I could see the ziggurat in ZA being used as the entrance to a delve or dungeon (or even raid) leading to Kith'ix tomb but the greater area will probably just be part of the zone.
I could see the ziggurat in ZA being used as the entrance to a delve or dungeon (or even raid) leading to Kith'ix tomb but the greater area will probably just be part of the zone.
Wouldnt say guaranteed. It's a safe-ish bet. But it's also very possible it's the intro raid, or even just a regular launch dungeon. Possibly also split into two dungeons.
All kinds of options for what instances we will have in Midnight. Not to mention that Northern EK is absolutely riddled with iconic dungeons that could be used for a Megadungeon. Scholomance and Stratholme for that undead theming if you want to bring that in. Scarlet Monastery if you want to finally bring the Scarlet Crusade and the Arathi empire into one cohesive whole. Shadowfang keep is also there, even if not as iconic.
And of course plenty of areas that could be used for dungeons that don't have one currently. Gilneas for instance. Or the ruins of Undercity would make a fantastic instance as a story element.
Think we will just have to wait and see. Though I feel good things brewing for Midnight. Definitely the expansion in the World Soul Saga with the most potential.
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That's not a bad idea. And probably the only major expansion to Quel'thalas as a zone that makes sense so far.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Off-topic from current conversation-- do you think "Delves" will be renamed sometime after TWW?
The name "Delve" describes digging/excavating into something, and in the case of this expansion being underground with various underground caves/chambers/tunnels/etc to be explored through "delving" it makes sense. Plus, Delves are to be evergreen content going forward.
But we won't always be underground. We'll be above ground as early as the next expansion and for more Delves to be added to the overworld of Azeroth... should the name remain to imply underground adventuring?
DISCLAIMER: I personally do not care if they change the name or not. I only bring it up because I had this conversation with my M+ team.
In this case, the capital city of Zul’Aman could be the megadungeon
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If Zul’Aman is a dungeon, it would almost certainly be a megadungeon instead of a regular dungeon given that the original ZA was basically a megadungeon for its time
Has this been talked about?
Concept art of beledar with stairway leading to it from the church. Not sure how to post image from reddit. Doesnt seem to work.
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Don't think so. Same reasoning you have could be used for 'dungeons', but its still called that eventhough most are outside these days.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
"To delve" doesn't just mean digging/spading things, it also refers to researching or reaching into things/exploring.
You can delve into a book, you can also delve into castle or ruin or desert, or any place.
Just like you can delve into your pockets too.
So no, there is no reason to change its name.
Last edited by Raetary; 2024-10-02 at 09:49 PM.
Formerly known as Arafal
That is assuming it has to be one instance. Could easily be that Zul'aman is a zone, or subzone with several dungeons.
And as I said. If there is one area in WoW that is not lacking in candidates for Megadungeons it's Northern EK. So far we have only gotten one Megadungeon ler expansion, and if I were to guess I would say that Zul'aman is lower on the list than the absolute winners that are Scholomance, Scarlet Monastery, or Stratholme.
And besides. While I could be wrong. I don't see why Zul'aman would be a Megadungeon when it's an area that is almost immediately relevant to Quel'thalas. It could absolutely be a Bronze Timeways situation where the entrance is there for half the expansion before opening. But I think it's more likely we see it available immediately, which to me means opening raid, or regular dungeon (or set of dungeons).
The world revamp dream will never die!
All the info we've gotten suggests that Midnight will feature just Quel'thalas. The idea that Midnight will also feature the rest of northern EK is just popular wishcasting with no actual evidence behind it. Scholomance and Stratholme really wouldn't make much sense as the megadungeon regardless since they're heavily associated with Death rather than Void
Can we expect high elves as an allied race in Midnight? I hope they add them for alliance and amani for Horde, I'd hate it if both ended up being neutral like earthen.
They should just rename Void Elves into High Elves and make the void crap a toggle ... which they've basically done already, but the racials could be rethemed to be arcane-y by default or something.
Orcs but brown.
Draenei but light-infused.
Gnomes but altered with machinery.
Humans but cursed.
Humans but dead.
Humans but fat.
Tauren but with moose antlers.
The list goes on.
I think either solution could work, personally. Either turning Void Elves and Blood Elves more High Elfy, or introducing a new AR.
But for many, I think, it's about your backstory, visual effects, and other little details. Some just want that "High Elf" branding, I suppose.
From Blizzard's POV, I think it would be smart but risky to introduce High Elves in Midnight. Risky because a lot of people would complain, but smart because a metric crap ton of players would race change or re-subscribe to the game.
I still think they will make a neutral Thalassian race that can go Alliance or Horde, with unique customizations and voice lines for High Elf flavor. Belfs and Velfs will remain untouched as they came from a specific period of time.
Absolutely. Red Draenei already have a green fel themed gift of the naaru. Rename to high elves, void skin tones get the void tint, regular get the arcane tint.
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Any idea where this is from?
I said as soon as I saw the release trailer it was a Naaru ship, and im 99.99% sure but 0.01% of me is expecting a curveball.
The distance from the chapel to the crystal is so far I don't see a conventional light staircase being added, but who knows. Part of me wonders what a whole zone inside the crystal could look like.
I would argue it has just as much evidence going for it as the idea that Quel'thalas will get a massive size increase to make it on par with a modern expansion continent.
The arguments for Quel'thalas being increased in size are either adding new zones in other dimensions or underwater. Or flat out adding extra areas that would add stuff that already exists in EK, like Northeron or more stuff with the Amani, like what we already have in Hinterlands.
Northern EK has plenty of stuff relevant to the Blood Elves. As mentioned there is more Amani stuff in Hinterlands given we already agree on Zul'aman. The Forsaken are important to the Belf storyline, even more so with Sylvanas. The Arathi could return, who we know originally saield with elves from Quel'thalas in the town right after the Troll Wars. And death stuff is already relevant to the Belves given we have Deathholme in the Ghostlands, and Arthas going straight through Silvermoon is one of the biggest events that city has historically.
Every expansion needs filler. And unless Midnight is partially set in K'aresh or something from the get-go, Northern EK has all the relevant stuff to the Belves. And also the stuff relevant for future expansion, like the Arathi.
Last edited by Sondrelk; 2024-10-03 at 07:37 AM.
The world revamp dream will never die!