1. #78961
    Regarding the Arathi and their usage in a future plot...

    I've started to feel it'd be best to use them heavily in Midnight, although never granting us a full view of the Empire. After all of the talk of Renilash, I cannot imagine a world in which at the very least the Hallowfall Expedition is journeying to Quel'thalas with us. We should be able to see a portion of their strength and further develop the culture, fueling both the mystery surrounding them and their stance as a culture that will have a lasting impact on the franchise.

    I think one of the best things about them is that there are truly so many directions to take with just the Hallowfall Expedition. They can continue trying to reestablish the connection with the Empire, they can shack up in Stormwind, repopulate the Arathi Highlands, build a stronghold in the former Plaguelands, convert the Scarlets to their cause, gain interest in the Sunwell, learn of the Naaru, etc.

    There's a lot that can be done and I think a slow burn on them with heavy involvement before we see their full Empire will really make it worth it.

    That being said, 14.0 Avaloren

  2. #78962
    A random theory: what if instead of Naga being the "elf tribe" surprise AR for Midnight, we recruit the Felblood

    I could see them being able to access Demon Hunter as well, for obvious reasons.

  3. #78963
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    A random theory: what if instead of Naga being the "elf tribe" surprise AR for Midnight, we recruit the Felblood

    I could see them being able to access Demon Hunter as well, for obvious reasons.
    I believe @Tanaria was campaiging for this to be a thing for midnight. Its not a bad idea. It should be horde exclusive tho.

  4. #78964
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I believe @Tanaria was campaiging for this to be a thing for midnight. Its not a bad idea. It should be horde exclusive tho.
    Tbh I feel like they should probably be implemented as extra features for Blood Elves if anything. That way, they'll finally have a unique "extreme" like the Void Elves do with the blueberry options, and there would (hopefully) be less sour grapes over Void Elves toeing into the normal High Elf aesthetic, or the two races getting more general High Elf options.
    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  5. #78965
    So what if Xal is serving Dimensius and trying to get him on Azeroth and then what if Ky'veza is serving a different Void Lord and the one who ends up invading us in Midnight is someone we don't even know yet?

    Also Story Mode is like Follower mode, did not know that. Yet again they did not bother to give you characters from the story instead falling back to that entry island NPCs.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-09-18 at 07:55 AM.

  6. #78966
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bwgmon View Post
    Tbh I feel like they should probably be implemented as extra features for Blood Elves if anything. That way, they'll finally have a unique "extreme" like the Void Elves do with the blueberry options, and there would (hopefully) be less sour grapes over Void Elves toeing into the normal High Elf aesthetic, or the two races getting more general High Elf options.
    Ye, I agree this would be a costomization option(s) at best.

    Cracked skin
    Maybe 2 fel skin colors.
    Wings on the back.

    Since this is all to much for just one option such as dark ranger skin. I see them add just a skin color for that. I am talking sunwell fel elves. Who have other prominent feautures, that set them apart. I agree we have to many races who use the blood elf model already.. another one as an allied race would suck tbh. I would say, add 2 extra options instead of the usual 1 to the blood elf only. This would not be feautured for void elves.

    Void elves, could receive some more alleria looking stuff or some more high elf feautures. But idk how satisfying that would be.. high elves are already playable and there isnt much there we havent got or need really. Sure new, random high elf looking things could be added, but I am sure there are more interesting options out there imo.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-09-18 at 08:37 AM.

  7. #78967
    Banned KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Regarding the Arathi and their usage in a future plot...

    I've started to feel it'd be best to use them heavily in Midnight, although never granting us a full view of the Empire. After all of the talk of Renilash, I cannot imagine a world in which at the very least the Hallowfall Expedition is journeying to Quel'thalas with us. We should be able to see a portion of their strength and further develop the culture, fueling both the mystery surrounding them and their stance as a culture that will have a lasting impact on the franchise.

    I think one of the best things about them is that there are truly so many directions to take with just the Hallowfall Expedition. They can continue trying to reestablish the connection with the Empire, they can shack up in Stormwind, repopulate the Arathi Highlands, build a stronghold in the former Plaguelands, convert the Scarlets to their cause, gain interest in the Sunwell, learn of the Naaru, etc.

    There's a lot that can be done and I think a slow burn on them with heavy involvement before we see their full Empire will really make it worth it.

    That being said, 14.0 Avaloren
    I think a they could pull a nice curveball and have the Hallowfall Arathi end up turning against the Horde/Alliance. Not necessarily declare war on them and be immediately hostile, but something a long the lines of having a falling out with us.

    If a scenario was created where they had to leave Hallowfall for the surface and they chose to stay in the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor (somewhere we won't be able to find) but for all intents and purposes be antagonistic towards us, that could set-up a future plot of Faerin trying to establish ties to likeminded groups (ie: Scarlet Crusade) because of the "horror" or "trauma" she experienced dealing with the Alliance/Horde.

    They'd never do this, of course. Especially with Faerin Lothar being the character that she is... but like I said-- a curveball.

  8. #78968
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I think a they could pull a nice curveball and have the Hallowfall Arathi end up turning against the Horde/Alliance. Not necessarily declare war on them and be immediately hostile, but something a long the lines of having a falling out with us.

    If a scenario was created where they had to leave Hallowfall for the surface and they chose to stay in the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor (somewhere we won't be able to find) but for all intents and purposes be antagonistic towards us, that could set-up a future plot of Faerin trying to establish ties to likeminded groups (ie: Scarlet Crusade) because of the "horror" or "trauma" she experienced dealing with the Alliance/Horde.

    They'd never do this, of course. Especially with Faerin Lothar being the character that she is... but like I said-- a curveball.
    I think a fairly likely scenario over TWW and Midnight is:

    1) Over TWW the bulk of and leadership of the Hallowfall Expedition becomes more integrated with the Alliance/Horde, sends some people to the surface, starts working well with the Alliance/Horde on stuff, doesn't side with the Scarlet Crusade, etc.

    2) But we see some elements of the expedition are uncomfortable with this, and maybe rebel etc. We've already seen rogue but pro-Light elements within the Hallowfall guys.

    3) At the end of TWW, someone manages to re-contact the Empire - probably not a rebel but just the leadership still believing in the Empire and their god-Emperor.

    4) In Midnight, a more recent Empire expeditionary turns up, probably on the shores of Quel'thalas if by boat, or at some high place there if by airship - they will be fresh from the Empire and thus narrow-minded fanatics with only their way or death. They will not approve of the Hallowfall expedition, and so we'll see some issues there - perhaps even them executing Hallowfall people. Faerin will likely leave the Empire more formally, perhaps others will too. They will almost certainly recruit the Scarlet Crusade etc.

    5) Later in Midnight the Empire will assert that it rules all of Azeroth by divine right of their god-Emperor, and start trying to crush anyone who opposes them.

    Faerin shows no "trauma" or "horror" re: the Alliance/Horde (on the contrary, she's less traumatized than Anduin), and I don't see any logical way that would happen, because all the current Alliance/Horde leadership are fairly reasonable/sane, and already in TWW Faerin seems aware that the Empire (which she left as a child, remember), was kind of fucked-up. The idea that they'd absolutely 180 on that is odd. It's much more likely, I'd suggest, she'll fully realize how dangerous the Empire are.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Also Story Mode is like Follower mode, did not know that. Yet again they did not bother to give you characters from the story instead falling back to that entry island NPCs.
    That's kind of annoying. They should have done it like the Rookery is done with the quest when you're levelling, where they're specific story NPCs. It can't be that hard to do. Oh well, maybe they'll improve it in future tiers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Btw do you think we will get anything new next time MoP Timewalking becomes available? It's really weird to me that we still don't have ToT Timewalking.
    I don't think we will, given the next MoP Timewalking is November 19th, and we're going to be in a patch hugely full of anniversary activities at that time. I wouldn't expect an expanded MoP Timewalking until next year sometime at the soonest. Next one after that would be March 25th.

    Looking at the calendar I see Timewalkings planned out to May 27th 2025, so I very much doubt we'll see anything new until the Timewalking after that. Be happy to be surprised though.
    Last edited by Eurhetemec; 2024-09-18 at 01:39 PM.
    "A youtuber said so."

    "... some wow experts being interviewed..."

    "According to researchers from Wowhead..."

  9. #78969
    Quote Originally Posted by Eurhetemec View Post

    That's kind of annoying. They should have done it like the Rookery is done with the quest when you're levelling, where they're specific story NPCs. It can't be that hard to do. Oh well, maybe they'll improve it in future tiers.
    It is sad they ONLY did it for the Rookery. I was hoping it'd be done for all dungeons.

  10. #78970
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It is sad they ONLY did it for the Rookery. I was hoping it'd be done for all dungeons.
    Doesnt have to be all custom NPCs either. Just one or two thematic options for each.
    If you go into Stonevault you will always have Dagran there for instance. Or Dawnbreaker will always have Faerin as an NPC.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #78971
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Doesnt have to be all custom NPCs either. Just one or two thematic options for each.
    If you go into Stonevault you will always have Dagran there for instance. Or Dawnbreaker will always have Faerin as an NPC.
    And it's not like you need 4 npcs. 2 would be enough. Pick one that can be tank or dps and one that can be dps or healer and you are set. Maybe if in the future they let us do it through Warband characters it'd be OK.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-09-18 at 02:50 PM.

  12. #78972
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    So what if Xal is serving Dimensius and trying to get him on Azeroth and then what if Ky'veza is serving a different Void Lord and the one who ends up invading us in Midnight is someone we don't even know yet?
    I think this is very likely given her line at the end of Nerub-ar. Granted its nothing we didn't already now. But her soft confirming that the Voidlords themselves are likely adversaries makes it plausible that the Etherium aligned themself with a different Voidlord. Given how much they hate Dimensius.

    I think either way, we're very likely to see a void vs void subplot at somepoint in TWSS

  13. #78973
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I think this is very likely given her line at the end of Nerub-ar. Granted its nothing we didn't already now. But her soft confirming that the Voidlords themselves are likely adversaries makes it plausible that the Etherium aligned themself with a different Voidlord. Given how much they hate Dimensius.

    I think either way, we're very likely to see a void vs void subplot at somepoint in TWSS
    Maybe in Midnight instead of starting as an antagonist, Azshara can sort of be a guide to the Void (especially if Alleria loses control) only to suddenly but inevitably betray us.

  14. #78974
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Maybe in Midnight instead of starting as an antagonist, Azshara can sort of be a guide to the Void (especially if Alleria loses control) only to suddenly but inevitably betray us.
    Yeah I am also hoping she's not just another raid boss.

    It will be interesting to see how the naga prophecy plays out.

    A dark heart left broken awaits the taking. < It would seem we are here

    When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening.

    Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth. We must make ready.

    Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed.

    Another interesting tidbit from the prophecy that could be a bit of foreshadowing. But Azshara already ruled over the land once, and then the sea. So will her return to Azeroth and her third empire be in the sky?

  15. #78975
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    But her soft confirming that the Voidlords themselves are likely adversaries
    I must have missed this bit-- when did she do this?

    EDIT: With more information coming to light to point in the direction of already named "voidlords" being the actual "Void Lords" (or at least, maybe avatars of them) would that imply this holds true for the other ones too?

    We have: Dimensius, Invalidus, Arconus, Galaxis, Pandemonius, etc?
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2024-09-18 at 05:26 PM.

  16. #78976
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I must have missed this bit-- when did she do this?
    I mean, that'd be perfectly in line with the values of the Void anyway. Which one would expect the Voidlords to follow.

  17. #78977
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Yeah I am also hoping she's not just another raid boss.

    It will be interesting to see how the naga prophecy plays out.

    A dark heart left broken awaits the taking. < It would seem we are here

    When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening.

    Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth. We must make ready.

    Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed.

    Another interesting tidbit from the prophecy that could be a bit of foreshadowing. But Azshara already ruled over the land once, and then the sea. So will her return to Azeroth and her third empire be in the sky?
    So... The Harbinger awakens Azeroth?

    ... that... actually makes for a SUPER interesting direction to take things.

    Xal'atath awakens Azeroth during TWW. Azshara returns to try and "Reunite" the elven tribes at Quel'thalas because naga, too, are Elves. MAYBE she gets the "N'zoth was controlling me!" pass that Sylvanas got for the Jailer, or maybe she winds up fighting on the side of the Void and tries to be Queen-Ruler of all elves and it fails. Who knows?

    Awakened Azeroth no longer needs a speaker and gets to be a fully fleshed out NPC in the world doing stuff (or at least acting as a questgiver). She gets to help us fight against the Void attacks in Midnight.

    Then in the Last Titan the Pantheon returns, Odyn's manipulations and historical revisionism are exposed, we wind up fighting the Pantheon and destroying it...

    Leaving Azeroth as the "Last Titan". Only she's not a titan...

    OH. What if we spare Eonnar 'cause she's Elune's girlfriend?
    Last edited by Steampunkette; 2024-09-18 at 05:51 PM.
    When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like injustice.

  18. #78978
    Scarab Lord Steampunkette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkknight97 View Post
    Well with the Nerubians die or atleast the ones that followed the Queen and was left abandoned by Xal'atath there's always the fact we go deeper into the expansion of the rootlands or something with Goblins at the Undermine. Future right now is not really set in stone.
    Blizzard has stated it's already working on Midnight content.

    The future of TWW is -very much- set in stone at this point. We just can't see the side of the rock it's chiseled into.
    When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like injustice.

  19. #78979
    Quote Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Blizzard has stated it's already working on Midnight content.

    The future of TWW is -very much- set in stone at this point. We just can't see the side of the rock it's chiseled into.
    They are already working on TLT.

  20. #78980
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkknight97 View Post
    So it looks like we might see Midnight early in 2025 unless that's in 2026.
    I'm guessing they do a cinematic reveal of Midnight 2nd quarter 2025, then do a full reveal of features & surprise alpha launch at 2025 Blizzcon: Beta in March 2026. Summer 2026 release.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    They are already working on TLT.
    While I'm sure they've been conceptualizing it, that might count as "working on it" nothing is set in stone at that point. As well as if you ask about any future expansion the devs will always say they're "working on it". I'm sure a dev will say they're 10 expansions ahead if you press them. Doesn't mean its true though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Yeah I am also hoping she's not just another raid boss.

    It will be interesting to see how the naga prophecy plays out.
    You say that's a prophecy, but by all means that's just propaganda. Naga are probably the worst at predicting whats going to happen, historically speaking.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-09-18 at 06:20 PM.

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