1. #76841
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    It also shows why many small patches are superior to massive patches every 5 months like in BfA/SL. There is always room for quick improvements even if something require new patch.
    I am usually more excited for smaller patches because they often bring experimental stuff or QOL stuff, while big patches are cool and needed, but you kinda know what you are gonna get, aside from what the setting will be.

  2. #76842
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Because Zereth Mortis literally has nothing to do with anything Death related? It is quite literally named after the french word for Death.

    And don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be an issue if it was the Order one, or the Disorder one, but it is, once again, literally the Zereth of Death. If there is one place that probably shouldn't be about Creation, it's this one.
    Er, no? The whole point of the place is to create what is needed to keep the Shadowlands running. You're arguing it should be unsuited for its primary purpose because you can't wrap your head around the concept that a place that makes something is not the same as the thing it makes. Your expectations make no sense. Zereth Mortis is pefectly logical within the frame of the universe.

    The way it is used, Zereth probably means something along the lines of Workshop or Factory. Zereth Mortis makes Death related stuff. Zereth Lumen makes Light stuff. Etc. It makes sense to have seperate places for each to avoid accidental cross-contamination.

    The whole Zereth Mortis lore only makes sense if it's not specific to the Shadowlands, but all of Creation. That's why having all the other Zereth would actively make Zereth Mortis worse. Why is Zereth Mortis mysteriously so much more important than all the other Zereths? Why does it have a facility that allows you to rewrite reality?
    Where are you even getting the idea that it is? What makes you think that only Zereth Mortis has that? You seem to be working off entirely your own guesses about the place, not any actual information we have about them.

    Zereth Mortis also doesn't make new lifes. It creates afterlifes and sundry. It does not create anything not intended for use in or by the Shadowlands.

  3. #76843
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I am usually more excited for smaller patches because they often bring experimental stuff or QOL stuff, while big patches are cool and needed, but you kinda know what you are gonna get, aside from what the setting will be.
    Oh yeah, especially now when they spread out content, interesting stuff are in small patches and all that's left for main ones is new zone, new raid, new season.

    And on top of that story in DF was weakest link of whole expac. If TWW big patches will have epic endings like Nighthold/ToS/Antorus, reception will be far better.

  4. #76844
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I give Blizzard a lot of leeway when it comes to unpopular design decisions, because something that might initially seem "player unfriendly" can potentially be healthier for the game in the long-run.

    However, the way they handled Class Items and retroactive quests is just plain stupid and non-sensical. They made tier set tokens Warbound, yet the actual pieces themselves not? What?

    And then they have a system, that was working, maybe not flawlessly, but working and they just scrap it? How can you defend it? His defense boils down to "Well, fuck me for wanting to play the entire game 4 times to get all the mogs!" What???? Mans the biggest contrarian in the WoW community.
    Soul keeps going on defensive and Blizzard pulls the rug from under him, I love it love it. He already backtracked lmaooo
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

  5. #76845
    Well you can cosplay as Xal in Diablo 4 now lol

  6. #76846
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Well you can cosplay as Xal in Diablo 4 now lol
    Not that i care about diablo anymore, but these sets look great. Xavius/druid looks a bit weird though. There is a chunky xavius model they could have used as inspiration rather than trying to make the skinny model fit.
    Xal, kael and sylvanas will bring in some money for blizzard

  7. #76847
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Tbh it still feels like Zereth Mortis was originally meant to be just "the creators workshop" and somewhere half through development they changed it so that every cosmic force has a Zereth instead.
    It IS the creator's workshop. However, it's one of 6 workshops (Supposedly, tho there could be more?).

  8. #76848
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    It IS the creator's workshop. However, it's one of 6 workshops (Supposedly, tho there could be more?).
    The Creators Workshop that is somehow the only one able to rewrite reality.

  9. #76849
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Yeah, Zereth Mortis doesn't really feel like a death realm, and the whole "imbuing automata with souls to create beings" thing is very out of place.

    Then again, I suppose, we don't know if the other Zereths are actually a thing. We just assume they are a thing because Mortis was listed along with all the other Force-Names.
    Zereth Ordus was name dropped, so we can assume that other Zereths do infact exist. Also, Zereth Mortis doesn't look like a Death realm because it's not supposed to be. It's a workshop where the domain of Death was created AKA a behind the scenes of it all. It makes sense that it would look different from the actual Death realm.

  10. #76850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    The Creators Workshop that is somehow the only one able to rewrite reality.
    Is it explicitly stated that ZM is the only Zereth to have an Origination device?
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  11. #76851
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    The Creators Workshop that is somehow the only one able to rewrite reality.
    Except it's not. The heart of the Sepulcher was literally connecting itself to the other inner sanctums of the First Ones (AKA the heart of Zereth Ordus, the heart of Zereth Vitae, etc). Firim talks about this in his final book regarding his studies of Zereth Mortis.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Is it explicitly stated that ZM is the only Zereth to have an Origination device?
    No. The Machine of Origination is an overarching machine that stretches throughout each cosmic heart. Zovaal simply activated it through the Heart of Eternity (AKA Death's part of the machine).

  12. #76852
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    Not that i care about diablo anymore, but these sets look great. Xavius/druid looks a bit weird though. There is a chunky xavius model they could have used as inspiration rather than trying to make the skinny model fit.
    Xal, kael and sylvanas will bring in some money for blizzard
    Sets look good but also some weird uncanny valley when they are on the D4 models. Which is actually why I think the druid one is the best even though it looks nothing like Xavius.

  13. #76853
    You gotta understand, the Machine of Origination is just that, the Machine of Origination. It was created by the First Ones to seemingly be the starting point from which all things were made from.

    It would make sense for each Cosmic Force to have different aspects of the machine entire, especially if we follow Chronicle's statement of the cosmic forces being named after the Progenitor's themselves (While also being extensions of them). Meaning, if Chronicle is correct on that part and isn't just taking Firim's theories in a weird way, then there's a mf named "Death" out there lmaooo

  14. #76854
    Scarab Lord Steampunkette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    You gotta understand, the Machine of Origination is just that, the Machine of Origination. It was created by the First Ones to seemingly be the starting point from which all things were made from.

    It would make sense for each Cosmic Force to have different aspects of the machine entire, especially if we follow Chronicle's statement of the cosmic forces being named after the Progenitor's themselves (While also being extensions of them). Meaning, if Chronicle is correct on that part and isn't just taking Firim's theories in a weird way, then there's a mf named "Death" out there lmaooo

    Humans have had "Death" as a cultural entity as long as Death has been a thing!
    When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like injustice.

  15. #76855
    Quote Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post

    Humans have had "Death" as a cultural entity as long as Death has been a thing!
    Here's the thing though, when we talk "Death". We're talking about the being that personifies it. DC does the exact same thing with one of the Endless members. In WoW, Death's personifications are the Eternal Ones.

    However, assuming that's it's name, the Progenitor named "Death" is simply the creator of the force "Death". It's not meant to embody it or anything like that. Hell, it's very nature transcends the cosmic force entire, and it most likely has its own magics, just like the other Progenitors.

  16. #76856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Here's the thing though, when we talk "Death". We're talking about the being that personifies it. DC does the exact same thing with one of the Endless members. In WoW, Death's personifications are the Eternal Ones.

    However, assuming that's it's name, the Progenitor named "Death" is simply the creator of the force "Death". It's not meant to embody it or anything like that. Hell, it's very nature transcends the cosmic force entire, and it most likely has its own magics, just like the other Progenitors.
    I disagree that the Eternal Ones "Embody" death. MAYBE Maldraxxus did, before he died and became a battlefield. But the Jailer and the rest are automatons created by the First Ones.

    To me this indicates that they're more similar to Titan Constructs like the Keepers and Watchers. They are the machinery that keeps Death running.

    Similarly, with the knowledge that Zereth Ordus exists, it's likely the Titans, themselves, aren't the embodiment of Order, but simply representative automatons of it. And the Void Lords as well.

    It's certainly possible that "Death" is just "Some Guy tinkering in a workshop", but I think it'll be the actual embodiment of death as a force.

    At least until they introduce us to the "Firster Ones" who created the First Ones, because WoW has long gone full DBZ on stuff like this.
    When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like injustice.

  17. #76857
    Quote Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    I disagree that the Eternal Ones "Embody" death. MAYBE Maldraxxus did, before he died and became a battlefield. But the Jailer and the rest are automatons created by the First Ones.

    To me this indicates that they're more similar to Titan Constructs like the Keepers and Watchers. They are the machinery that keeps Death running.

    Similarly, with the knowledge that Zereth Ordus exists, it's likely the Titans, themselves, aren't the embodiment of Order, but simply representative automatons of it. And the Void Lords as well.

    It's certainly possible that "Death" is just "Some Guy tinkering in a workshop", but I think it'll be the actual embodiment of death as a force.

    At least until they introduce us to the "Firster Ones" who created the First Ones, because WoW has long gone full DBZ on stuff like this.
    The Eternal Ones' vessels are just that, vessels. That's part of their creation process. Sure it might seem rather anti-climactic or "artificial", but the vessel isn't the only thing that makes an Eternal One. A soul, a sigil that represents their purpose, an actual design to the body + magics and whatnot, as well as a ritual are needed to properly create one.

    Also, based off what we know, the cosmic forces simply seem to be a small part of the actual Progenitor. They wouldn't represent anything, as the force is just an aspect of them, shaped and developed through the pattern. The Cosmic Pantheons, although created VIA workshops and whatnot, are meant to embody the forces created from those First Ones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, it is possible different Pantheons are made in different ways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Like I get your argument, but the story confirms to us that the Pantheons are meant to embody the forces the Progenitors made.

  18. #76858
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Except it's not. The heart of the Sepulcher was literally connecting itself to the other inner sanctums of the First Ones (AKA the heart of Zereth Ordus, the heart of Zereth Vitae, etc). Firim talks about this in his final book regarding his studies of Zereth Mortis.

    The Machine of Origination is an overarching machine that stretches throughout each cosmic heart. Zovaal simply activated it through the Heart of Eternity (AKA Death's part of the machine).
    Except there's no reason to think either of those things are connected to the other Zereths. The Machine of Origination is within the Sepulcher. We don't go through any portals or anything to get there & the Heart of Eternity is just the hole funneling Azeroth's worldsoul.

    We don't know how Zovaal was going to go about remaking reality but using what the First Ones used to make the afterlives of the Shadowlands is a fine place to start. The Sepulcher was the tipping point of his plan because it could harvest a world soul, which he tried to do with Azeroth & use its inherent anima in his plan. The only thing we can infer is that the "reality" of the shadowlands is the original one because the shadowlands is the layer of reality the First Ones started with, assuming Zereth mortis is inside the Shadowlands at all. (But then again I don't believe the spheres are physical locations, but are just concepts.)

  19. #76859
    Scarab Lord Steampunkette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    The Eternal Ones' vessels are just that, vessels. That's part of their creation process. Sure it might seem rather anti-climactic or "artificial", but the vessel isn't the only thing that makes an Eternal One. A soul, a sigil that represents their purpose, an actual design to the body + magics and whatnot, as well as a ritual are needed to properly create one.

    Also, based off what we know, the cosmic forces simply seem to be a small part of the actual Progenitor. They wouldn't represent anything, as the force is just an aspect of them, shaped and developed through the pattern. The Cosmic Pantheons, although created VIA workshops and whatnot, are meant to embody the forces created from those First Ones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, it is possible different Pantheons are made in different ways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Like I get your argument, but the story confirms to us that the Pantheons are meant to embody the forces the Progenitors made.
    The story also confirms to us that there are 5 old gods.

    I mean 4 old gods.

    I mean 5 old gods.

    There's also the whole Watsonian/Doylist divide. And after seeing the Devs ramp up from us fighting wars to killing Old Gods to defeating the Burning Legion to killing Argus to literally killing DEATH ITSELF in the form of the former Arbiter/Judge of Souls/Jailer/Etc who was just a puppet of the First Ones...

    I think it's just gonna keep ramping up indefinitely with more and more retcons, each giving us something new and bigger and stronger and more impossible to defeat than the last.
    When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like injustice.

  20. #76860
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Like I get your argument, but the story confirms to us that the Pantheons are meant to embody the forces the Progenitors made.
    Well, your own argument is essentially that they don't embody the forces the Progenitors made but rather the forces the Progenitors are.

    That would essentially make them avatars of Death.
    Last edited by huth; 2024-08-10 at 05:59 PM.

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