I'm curious what Xal needs the Nerubians for, is it just for the Blood? I don't think the beta confirmed anything otherwise.
I'm curious what Xal needs the Nerubians for, is it just for the Blood? I don't think the beta confirmed anything otherwise.
I'm thinking that Xal was the 5th old gold originally. She's using the Nerubians to harvest the black blood of the old gods and using that tendril in the cinematic (maybe a part of her original form) to craft a new body for herself. (in chronicle, the 5th old god shown in the image with the 4 old gods in the border, shows the unknown one amongst roots)
The first raid could end with the from being completed just in time, leading us to kill Xal'atah in her new possessed old god body in a hypothetical rootlands patch. Leaving her formless yet again. Leading her to possess Alleria (Knowingly or unknowingly to us) which would lead into the corruption of the sunwell. Its the only way I can see us getting to Quel'thalas for midnight.
I think the Nerubians have a two fold meaning for Xal: 1, she as the harbinger of the void brings a old void servant back to heel after they shirked their duties, as seen in the cinematics. 2, she uses them as a distraction, and cannon fodder, as the void isn't really that concerned about their minions. And it would fit with the narrative of the people Xal used in the past. The troll rebellion to fight the old god forces, Modguds madness. Xal always used others to fight.
The why? Well, to mask her true goals. Which could be the world soul or the Beledar. Both are tasty prizes for the Void. The world soul is obvious. But the Beledar could be the potentially more achievable goal. We have to see if the story in the Arathi area will develope in patches, or the story in the nerubian/harronir area.
Meh short. They're still doing the bad modern Hollywood music schtick too. Blizzard had good shorts with MoP and WoD, and then last their mojo after. Gul'dan was sorta okay, and Jaina was good, and that was it. The rest of the Legion/BFA/Shadowlands/Dragonflight shorts were forgettable.
I don't like that the Nerubians look like humanoids now. Should have stuck with their WotLK designs.
Jaina is the best by far, khadgar's in legion is pretty cool and Uther's in SL was epic and basically the best thing out of SL, which happenned before it even came out lol.
"We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
— G.K. Chesterton
You'll believe it when you see it for yourself.
Khadgar's Harbinger in Legion was the best of them all. Its so good I've listed it as top 3 cinematics of Blizzard. The voice actor is so darn good! Going to miss it...
I think about it every day, and that is why I don't accept your conclusion(sorry the geek in me took over, this was based on his dialogue in his Harbinger short)
The Gul'dan one was also very good.
And yeah the list goes on, Azshara, Jaina and especially the Ardenweald one was great!
I dont remember the MoP ones, but WoD was good too.
Last edited by Doffen; 2024-08-08 at 12:31 AM.
Mostly World of Warcraft stuff
The Ascended Nerubians are actually a minority in game and in lore, you work with regular nerubians to take them down.
I would like a redemption for them to make them playable but it is definitely not that way at launch.
Blizzard sorta answered how they’re going to handle Dracthyr racials when they’re expanded to other classes.
I personally like this idea, they’ll probably increase the racial CDs to 3 mins. I might change my mage to a Dracthyr. The knock up & blast wave combo would be sick in Arathi Basin.
This is quickly becoming apocryphal: It was the devs admiration themselves for the character is why they eventually decided to keep him around: As they obviously decided to not kill him in the same tier he first appears. How could they have decided that before fans even got to react to him?
I stand corrected. But I assume the animated shorts, Revendreth’s short especially as it was voiced by Denathrius himself, would have played a large part with Blizzard’s admiration for the VA? I think it’s fair to assume that most of the VA was done around the same time so during the concept of Revendreth’s short the plan was still for Denathrius to kick the bucket in the first raid?
Either way, some of the shorts being dedicated to characters who aren’t that long lived isn’t uncommon and definitely isn’t a new thing with The War Within. I’m guessing the next two are going to be Hallowfall and Earthen related, if so I think it’s fair to assume the Earthen short may follow the Earthen fella who ends up dying in the campaign.
This is when we get a curveball and the remaining two shorts are dedicated to the Kobold Candle King and the Venture Co.