1. #76121
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    No way they are doing another underwater thing after Vashjir, sadly. And thanks to Afrasiabi they wasted Nazjatar already.
    They could do water zone easily. Main issue with Vashj'ir (which, mind you, was released 14y ago) was it's huge size. This time they can make a smaller zone with more air pocket places.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  2. #76122
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    Underwater zone could work if they make some dynamic method of transportation similar to Skyriding. Maybe in Midnight, we need candidate for 4th zone (beside Eversong, Ghostlands, Amani) and at this point people will be fed up with underground themes.

  3. #76123
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They could do water zone easily. Main issue with Vashj'ir (which, mind you, was released 14y ago) was it's huge size. This time they can make a smaller zone with more air pocket places.
    I'd say the biggest issue was melee range being a cylinder instead of a sphere.

  4. #76124
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Underwater zone could work if they make some dynamic method of transportation similar to Skyriding. Maybe in Midnight, we need candidate for 4th zone (beside Eversong, Ghostlands, Amani) and at this point people will be fed up with underground themes.
    That's exactly what I think will happen. The main issues with Vashj'ir are all related to technology limitations at the time. The underwater delve uses a different system to Vashj'ir where it's basically just moon gravity rather than actual swimming, so it just feels like a bouncier, more floaty version of a regular ground zone with no frustrating accidental swimming that massively slows you down. It feels great and still distinctly underwater, and if you add dynamic swimming mounts to function as the flying analogue then it would feel like any other zone, just underwater.

  5. #76125
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    No way they are doing another underwater thing after Vashjir, sadly. And thanks to Afrasiabi they wasted Nazjatar already.
    Vashj'ir was almost 15 years ago. The technology and design advantages they have now are different than back then. The biggest issues as far as I remember were:

    1. Targeting
    2. Melee range
    3. Movement
    4. I *think* there may have been a distortion effect they shortly thereafter removed
    5. It was very large with no good hubs for MMO interactions-it felt like three zones you couldn't easily break out of once you started

    All of these are easily fixable and avoidable. Dynamic flying could also easily be adapted to work really well under water. They would need to do a pass on some skills to make sure they function usefully/correctly underwater, which is currently not the case with some abilities, but again all doable.

    But I do think since they wasted Nazjatar, finding the right moment to do it is, imo, the bigger issue.

  6. #76126
    I know this is a stupid question, but am I seriously the only one who liked Vash'jir?

    It's like flying. You just press tab when looking at the target and there you go. What's the big issue? If people hate Vash'jir so much then asking for flying combat is going to lead to the same complaints.

  7. #76127
    vashjr was the best zone
    fast quests
    faster seahorse
    giant bodies
    giant skeletons

  8. #76128
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    We have that one Kobyss Delve that is entirely underwater but locks you to the ground.

    If they do an underwater zone, they could do that to a major chunk of the zone.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  9. #76129
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post

    One of the First Ones likely has their own design with their own stuff in mind. I imagine this "unknown First One" is gonna end up being the final boss of Warcraft, assuming Blizzard doesn't pull anymore bullshit out their ass, of course.
    I wouldn't say I like that a rebel or fallen first one is the ultimate evil. It was similar in Starcraft, Amon was a fallen Xel Naga that betrayed the rest.

    However it can happen: the first one versus the last one hehe

  10. #76130
    Stood in the Fire meroes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Underwater zone could work if they make some dynamic method of transportation similar to Skyriding. Maybe in Midnight, we need candidate for 4th zone (beside Eversong, Ghostlands, Amani) and at this point people will be fed up with underground themes.
    I would love to see a graph of those who like water zones vs what class they play mostly in said water zones when the content is fresh. I’m up for another shot but I can imagine for some classes it’s better/worse.
    Started in closed beta, probably before your class was even in the game.

  11. #76131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I know this is a stupid question, but am I seriously the only one who liked Vash'jir?
    No you are obviously not.

  12. #76132
    I thought Vashj'r was very unique and was disappointed that the long awaited Azshara zone was not underwater (even though the end result we got was kinda creative). Underwater combat in GW2 was also novel and spruced up adventuring in the vanilla maps. Sadly underwater gameplay was jetissoned in the expansions. In the HoT expansion there is a hero point you have to travel through a shark infested underwater tunnel to reach, and then that's it. The End of Dragons expansion about the last Elder Dragon, the ED of water, didn't even have any underwater content in it! It climaxes in you fight the water dragon on a tower in the middle of dry land! WTF? I also really liked the underwater Japanese kingdom of Sui-no-Sato from FF14, and the underwater City of Raging Tides from Perfect World.

  13. #76133
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    What I always thought was neat about Vashj'ir was how it was divided up into three sub-zones. I don't know why they did that, or why it never happened again.

  14. #76134
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    What I always thought was neat about Vashj'ir was how it was divided up into three sub-zones. I don't know why they did that, or why it never happened again.
    Well they kinda did that with Argus?^^

  15. #76135
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    That's right.

    They should do that more often, it's neat.

  16. #76136
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    That's right.

    They should do that more often, it's neat.
    Yeah it kinda helped to sell it as a mini-Expansion.

    *Still Argus should have been it's own Expansion and WoD-Legion-Argus should just have been the Felstorm Saga*

    Who said that? Actually, that sounds great.

  17. #76137
    Is there any new Titan artwork in the new Chronicles?

  18. #76138
    I liked Vashjir but played ranged so didn't notice any targeting issues.

    The main thing I'm a bit worried about in TWW is underground-fatigue. If the speculation of the patches being goblin and rootland themed are right, then that would be all the expac content also underground. I'm thinking its more likely that Karesh will be a patch in order to get us out in the open for a while

  19. #76139
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Is there any new Titan artwork in the new Chronicles?
    Nope. The closest is the image of a few keepers holding the pillars of creation
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  20. #76140
    Pandaren Monk shanthi's Avatar
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    I don't think locking characters to the seafloor would work for an underwater zone. It's fine for a delve, which is a short, largely scripted affair but the entire point of an underwater zone is that it's three-dimensional to explore--that you can swim up and actually interact with things higher up (unlike with flight in normal zones, with rare exceptions like flying through an orb or ring or whatever).

    I do think that Blizzard could do an underwater zone, like Vashj'ir, much better today. They have Vashj'ir to learn from as well as better game tech. I wouldn't mind them taking another swing at it.
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