1. #78041
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I wonder if the reveal will be that it was Odyn, somehow, which explains Dornic and Galen's shitty behaviors.
    tbh its probably Archaedas since the Keeper calls the earthen his children and he was the one keeper most closely tied to Khaz Goroth and the Earthen. Also the Keeper is outraged when he learns how Dornic and Galen treat the earthen and gave the Earthen his blessing to rise up against them.

  2. #78042
    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    tbh its probably Archaedas since the Keeper calls the earthen his children and he was the one keeper most closely tied to Khaz Goroth and the Earthen. Also the Keeper is outraged when he learns how Dornic and Galen treat the earthen and gave the Earthen his blessing to rise up against them.
    I would say that last part is propaganda, but in the quest where you learn more about the true rebellion, the mystery keeper actually talks shit about Dornic to Galen. So it could be the proscenium story is the truth to an extent.

    Here's my question: if the keeper is Archaedas, why keep it a secret?

  3. #78043
    Hate to disappoint. But Khaz Algar's Keeper has been around since Cataclysm, in the Titan structure in Un'Goro who gives the old famous Crystals of Power quest which has been around since Vanilla but changed source of quest giver for obvious reasons so it's not the big reveal you're hoping for.

    It fits with the Earthern's claim she fucked off and never came back also.

    She even confirms herself she was put in charge of Khaz Algar's duties
    Last edited by OCoyne; 2024-08-30 at 12:55 AM.

  4. #78044
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    Hate to disappoint. But Khaz Algar's Keeper has been around since Cataclysm, in the Titan structure in Un'Goro who gives the old famous Crystals of Power quest which has been around since Vanilla but changed source of quest giver for obvious reasons so it's not the big reveal you're hoping for.

    It fits with the Earthern's claim she fucked off and never came back also.

    She even confirms herself she was put in charge of Khaz Algar's duties
    Huh, if that's true, I'm now very curious about the Un'goro/Elun'Ahir/Nightmare stuff.

  5. #78045
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Huh, if that's true, I'm now very curious about the Un'goro/Elun'Ahir/Nightmare stuff.
    Was thinking that myself while I was having dinner actually

    The exact thoughts were I suppose you can tie her into the story with Un'Goro becoming a common theme

  6. #78046
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Eyyy, welcome back.
    4 months at the earlest. I would guess they will still stick to an 8 week content cadence though. This time with no fated season at the end.

    11.0-Aug 26
    11.0.5-October 22nd
    11.0.7- December 10th
    11.1-Feb 4th
    11.0.5-April 8th
    11.0.7-June 3rd
    11.2- August 5th
    11.2.5-Sept 30th
    11.2.7- November 25th
    12.0 Prepatch-Feb 3rd
    Midnight-March 3rd.

    I dont think doing a fated season for 2 months is worth it. I would rather they just skip it and let us sit in the final patch for 8 months. But perhaps they will still do one. Im pretty sure Midnight will be out sometime between Feb and April 2026 though. 19-21 months. I don't think they can hit an 18 month patch cycle without cutting down the patch release cadence even further. Perhaps they could skip 11.2.7 and get Midnight prepatch out in Jan.

    TLDR imo we are looking at 20-21 month expansions still. I dont think they can cut the dev time down significantly more than they did DF without cutting content.

  7. #78047
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Neither Dornic nor Galan were Keepers, they were Watchers.

    It's Archaedas who helped the Earthen get rid of Dornic.
    Then who cares. Watchers are above Keepers in the hirearchy. Keepers are like middle managers & completely irrelevant to the story.

  8. #78048
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Then who cares. Watchers are above Keepers in the hirearchy. Keepers are like middle managers & completely irrelevant to the story.
    Other way around. Watchers are general titanforged who execute the wills of the Keepers and lead the other titanforged. The Keepers are directly empowered by the titans to execute their wills. Nablya in Un'Goro is also a Watcher.

  9. #78049
    Not to be too on the nose, but the Darkfuse mechs are trimmed in purple. Void alignment possibility increases. /s but also not really

  10. #78050
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    Hate to disappoint. But Khaz Algar's Keeper has been around since Cataclysm, in the Titan structure in Un'Goro who gives the old famous Crystals of Power quest which has been around since Vanilla but changed source of quest giver for obvious reasons so it's not the big reveal you're hoping for.

    It fits with the Earthern's claim she fucked off and never came back also.

    She even confirms herself she was put in charge of Khaz Algar's duties
    What's the name of this NPC? Only one I can find in Un'goro is Nablya and she says she's just a watcher, not a keeper. Unless I'm misunderstanding something.

  11. #78051
    Oh boy. I didn't think it would get this bad. Help me.

    Keepers and Watchers are literally the same thing it's more a job title rather than a ranking - A Watcher is a titan construct who basically a prison guard - Freya, Mimiron, Hodir, and Thorim. Being a Watcher doesn't necessarily mean you're the most powerful. Keeper Hezrel was a low-level titan watching over Ghuun and subsequently got rekt straight away. Archaedas was a Keeper and wasn't exactly great at his job.

    A watcher is a titan construct who looks after a facility - Neblya, pretty much every boss inside Halls of Origination in Uldum, the fact that MOTHER survived being influenced by Ghuun as a Watcher when in the meantime a Keeper failed, got influenced and died is more proof that there's literally zero difference in terms of power between a Keeper and a Watcher.

  12. #78052
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Also. I don't know if it was known already. But I do enjoy the backstory of the Kaheti Nerubians of specifically leaving Northrend to escape the Old Gods. And not just that Neferess went against the Black Empire emissary because.
    But why would they need to leave Northrend for that? Azjol-Nerub itself already defied the Old Gods, and barely even remembered their existence anymore.

  13. #78053
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    Oh boy. I didn't think it would get this bad. Help me.

    Keepers and Watchers are literally the same thing it's more a job title rather than a ranking - A Watcher is a titan construct who basically a prison guard - Freya, Mimiron, Hodir, and Thorim. Being a Watcher doesn't necessarily mean you're the most powerful. Keeper Hezrel was a low-level titan watching over Ghuun and subsequently got rekt straight away. Archaedas was a Keeper and wasn't exactly great at his job.

    A watcher is a titan construct who looks after a facility - Neblya, pretty much every boss inside Halls of Origination in Uldum, the fact that MOTHER survived being influenced by Ghuun as a Watcher when in the meantime a Keeper failed, got influenced and died is more proof that there's literally zero difference in terms of power between a Keeper and a Watcher.
    Yes but no, while the keepers are technically also watchers, the Keepers are very much a rank and are specifically stated to be the leaders of all the titanforged. They represented and spoke for the Pantheon in their absence and were created in the Pantheon's likeness. When the pantheon werent around the Keepers were the rulers of all the titanforged.

    The keepers are considerably powerful titanic watchers who were imbued by the titan Pantheon with their specific likenesses and powers. They are Archaedas, Loken, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, Hodir, Tyr, Ra, and Odyn. These nine would lead the titan-forged armies against the Black Empire, imprison the Old Gods, defeat and seal the Elemental Lords, and later create most of their lesser brethren and shape the world of Azeroth - Chronicles Volume 1
    The 9 keepers are the most powerful of the Titanforged on Azeroth and command all others

  14. #78054
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    If a Keeper does pop up, i count on it being Freya.
    ... Hopefully.
    Me for the past six expansions xD

    No but seriously, i think this time chances are pretty good we at least hear of her more. There are a lot of indications that freya went a bit rogue on khaz algar and at some point more titan aligned keepers arrived and pushed her away. Then build dornogal, the coreway, enslaved the elementals etc.
    The only thing i just don't get is why the freysworn were allowed to stay there. I still try to find a way to interact with some of them that are untargeteable in hopes of some dialogue, but doesn't look like they want to talk (yet).

  15. #78055
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    Oh boy. I didn't think it would get this bad. Help me.

    Keepers and Watchers are literally the same thing it's more a job title rather than a ranking - A Watcher is a titan construct who basically a prison guard - Freya, Mimiron, Hodir, and Thorim. Being a Watcher doesn't necessarily mean you're the most powerful. Keeper Hezrel was a low-level titan watching over Ghuun and subsequently got rekt straight away. Archaedas was a Keeper and wasn't exactly great at his job.

    A watcher is a titan construct who looks after a facility - Neblya, pretty much every boss inside Halls of Origination in Uldum, the fact that MOTHER survived being influenced by Ghuun as a Watcher when in the meantime a Keeper failed, got influenced and died is more proof that there's literally zero difference in terms of power between a Keeper and a Watcher.
    Thoren commented on the keeper/watcher thing, though I will say it is curious that Hezrel is called a Titan Keeper. Could be an error (not the first time, remember the two Hakkirs). Putting that aside though, what makes you think Nablya is the watcher/keeper/whatever for Khaz Algar? Looking at her dialogue I see nothing really indicating it. Seems more she's just been stationed in Un'goro since her creation, nothing more.
    Last edited by Kiivar86; 2024-08-30 at 05:28 AM.

  16. #78056
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    Me for the past six expansions xD

    No but seriously, i think this time chances are pretty good we at least hear of her more. There are a lot of indications that freya went a bit rogue on khaz algar and at some point more titan aligned keepers arrived and pushed her away. Then build dornogal, the coreway, enslaved the elementals etc.
    The only thing i just don't get is why the freysworn were allowed to stay there. I still try to find a way to interact with some of them that are untargeteable in hopes of some dialogue, but doesn't look like they want to talk (yet).
    I hope they give us a good freakin explanation for all the Keepers to have been doing literally nothing since WotLK (with the exception of a few of them in Legion).

  17. #78057
    Not much time to play, but just chiming in to say Faerin has the most wooden VA of the expansion, more so than stock characters and the Earthen, who are literal robots. It'd be less galling if she weren't sharing most of her screen time with Anduin's VA, who can and has sold some godawful dialogue over the years and can do the role in his sleep.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  18. #78058
    Just got the Beledar's Spawn, so lucky lol. My Velf Shadow Priest is now complete

  19. #78059
    Something tells me that the Radiant Song and the Archive are tied. The Archive contains Azeroth's memories and after the Sword, it is releasing the memories to the world as a Radiant Song.

  20. #78060
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    I wonder when they will put 11.0.5 on the ptr. Guessing the middle of Sept? 2 more weeks ish?

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