1. #78001
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I think the biggest argument against ascended nerubian allied race, is that the textures are designs with a stormwind human in mind, and the thinner & taller the race is the more f&cked up the textures become. You may notice some gems & details that look extremely elongated on Undead & Blood elves. With the existing playable races, its just barely noticeable but the Ascended are so tall & thin that I don't think it'll work.

    I think it's more likely we get a Crypt Lord hero class mid expansion than ascended nerubian allied race. And that's already a long-shot.
    I wouldn't say Ascended are significantly thinner than a Belf female, and it works for them.
    It would look weird, but that hasn't stopped Blizzard before.
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  2. #78002
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Not sure how the four arms thing will be fixed though. Given that is the issue the developers pointed to on why the Ascended are not an AR.
    I am sure there will be a solution eventually. Given this saga is supposed to be all about listening to players and all that I doubt they would ignore this opportunity to give players something they want.
    The four arms thing isn't a problem, their animations have them hold onto weapons with two hands while the other two are off to the side. They also have some pretty interesting animations like holding guns and swimming, which I don't think you'll normally see them ever do. But that's just my guess.

    Maybe the dev was confused/tricky and meant the NORMAL nerubians? I think only one person ever said this too. Because those would be an animation nightmare. But animation wise the Ascended can use every weapon and have a full suite of combat animations. Gear is the big problem as they are clearly another Dracthyr/Mecha race with helmets and shoulders only, but as Blizzard keeps doing the helmet/tabard/shoulder rewards, maybe they dont care?

  3. #78003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    A small thing but I found it amusing that the General referred to an ascended nerubian general throwing away lives like a rabid mantid. I like that they reference their kin that way.

    Also I'm really digging the nerubians in general. And the more I quest there the more I realize there's likely little chance the ascended nerubians do become an allied race like I first thought. Everything seems pretty clear that the old guard look down on them (they can't even produce pheromones) and see them as something completely alien. Its interesting.
    Wouldn't that make it more likely? Since once we beat Xal they can't stay in the city and would need somewhere else to go?
    Twas brillig

  4. #78004
    Wait... what if the reason Geyarah is here is because the Lightbound actually ARE in Beledar?

    I feel like they would've picked Gorgonna as the one who talks more, but it seems they are focused on her a bit.

  5. #78005
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    I see everyone speculating about 11.1 & 11.2.
    Any 11.3 believers?
    X.3 is no longer anything to even discuss, it doesn't exist and will not exist in the future of World of Warcraft.

    Ion has stated no Shrinkflation and has now in the latest interviews at Gamescom stated that the Expansion "The War Within" has Dragonflight Content Cadence.

    Chris Metzen yapped a bit and stated they have already started on 13.1/13.2, I think we can lay this one to rest at this point.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  6. #78006
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Assuming 11.1 is the goblin raid. Is there any other gobbo antagonist that's been set up other than Gallywix?

    Last we saw him was Tazavesh. So if he does return to the story maybe he brought some Broker friends and potentially we might even see Ve'nari again.
    There's not enough Goblin antagonists to fit an entire patch around and you have to connect them with the Void otherwise it's just random as fuck which makes zero sense.
    "The Harbinger of the Void is causing absolute hell on, the world tree is converting to the void, but fuck it that Gallywix is a fucking pain in the arse"

    Because the tree is not part of a new zone the most likely outcome is The void corrupted tree being the raid aka the Rootlands, with the Goblins having their own zone and mega 5 man dungeon, basically another Mechagon.

  7. #78007
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    There's not enough Goblin antagonists to fit an entire patch around and you have to connect them with the Void otherwise it's just random as fuck which makes zero sense.
    "The Harbinger of the Void is causing absolute hell on, the world tree is converting to the void, but fuck it that Gallywix is a fucking pain in the arse"

    Because the tree is not part of a new zone the most likely outcome is The void corrupted tree being the raid aka the Rootlands, with the Goblins having their own zone and mega 5 man dungeon, basically another Mechagon.
    I'm actually wondering if it'll be Iridikron making a mess in Undermine?

    We might end up having to work WITH the Venture co and such to stop him from doing something down there.
    Twas brillig

  8. #78008
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    There's not enough Goblin antagonists to fit an entire patch around and you have to connect them with the Void otherwise it's just random as fuck which makes zero sense.
    "The Harbinger of the Void is causing absolute hell on, the world tree is converting to the void, but fuck it that Gallywix is a fucking pain in the arse"
    There is, canonically, a void monster underneath Undermine.

    If they can fit void into the Kobolds, using Hearthstone lore (The Darkness) then they can fit it into Undermine. It just won't be a super dark voidy patch because Goblins.

  9. #78009
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    I'm really hoping that the Warsong being the primary force in Northrend for the Horde against the undead Nerubians is touched on.

    ... And also that the Warsong got tactical plans from the live Nerubians to fight the undead ones.

    It'll give Gorgonna a chance to show her diplomatic side and military chops at the same time if she works alongside the nerubians resistance
    I really love the Warsong being the main Horde force here. Gorgonna has an awesome opportunity to grow as a character and help not just the Horde but the Warsong clan and orcs continue to atone for the sins of Garrosh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Venture Co. is shown often, and theres a group called Darkfuse in the max level campaign that I've never heard of (related to Blackfuse? unsure) with a guy who runs off. Otherwise no.

    I assume Gallywix will be the focus as his tophat is on the venture co ring item, but I would like some new goblin characters.
    I've yet to get to the Darkfuse portion of the max level campaign yet, but I still emphasize my theory that if they go the route of mixing some goblin factions in with Xal'atath, the avenue for that will be Ethereals. Perhaps some deal made with the Brokers of Tazavesh as liasons. Darkfuse screams voidy version of Blackfuse (with the little knowledge I have at the moment)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Wait... what if the reason Geyarah is here is because the Lightbound actually ARE in Beledar?

    I feel like they would've picked Gorgonna as the one who talks more, but it seems they are focused on her a bit.
    I think this could work for both of them. Geyarah for obvious reasons, but if they bring Exarch Hellscream about there would be a lot to build. Mag'har and Lightbound Dranei, Mag'har and former Mag'har now Lightbound, Warsong and a Hellscream, Warsong and Draenei allied Orcs.

    I'm starting to buy this idea a bit more.

    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    There's not enough Goblin antagonists to fit an entire patch around and you have to connect them with the Void otherwise it's just random as fuck which makes zero sense.
    "The Harbinger of the Void is causing absolute hell on, the world tree is converting to the void, but fuck it that Gallywix is a fucking pain in the arse"

    Because the tree is not part of a new zone the most likely outcome is The void corrupted tree being the raid aka the Rootlands, with the Goblins having their own zone and mega 5 man dungeon, basically another Mechagon.
    As Cheezits said, the void being underneath Undermine is a big one. Blizzard has been really good with integrating races amongst each other, especially some of these underground races, so I imagine an Undermine patch while largely focusing on goblins is able to divert enough towards their vast lineup to create a full patch.

  10. #78010
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    There's not enough Goblin antagonists to fit an entire patch around and you have to connect them with the Void otherwise it's just random as fuck which makes zero sense.
    "The Harbinger of the Void is causing absolute hell on, the world tree is converting to the void, but fuck it that Gallywix is a fucking pain in the arse"
    Would not be the first time we had to deal with an unrelated threat. Legion started with an invasion of BL on to Azeroth, but our first main issue was spread of Emerald Nightmare. In BfA we went to Mechagon, because their king wanted to fire up a global de-fleshification device.

    If there is a threat, we will deal with it, however unrelated it is. It may even be a benefit to the overall pacing to do something more on the side, because as it is now, entire TWW is suuuper Xal/Void focused. Almost every meaningful threat is connected to them, beside kobolds and Hallowfall fanatics.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-08-29 at 04:08 PM.
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  11. #78011
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Would not be the first time we had to deal with an unrelated threat. Legion started with an invasion of BL on to Azeroth, but our first main issue was spread of Emerald Nightmare. In BfA we went to Mechagon, because their king wanted to fire up a global de-fleshification device.

    If there is a threat, we will deal with it, however unrelated it is. It may even be a benefit to the overall pacing to do something more on the side, because as it is now, entire TWW is suuuper Xal/Void focused. Almost every meaningful threat is connected to them, beside kobolds and Hallowfall fanatics.
    Yup, and the pacing is bam-bam-bam super fast, so it makes sense for a diversion this time as opposed to Dragonflight where it was horribly slow, and then pivoted to Sarkareth instead of the Incarnates.

    Ansurek loses, Azj-Kahet is freed but Xal wins somehow and disappears. Break time while we go to Undermine (and maybe helping crown a new queen of Azj-Kahet/restoring Neferess). Then Xal resurfaces and is corrupting Elun'Ahir and/or Beledar, leading to their respective patches.

  12. #78012
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There is, canonically, a void monster underneath Undermine.

    If they can fit void into the Kobolds, using Hearthstone lore (The Darkness) then they can fit it into Undermine. It just won't be a super dark voidy patch because Goblins.
    That's still not enough for a full blown raid, as I suggested it'll come as a mega dungeon with it's own zone.

    The new endgame chapter from last night literally introduced you to a new type of Ascended Nerbuian with Queen Nesferess converted into some sort of half nerubian half abomination. If she isn't killed off during the campaign they've already introduced you to the 1st boss of the next raid.

  13. #78013
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    That's still not enough for a full blown raid, as I suggested it'll come as a mega dungeon with it's own zone.

    The new endgame chapter from last night literally introduced you to a new type of Ascended Nerbuian with Queen Nesferess converted into some sort of half nerubian half abomination. If she isn't killed off during the campaign they've already introduced you to the 1st boss of the next raid.
    Pretty sure Neferess being alive will be a plotpoint to restore her somehow or tie her into the Ascended, as opposed to her being a boss, as she would've just been in the current raid if that was the case. However she could just be a quest boss in the next campaign chapter. Hopefully not.

  14. #78014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Pretty sure Neferess being alive will be a plotpoint to restore her somehow or tie her into the Ascended, as opposed to her being a boss, as she would've just been in the current raid if that was the case. However she could just be a quest boss in the next campaign chapter. Hopefully not.
    Not at all because the chapter also showed the black blood works pretty much like the Fel does, Xala'tath has control over every Nerubian even the rebellions who opposed it.
    All it's done is Ansurek has ensured the self-destruction of its own society.

    There's pretty much a 99% chance being the plot of the next raid at this stage

  15. #78015
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    There's pretty much a 99% chance being the plot of the next raid at this stage
    And why would there be two raids back to back about black blood corrupted Nerubians?

  16. #78016
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    That's still not enough for a full blown raid, as I suggested it'll come as a mega dungeon with it's own zone.

    The new endgame chapter from last night literally introduced you to a new type of Ascended Nerbuian with Queen Nesferess converted into some sort of half nerubian half abomination. If she isn't killed off during the campaign they've already introduced you to the 1st boss of the next raid.
    She won't be in the next raid. The first boss of nerubar palace is one of this bulky ascended already. And the delve boss is one as well. He is also said to be the only succesful one retaining his sanity and mind while all the other ones turned into ever hungry monsters.
    I could see the delve storyline ending with us finding a cure for neferess, but theres no chance she will be involved in the upcoming raid.

  17. #78017
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    Having done all the quests available so far and playing through the zones I (want to) believe that Azeroth is actually the crystal we see in Hallowfall (aka Beledar). She is fighting to keep her sanity which would be why she changes from light to void and back.

    There's also a massive flying Octopus called "The Guardian" flying around the horizon behind the Church (Priory Dungeon) which happens to be unkillable.

    Its probably wrong and proven to be so but I like the idea.

  18. #78018
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Pretty sure Neferess being alive will be a plotpoint to restore her somehow or tie her into the Ascended, as opposed to her being a boss, as she would've just been in the current raid if that was the case. However she could just be a quest boss in the next campaign chapter. Hopefully not.
    If blizzard wanted to do playable Nerubians they could 100% use Neferess to facilitate that. Shame they confirmed there aren’t any plans for playable Nerubians atm.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  19. #78019
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    And why would there be two raids back to back about black blood corrupted Nerubians?
    The same reason why there's a world tree down there which featured in the trailer and is huge significant part of the lore going into The Lost Titans.

    It wouldn't be the first time you had friend turned foes over patches involving a void entity as you had the Klaxxi in MoP but the only difference was they voluntarily changed sides

    And absolutely no one says the black blood is limited to just 1 place, there's a certain zone on the surface which is ripe for the taking.
    Last edited by OCoyne; 2024-08-29 at 04:54 PM.

  20. #78020
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There is, canonically, a void monster underneath Undermine.

    If they can fit void into the Kobolds, using Hearthstone lore (The Darkness) then they can fit it into Undermine. It just won't be a super dark voidy patch because Goblins.
    What's this void monster under Undermine?
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