1. #78441
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I can somewhat see a helmet resemblance between the Lich King and the new DK armor, but the Evoker armor does not look like Deathwing at all, and I have no idea who the Monk armor is supposed to be.
    Evokers gets a set that looks like deathwing in the raid that opens next week, so I can see why they didnt bother going with that. Would be a bit redundant when the only real improvements they could do in terms of making it more like Deathwing is change the shoulders.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #78442
    The Patient JDBlou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I can somewhat see a helmet resemblance between the Lich King and the new DK armor, but the Evoker armor does not look like Deathwing at all, and I have no idea who the Monk armor is supposed to be.
    They said nefarian not neltharion...

  3. #78443
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I can somewhat see a helmet resemblance between the Lich King and the new DK armor, but the Evoker armor does not look like Deathwing at all, and I have no idea who the Monk armor is supposed to be.
    They actually said the Evoker set was based on Nefarian in the video, not Neltharion. It's his son from Blackwing Lair.

    As for Monks, I think it might be based on Taran Zhu? The black version of it kind of looks like a much more elaborate and decorated version of his armor.

    Also, given that there seems to have been two colors shown for the Monk set, hopefully the classic sets get recolors too. I think some of them could look a lot better with different colors.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2024-09-04 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #78444
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Damn they are ugly. I think most people just want an SFX cosmetic, not a model replacement.

    I spent about two years hoping this huge anniversary would be the point we'd get a world revamp so I cannot really get that excited about this. Really only worthwhile thing seems to be the tier 2 sets (and only some of them). I wish they'd just done "Iconic old class tier set" instead of specifically tier 2 because imo the only really great one was Judgment.
    Yeah. If they wanted to bring old, popular sets into higher fidelity, than I would have expected Destroyer armor or Onslaught armor for Warriors, Corruptor Raiment for Warlocks, Absolution Regalia for Priests, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Idk why Blizz is so insistent on Ascendance needing to be based on those Twillights Hammer dudes.
    Let alone that weird ass design decision to remove the hood and give them Banshee hair?

    Just give us Kurog/Primalist animations, or let us turn into an actual Elemental.
    One day... Blizzard will remember that glyphs exist and add alternate ability animations/models/class skins again...

    One day...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    As for Monks, I think it might be based on Taran Zhu? The black version of it kind of looks like a much more elaborate and decorated version of his armor.
    When I look at this new monk set, it looks Bronze Dragonflight or paladiny. And I always thought of Taran Zhu as being primarily a warrior running around with that two handed mace of his.

  5. #78445
    Quote Originally Posted by JDBlou View Post
    They said nefarian not neltharion...
    Ahh, that does make more sense. And yeah, I can kinda see it.
    Definitely more than a few liberties taken. But Nefarian didn't exactly have the most elaborate model in the game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    They actually said the Evoker set was based on Nefarian in the video, not Neltharion. It's his son from Blackwing Lair.

    As for Monks, I think it might be based on Taran Zhu? The black version of it kind of looks like a much more elaborate and decorated version of his armor.

    Also, given that there seems to have been two colors shown for the Monk set, hopefully the classic sets get recolors too. I think some of them could look a lot better with different colors.
    I can definitely see it being based on Taran Zhu, or more broadly the Shado-pan gear.
    There is a similar-ish hat with the red cover. The gold trim. The heavy rope belt.

    Probably doesn't look all that similar when placed next to it. But I can see the influence.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Yeah. If they wanted to bring old, popular sets into higher fidelity, than I would have expected Destroyer armor or Onslaught armor for Warriors, Corruptor Raiment for Warlocks, Absolution Regalia for Priests, etc.
    As much as I wish this was the case, I can see why they wouldn't. It opens up too many issues regarding what is and isn't a great set.
    All it would take is someone disagreeing on whether Tier 2 or Tier 3 warrior is the best and the developers would have to excuse their choices regarding which set is the best.
    Pick solely Tier 2 and they can at least hide behind that, knowing that everyone can agree Judgment Plate is the best Paladin set at least.

    Also, you skirt around the obvious issue of certain classes *cough* hunter *cough* that doesn't really have any great sets from Classic. Cryptstalker from Naxxramas maybe, but just look at some of the real stinkers like Gianstalker.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  6. #78446
    There's some additional dialogue between Queen Neferess and Widow Arak'nai in the inn at the Weaver's Lair that seems to imply she is the widow because she was the mate of Neferess.

    Also funny to walk into the inn only to see the massive hulking ascended form of Neferess.

  7. #78447
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    There's some additional dialogue between Queen Neferess and Widow Arak'nai in the inn at the Weaver's Lair that seems to imply she is the widow because she was the mate of Neferess.

    Also funny to walk into the inn only to see the massive hulking ascended form of Neferess.
    I found it kind of sad. I wonder if we will be able to restore her. Both her and the quartermaster.
    You know who would help here. Wrathion. We are trying to reverse Old God corruption, he is kind of the expert.

  8. #78448
    I like that Ion gave a boilerplate response about more class & race combinations (namely he said its missing animations, when in fact as of shadowlands there are no missing racial animations for the core 9 classes) and this extremely in-depth post took him to task: https://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic...-combinations/

    An Earthen Death Knight makes as much sense as a Vulpera Paladin & they removed that option last minute on a whim. So do they actually want these options or not? They've been flip-flopping slash teasing things like Night Elf Paladin for 10+ years now.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-09-04 at 09:56 PM.

  9. #78449
    Looks like Khadgar has a crush on Archmage Modera.

  10. #78450
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Looks like Khadgar has a crush on Archmage Modera.
    Sounds more like it is a mutual interest.

  11. #78451
    Guessing this was mentioned already, but: "When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away."

    Alleria's arrow just destroyed the Dark Heart, causing Xal'atath to retreat. Can we expect this to have been a turning point in both of their stories perhaps. Alleria being solidly good and on our side, and Xal'atath doing whatever she does next. Perhaps retreating into the Rootlands to resurrect her old form or something.

  12. #78452
    The Patient JDBlou's Avatar
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    Does anyone else maybe get the impression that the DH armor is inspired by Doomlords like Kazzak? Otherwise I can't think of anything else in particular

  13. #78453
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Looks like Khadgar has a crush on Archmage Modera.
    That's a Legion reference, its been hinted at for a while. Do the daily on Broken Shore about collecting coins (with the rainbow trail) for another hint at it
    Last edited by Mecheon; 2024-09-05 at 12:10 AM.

  14. #78454
    Love the new sets! Lock and Pala T2 are still one of my favourite sets in-game. Really excited for this event.

    Meanwhile Blizz continues to not understand Ascendance for Shamans. This new one looks even uglier than the Cata one lol. Nothing about this screams master of the elements. Why would Shamans turn into a banshee looking thing? Awful.

  15. #78455
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Guessing this was mentioned already, but: "When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away."

    Alleria's arrow just destroyed the Dark Heart, causing Xal'atath to retreat. Can we expect this to have been a turning point in both of their stories perhaps. Alleria being solidly good and on our side, and Xal'atath doing whatever she does next. Perhaps retreating into the Rootlands to resurrect her old form or something.
    I don't believe this has been mentioned, but this is a great call.

    I think the remainder of the expansion will be us halting different methods that Xal'atath will use to get to the world soul. Using the coursing of the black blood to seep into the roots of Elun'ahir and dig further to the world soul may be the next method. Brute forcing with some Venture Co. tech may be another method (or a backup).

    I think we will slowly peel away at the layers of this plan she has until we unleash this ultimate frustration and I think she will cash a pretty big macguffin power check and corrupt Alleria for the Sunwell. I'm curious where this comes into play though; perhaps something with the Arathi learning of the Sunwell causes a push on it? I think our expansion arc is going to end on a Argus in the sky type of event leading to Midnight.

  16. #78456
    Im not sure if its just me but i feel like the Dark heart has a connection to the Cosmic chart.
    When you look at the most Recent campaign cinematic the dark heart has 6 spots it looks like its absorbing into an when Alleria fires her arrow into the dark heart the spot she hits is the bottom left which lines up with Arcane an lo an behold Khadgar comes out of that spot. Theres gotta be some kind of connection there or am in to deep chat?

  17. #78457
    Quote Originally Posted by JDBlou View Post
    They said nefarian not neltharion...
    Yes but the armor is named after the Earth-warder, not Nefarian.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    Im not sure if its just me but i feel like the Dark heart has a connection to the Cosmic chart.
    When you look at the most Recent campaign cinematic the dark heart has 6 spots it looks like its absorbing into an when Alleria fires her arrow into the dark heart the spot she hits is the bottom left which lines up with Arcane an lo an behold Khadgar comes out of that spot. Theres gotta be some kind of connection there or am in to deep chat?
    A void artifact, created by Neltharian, designed by Void Lords that let Xal'atath draw the Black Blood of the Old Gods into it. I don't think it needs to be more than that. Though now that it's broken, I predict Xalatath will become more desperate in her plan. I predict 10.1 will we a break from the void storyline & feature Goblin cartels deforesting the rootlands & then the climax of the war within will be Xal'atath traveling through the Sword to absorb the Black Blood directly into her body, turining her into a deformed old god, like Summanus or Sheb-Teth

  18. #78458
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Yes but the armor is named after the Earth-warder, not Nefarian.
    A void artifact, created by Neltharian, designed by Void Lords that let Xal'atath draw the Black Blood of the Old Gods into it. I don't think it needs to be more than that. Though now that it's broken, I predict Xalatath will become more desperate in her plan. I predict 10.1 will we a break from the void storyline & feature Goblin cartels deforesting the rootlands & then the climax of the war within will be Xal'atath traveling through the Sword to absorb the Black Blood directly into her body, turining her into a deformed old god, like Summanus or Sheb-Teth
    But look at all the spots she has taken the Dark heart too tho.
    We went back in time to collect the power of undeath Galakrond Part of the Cosmic chart
    We went to dalaran which is known to be one of the most potent place for arcane magic(as told by Xal) Arcane Also part of the Cosmic chart
    Now we see her at the Priory of the Sacred Flame Where shes absorbing what i can only assume is Light from Beledar Also part of the Cosmic chart
    Now she only needs the last Two Nature and Fel.
    Root Lands for Nature and That big sword for Fel We already know something happens with the sword as told by Chris in his one on one interview.
    Im just saying it seems like shes probably doing some Cosmic stuff man

  19. #78459
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    But look at all the spots she has taken the Dark heart too tho.
    We went back in time to collect the power of undeath Galakrond Part of the Cosmic chart
    We went to dalaran which is known to be one of the most potent place for arcane magic(as told by Xal) Arcane Also part of the Cosmic chart
    Now we see her at the Priory of the Sacred Flame Where shes absorbing what i can only assume is Light from Beledar Also part of the Cosmic chart
    Now she only needs the last Two Nature and Fel.
    Root Lands for Nature and That big sword for Fel We already know something happens with the sword as told by Chris in his one on one interview.
    Im just saying it seems like shes probably doing some Cosmic stuff man
    Based on what we saw, she absorbed Shadow/Void, not Light. Either way, she'd still be missing the other.

  20. #78460
    I'm really glad they have all the paladin characters talking, though I'm hoping that they add something to address whether or not the Arathi recognize Tauren or trolls.

    I'm really curious whether they exist back in... wherever that Arathi Empire is, presumably Avaloren
    Twas brillig

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