Yea, I've never understood the disappointment with the Sarkareth cinematic. We understood that this raid was kind of a one off story wise and they tied it up really nicely. If anything, I think the look into Sarkareth's pursuit of both Neltharion's Legacy and the Void itself was a good preamble for the expansions to come. He reached the pinnacle of the power he sought and when looking into it he found nothing, which truly is Neltharion's legacy.
Ansurek's is okay. I think I could have done without another cinematic of Xal chiding the character she's speaking to, but I do like her take on promising nothing but giving everything, the void is a siphon for itself. My guess is that the hopes for Ansurek in Xal'atath's eyes were to be a worthy fight against the factions that would fuel her black blood long enough to achieve whatever goal it is she has with the Dark Heart or Beledar or the Worldsoul, whatever. Ansurek just simply could not fulfill her end of the bargain.
With Ansurek dead, I wonder if we see a holdout of Ascended or if they seek pennance and to join new socieities as they are outcasts in Azj-Kahet.
So, the Nerubians and the Ascendent were nothing more than canon fodder. Xal just want to distract the factions and heroes from her main goal, mostly likely the Sunwell.
I don't think its necessarily nothing.
We rarely have any main character give us any description of what the cosmological forces tend to be about.
That usually happens in 3rd party sources or remote side quests/interactions.
Xal confirms one of the voids main characteristics is survival of the fittest.
We more or less knew that beforehand, but its not exactly something that was explicitly stated anywhere.
Tbh, i feel like the feet thing is more coincidental than anything.
The camera shows her hovering above the cutscenes subject.
Literally showing them being beneath her, that Xal is the one in power.
Her feet just stand out because she is barefoot and people are generally weird about feet.
Formerly known as Arafal
Xals voice actor does monologues really well.
My main gripe is that it lasted a bit too long.
Formerly known as Arafal
they usually don't do cutscenes for the end of the first raid of the expansion so i don't think it's a big deal. i wonder if there is a campaign chapter post raid tho
Oh, for sure. Xal is playing on so many fields at once. Deals with the Primalists, corrupting the Nerubians, the Machine Speakers, the Stormwards, the Arathi, and being hidden on Dalaran, all at the same time. It's easy for her to do other manipulations that we dont know about yet.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Maybe the feet are a hint that Xal is actually a Troll or maybe a Haranir?
But seriously I do wonder if there's supposed to be some symbolism in the bare feet.
She's obvisouly playing The floor is lava, can mean only one thing...