1. #76661
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Anyone seen this one? It's a really good speculation vid about the Titans actually being behind the First Ones and the Shadowlands.

    It is a cool video. I like the style and the humour. I do not agree or disagree with anything that it says as we really do not have all the information, but I definitively can also see the hand of the Titans in the Shadowlands.

    I am happy that the WSS will make at least, presumably, a significant development in Cosmic and Titan lore, hopefully clearing a bit all the enormous amount of shit that sadly SL brought to the table.
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  2. #76662
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Skyreach as a M+ dungeon would definitely be my guess at least. Some unused appearance from WoD brought back to be used as a drop.
    I actually thought Skyreach should have been chosen instead of shadowmoon in DF season 1. That dungeon has some real fun boss mechanics and all of them being somewhat stand alone fights out of the entire dungeon pool.

  3. #76663
    I noticed thanks to a MRGMs post in X that besides Xal'athat image for today's short there is also this one:

    I find it curious as this picture is clearly from an in-game cinematic and the Xal'athat one from the shorts that are coming. So maybe today we only get a trailer about the shorts?

    Although now that I look at it a little bit more it might not be from an in-game cinematic... Hmmm what do you think?
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  4. #76664
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    It's not an in-game cinematic, it's also a 2D image....

    You can clearly see the brush strokes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And also, the short is about Ansureks rise to power, not Xal'atath herself.

    So don't expect anything super revelatory.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  5. #76665
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    It's not an in-game cinematic, it's also a 2D image....

    You can clearly see the brush strokes.
    Ahhh I see. Good then! New short today it is. It seems that it will not be focused in Xal'athat past but in how she gained the Nerubians support, which could be cool too.

    We will see in less than an hour, I guess.
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  6. #76666
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    And also, the short is about Ansureks rise to power, not Xal'atath herself.

    So don't expect anything super revelatory.
    Would be actually disappointed if it was about Xal. Waaaaay to early to reveal anything about her.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  7. #76667
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Second time I've seen this, don't know much about LoL characters, could you elaborate how this eye closeup reminds you of what appears to be a Warrior-type character? Cause otherwise it feels like this is drawing on very superficial comparisons of two "mighty female" characters.

    Of course there's nothing new under the sun, and media openly steals from each other, but we gotta stop with these silly comparisons of characters that have nothing to do with each other.

    Well, the Titans have been to Zereth Ordus, but I rather understood that as them being invited there, to be taught, "educated" about the ways of Order.
    Y...you do realize the Titans were likely created and blessed there, correct?

    Assuming the worldsoul origin reigns true, their bodies were likely blueprinted and gifted at Zereth Ordus, and their souls were likely launched into the Beyond so they could mature into their Titan bodies.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    It is a cool video. I like the style and the humour. I do not agree or disagree with anything that it says as we really do not have all the information, but I definitively can also see the hand of the Titans in the Shadowlands.

    I am happy that the WSS will make at least, presumably, a significant development in Cosmic and Titan lore, hopefully clearing a bit all the enormous amount of shit that sadly SL brought to the table.
    Why do you see the Titans playing a hand in anything Shadowlands related? Literally none of their magic or influence exists there outside of the fact that Death is structured somewhat.

  8. #76668
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Why do you see the Titans playing a hand in anything Shadowlands related? Literally none of their magic or influence exists there outside of the fact that Death is structured somewhat.
    But that Death is structured (I would use the term "ordered") is a clear sign of that influence. The Pantheon of Death are puppets created in Zereth Mortis. We know that the SL existed in a different way before what they are now, another sign that someone came and "ordered" them, just like The Emerald Dream, presumably created by Freya, but the last news about it points to Freya changing something that was already there, not creating it (again, The Emerald Dream was "ordered"). Moreover, The Emerald Dream and Ardenweald are linked. I can see the Titans having a hand in this too.

    The whole of the SL smells of Titan ordering. You have this group with its minions that do this.You have this other group with other minions that do that. Everything has been thinked of and has a purpose.

    As I said before, all this is highly speculative as we do not have much information, but for now, that the SL were conquered and ordered by the Titans makes perfect sense IMO. There is also the option that the First Ones created or repurposed the SL, but as we do not know anything about them, I cannot speculate about how or why they would do that.
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  9. #76669
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    But that Death is structured (I would use the term "ordered") is a clear sign of that influence. The Pantheon of Death are puppets created in Zereth Mortis. We know that the SL existed in a different way before what they are now, another sign that someone came and "ordered" them, just like The Emerald Dream, presumably created by Freya, but the last news about it points to Freya changing something that was already there, not creating it (again, The Emerald Dream was "ordered"). Moreover, The Emerald Dream and Ardenweald are linked. I can see the Titans having a hand in this too.

    The whole of the SL smells of Titan ordering. You have this group with its minions that do this.You have this other group with other minions that do that. Everything has been thinked of and has a purpose.

    As I said before, all this is highly speculative as we do not have much information, but for now, that the SL were conquered and ordered by the Titans makes perfect sense IMO. There is also the option that the First Ones created or repurposed the SL, but as we do not know anything about them, I cannot speculate about how or why they would do that.
    Except the First Ones had it to where forces such as Light, Order, and Death were forces of "Rhythm and Structure".

    This is literally a thing talked about in Zereth Mortis.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm just saying, focusing on what's shown in game can help out a BIG deal

  10. #76670
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    - - - Updated - - -

    Not much new info.

    But christ, the art is good.
    I adore the way Xal is portrayed here.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  11. #76671
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Ohhh I love it. Not much happens. Nothing really important. But it is pretty cool. I really enjoy this artstyle.
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  12. #76672
    I suppose that is the only short we are getting then?

  13. #76673
    Nice looking, but pretty underwhelming compared to others like Gul'dan or Ash'zara.

  14. #76674
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I suppose that is the only short we are getting then?
    I sure as fuck hope not.

    They have another 2 weeks to fill, and Khaz Algar got more than enough story threads to highlight.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  15. #76675
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    I sure as fuck hope not.

    They have another 2 weeks to fill, and Khaz Algar got more than enough story threads to highlight.
    Dunno, the fact that it doesn't have a series title to me implies it's the only one. I would like one about an Earthen character at least, maybve Brinthe.

  16. #76676
    I actually enjoyed htis more than any of them since the Uther one in Shadowlands. It's the way Xal'atath moves and the way it communicates about nerubian society in just a few minutes.
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  17. #76677
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Dunno, the fact that it doesn't have a series title to me implies it's the only one. I would like one about an Earthen character at least, maybve Brinthe.
    Just give me one about the Arathi showing anything about their Empire and I will be more than happy.
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  18. #76678
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    Just give me one about the Arathi showing anything about their Empire and I will be more than happy.
    They are not gonna show anything about that, I can guarantee you that. Definitely a seed for a future expansion/patch. Plus, we already had a Hallowfall piece (short story).

  19. #76679
    I'd rather we not get any more shorts until the next raid tiers. With a short for each final boss.

  20. #76680
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    They are not gonna show anything about that, I can guarantee you that. Definitely a seed for a future expansion/patch. Plus, we already had a Hallowfall piece (short story).
    Maybe a video about how they got to Hallowfall? We could get some pictures of the departure of the expedition from the Empire.
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