Why would you want someone who has no experience whatsoever in combat to lead the military division of the Earthen???
It's like making a horse groomer the lead of your cavalry. She probably has solid potential as a shaman but you don't put a novice to lead in a time of war. Especially given Olberig gets Baelgrim's Stormrook at the end. This is some YA shit. I'd call it CW writing but no one is hot enough.
Like Brinthe was set up perfectly to take over. She was right below Eirich in the hierarchy, she is respected by everyone in Gundargaz and she makes it clear she knows what she is doing. Plus she is chosen by the people. Anyone who complained about her being a woman replacing a man should really consider wtf is wrong with them that they feel that way. But Lufsela? She was chosen by . . . Thrall of all people?
- - - Updated - - -
Both of the new ones just did not fire up for me which is annoying. I had to check them out on WoWhead.