be a part of Life magics but I'm not so sure.
    I don't think it's either personally. The 7th power was said to be "unseen" by Zovaal, and the elements are definitely not unseen. And we know that time is a construct of Order.

  20. #76060
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    That checks out with how Spirit works. However, apparently worlds WITHOUT worldsouls have more spirit. Doesn't that run counter to the idea?
    My understanding is that Worldsouls soak up lots of Spirit, so worlds without one have more to go around. Also why the elements got more moody on ancient Azeroth, since apparently Spirit keeps elementals regular or whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    So you think the 7th Progenitor is something called "Element" or whatnot, and the Worldsouls are more-so manifestations of that Progenitors influence instead of the other 6 influences?
    I'd lean more towards the 7th realm being someting not directly connected with the Progenitors - something coming into being spontaneously, without their effort and outside their influence.

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