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So we know the Light was probably the first cosmic force to interact with Azeroth, since one of those ancient Shards of Light landed there and gave rise to the Elementals. I'm not sure if Elementals go to heaven, so unclear if Death has arrived yet.
Unless Order is somehow involved in literally creating planets from the pre-existing matter, but I don't think we've seen any indication of that.
So Life (Elementals etc) was second to interact with Azeroth meaningfully. Arguably the first sentient beings on Azeroth.
Then came Shadow (Void), with the arrival of the Old Gods, and established the first civilization, you might say. Some new forms of life were introduced to Azeroth by them. They begin influencing the worldsoul and enslave the Elementals.
After that, Order arrived in full force with the Titans. The titan-forged are created, and the Void is pushed back. Great Titan installations are built around the planet, the Kalimdor supercontinent is shaped around Y'shaarj while Avaloren is left to the side.
Life and presumably Death blossom further on the planet, first when Elune, Eonar and Freyja plant Elun'Ahir, and then when Aman'Thul begins ripping stuff out of the planet (Y'shaarj and Elun'Ahir). Also as Freya plants various other trees and experiments in zones like Sholazar. But even from the Old Gods through the Curse of Flesh.
Then Disorder shows up as the Burning Legion become more active and (ironically) more organised. Throws a wrench in the Titans' perfect system as Kalimdor explodes and the Titans disappear.
Lastly, Death, which presumably has been present in some way ever since that first shard of Light infused Azeroth with Life, makes a few moves through the LK, Sylvanas, and the Jailer. Although it seems like this was more like a renegade within the Shadowlands using Death for his own benefit, and not Death itself, which seems rather benevolent.
Now, the Void is having a final go at it, while the "good" forces Light, Life, and Order are present to stop it.
I seriously wonder how the Beledar, Elune, Sargeras and a bunch of other things will fit into all of this. Hopefully we won't have to wait until TLT to find out.
Also, why was Kalimdor known as the Land of Eternal Starlight or whatever in the olden days. What inspired that? Was "Midnight" the natural state of things back then? Was it a dark place?