Also The Last Titan is probably Sargeras to begin with, as Azeroth... probably isn't one. Yet.
Haven't heard anyone mention that they have plans up to 17, so at least one other saga in the pipe.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-08-20 at 06:39 PM.
Is it really surprising that the capital T Titan weapon sticking out of Azeroth is gonna be a 13.0 thing?
Midnight is set on the other side of the planet, and its not like TWW would deal with it in any greater way than maybe have us visit some caverns beneath the wound.
Formerly known as Arafal
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Out of all of those, Wintergrasp feels the most likely. I can’t see it having any other real purpose or importance in The Last Titan. It also helps that the main hub of Wintergrasp is a Titan complex, and that TLT is going to predominantly be, a Titan expansion. It feels like a king brainer to me. Especially where it’s very likely Ulduar will be our Suramar/City of Threads for the expansion.
But let’s go over the other locations too.
Wyrmest is also a strong contender, but after just getting Dragonflight and Valdrakken, it would feel a little samey despite the clear architectural differences. I could see the different dragon sanctums at the tower playing a part though. On a slightly unrelated note, I remember when a popular theory was that the sanctums were locations on the Dragon Isles. I wonder where the sanctums are in the world?
Icecrown Citadel would feel a bit out of place for an expansion capital. As well as too dreary.
Azjol Nerub, while I think it’ll show up again and be massively expanded, I can’t see it being a capital after getting such a heavy focus in the first patch for TWW. I think it’s likely it’s part of a revamped Dragonblight and Icecrown.
Coldarra is probably the most likely following Wintergrasp. It’s a cool aesthetic, the sub zone itself is decently sized for a large capital and it would feel like a throwback to Wrath in the sense it would be similar to Dalaran as a city of the arcane but also coming full circle with the Blue Dragonflight assisting the Kirin Tor.
Grizzlemaw is an interesting one. It would be the most out of left field choice, and would be one of, if not the most unique neutral capital city we’ve had yet. No neutral capital city shares its aesthetic and it could be a buildup to getting playable Furbolgs. It’s definitely an interesting one to consider, and one I wouldn’t mind. I could also see it being a dungeon or delve. It should have been a dungeon in Wrath.
Honestly though, what I think is, that we’re finally going to see the return of Class Halls in TLT and most of those locations I see as potential locations for the Class Halls:
Death Knights - Icecrown Citadel
Demon Hunters - The Felhammer returns (parked in the Storm Peaks near Ulduar)
Druids - Grizzlemaw
Evokers - Wyrmrest Temple
Hunters - Amberpine Lodge or Silverbrook
Mages - Coldarra/The Nexus
Monks - somewhere in Crystalsong Forest.
Paladins - The Argent Tournament Grounds
Priests - the Light can purify one of the citadels in Icecrown.
Rogues - possibly Azjol Nerub? Dark, shadowy, secretive.
Shamans - Rivers Heart in Sholazar Basin
Warlocks - Amphitheatre of Anguish
Warriors - Utgarde Pinnacle
Some of those were a lot harder to think of than others.
The Last Titan in many respects could be Legion 2.0. The return of Illidan & Sargeras, Class Halls 2.0, a Suramar styled zone & city with the Storm Peaks & Ulduar and a much requested class coming in with the Articifer (Tinker). Now give us some allied races and something similar to Artifacts then we could be cooking here.
- - - Updated - - -
K’aresh. I know a lot of people think we’re getting in Midnight but I see K’aresh leading Dimensius to Silvermoon at the end of TWW.
Last edited by Santandame; 2024-08-20 at 06:52 PM.
I also think Class Halls are very likely for TLT. Priests could get the scarlet area.
I do think they are going to do something with Tuskarr (works mostly done) and Vrykul (need a rehaul), and then they can do the Ascended Nerubians from TWW if there is a story tie-in. But that's three clasically Northrend races that are (mostly) fan requested.
I guess Taunka for 4/4?
Also something I'm not seeing anyone mention...
Metzen says they're building Xal'atath to be someone we see and confront multiple times over the arc of the saga. Read into that how you will, but it's good to see Xal will be more than a 11.2 raid boss kill.
Well, it is their pattern. Frankly waiting more than 2 years for a story to reach its climax is always disappointing. I'd be thrilled if blizzard can tell a story with a coherent beginning, middle & end, but they've only done it arguably 2 or 3 times out of 9 expansions.