1. #79581
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    It's a wholly cut and refined crystal, covered in Naaru runes and sticks out of the cave ceiling as it would by falling through it rather than naturally forming from it.
    Blizzard called it a "Naaru Crystal" internally during concepting the zone, so I'd say it being that is pretty much solidified at this point (unless plans changed).
    Last edited by Marlamin; 2024-10-15 at 11:38 PM.

  2. #79582
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    That's kind of lame. I was hoping it would be the Light equivalent of an Old God. Guess we're going back to Goblins mining azerite ...
    It still might be. Calcified to me invokes the image of something having been grown over, in this case seemingly something that produces a huge amount of Light. My thinking is that regular Old Gods seeds attract the energies of a planet to create a tumour that eventually grows into an Old God, whereas an Old God seed captured by the Light instead attracts the energies to create a calcification that spreads into veins of crystals instead of flesh. When one of these crystals is broken apart, it creates the naaru which come to sing their own song instead of just resonating with the worldsoul's. If the seed inside the crystals dies or is otherwise made dormant, its veins become ley lines and the crystals themselves become ley line nexuses. Beneath the Sunwell is a Beledar-like crystal that's been shifting between Light and Void in resonance with Beledar, but it's been kept a secret and blamed on Alleria and the void elves.

  3. #79583
    Any new info from the weekly quest?

  4. #79584
    Quote Originally Posted by Telogrus View Post
    Any new info from the weekly quest?
    Yeah, that's where the talk about Beledar possibly being from the Worldsoul rather than an external Light thing comes from.


  5. #79585
    I'll be really shocked if the Beledar has indeed just calcified into the earth at this point, although I agree it definitely looks like impact marks around it, would the earth not crack if something was to have grown within it?

    Maybe the falling star is yet to come? I can't remember the description of the Emperors vision at this time, but could the star be a fallen Naaru (void) falling from space into the Sunwell?

    I agree it is still open ended at this time, and there is a chance the Beledar is different from the other new mentioned crystals, but it does feel strange to introduce new Azerite crystals and associate it within the characters mind as the Beledar, if its not to be so.


    Thinking more, its really strange to have this crystal be essentially Azerite, when none of the Azerite veins in BFA had any voice influence despite N'zoth returning and influencing the world at that time.

    With what we know about Naaru transitioning to void when damaged, it would make perfect sense with the Beledar being a dimensional ship akin to the Genedar and Xenedar. It crash landed and ported the Arathi down to it, then after the sword impacted the planet it damaged the Naaru within who is fighting transitioning fully into void. (or is turning to void, but being healed by other occupants within the ship)

    If it is to just be a big coalescence of world soul energy in the form of a big ol' crystal, its a really strange choice in my opinion.
    Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2024-10-16 at 01:38 AM.

  6. #79586
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    Thinking more, its really strange to have this crystal be essentially Azerite, when none of the Azerite veins in BFA had any voice influence despite N'zoth returning and influencing the world at that time.
    Looking back The Heart of Azeroth was basically a conduit between the worldsoul and mortals.

    I'm okay with the fact she represents all 6 cosmic forces. It does explain why Sargeras is hell bent on destroying Azeroth, the Burning legion mission has always been to destroy a world soul which can be tainted by the void and showing it's void-form obviously set the green light for the latest Burning Legion invasion and why he attacked her in desperation. I'm seeing very similar writing to FF14 where you have Azeroth acting as Hydalen, Sergeras as the Ascians and Dimenius as Zodiark.

    What I absolute hate however is the Crystals being glorified Azerite. It feels like we're back in BFA pre-patch again.

    But I don't fully understand now is Azeorth a heel world soul or a face one? Because of her ability to represent the Void she will always be a magnet for evil forces - When the crystal turns people it's not just the forces of the void she's attracting but also the fel who's mission is to rid of the void in a completely insane way.

  7. #79587
    We already knew Xenedar was made of Argunite which is implied to be the crystalized blood of Argus's worldsoul. So the only thing that would be strange here is if Beledar is actually made of Azerite and not from some other worldsoul that crashed into Azeroth. The whole report could just explaining Naaru ships are made from worldsoul chunks.

    Also I found it intresting that the early concept of the Xenedar its called "the Benodar".

  8. #79588
    Looking over the crystal now, when It turns from light to void and vice versa you can quite clearly see Naaru looking runes on it. One of them I'm pretty certain is usable as a head rune customization by lightforged Draenei.

    I find it hard to believe this specific crystal is naturally formed. Albeit, this is a fantasy universe so anything goes. But do crystals tend to form alone this way naturally?

    But if the crystal is to be a naturally formed thing from Worldsoul essence, why is it primarily light? I was okay with the idea of a Worldsoul being a primordial energy that could be influenced by any of the six forces. I liked the idea of the greater beings of the Light sending Naaru ships across the universe to reach planets and preach the ways of the light as a mirror to the void lords flinging old gods across space to infest planets.

    Also, while different people's can have similar language. Calling it freaking Beledar if its not a Naaru ship is weird. We have the concept art of the crystal with a doorway, we have the Naaru ship naming convention, we have interviews were it was stated that the Hallowfall crystal is the falling star the emperor saw in his vision, it turns to void like an injured Naaru but only after the sword hit the planet, it has Naaru runes on it. If it's an azerite crystal, some plans have changed here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    We already knew Xenedar was made of Argunite which is implied to be the crystalized blood of Argus's worldsoul. So the only thing that would be strange here is if Beledar is actually made of Azerite and not from some other worldsoul that crashed into Azeroth. The whole report could just explaining Naaru ships are made from worldsoul chunks.

    Also I found it intresting that the early concept of the Xenedar its called "the Benodar".

    I'm not so sure on that, the Xenedar split from the Genedar after the Naaru arrive on Argus and leave to rescue Velen and the Draenei from the planet. I don't think it would be possible for it to have been made of chunks of Argus Worldsoul essence because the ship existed (to our knowledge anyway) before arrival on Argus.

    I don't hate the idea of the Naaru ships being made of Worldsoul crystals, maybe the Beledar is yet to be made into one? but I dislike the idea of the planet having already cosmic influenced power crystals growing in it. I don't want to go to an island in TLT and it has a big green fel crystal in it because 'Azeroth is made of all cosmic forces, but this one is bad, the light ones are okay though.'

    My other gripe is there is no blue azerite tinge in the Beledar. Nah, I don't buy it at all. I'm gunna be stuck on team Beleder is a Naaru ship and I pray we don't get put into cut content wow hell.

    - so presumably this next patch with the' goblin crystal' will be our forbidden reach styled zone for the patch cadence? I have to say as others have said, it will be pretty anticlimactic if this is just a zone with goblins mining a separate crystal.

    At least if its the top of the Beledar there's some kind of interest there. Will they mine and discover an entrance to inside it? Do we have to stop them mining it before the crystal falls from the ceiling of Hallowfall into the abyss below? (Falling star? Underwater patch incoming)

    If its just a seperate large Azerite crystal, I'm not really sure what story we can expect from it. Its unlikely to be Kaja'mite, because the crystal is scaring people away right? It's not making them smarter. I really REALLY hope it isn't a maw coloured spooky 'death crystal'. (can you even imagine right?)

    We already had Azerite in BFA, they didn't really do it justice. I don't think I'd like to see it again with this level of scale. It was okay to have it a little bit with playable Earthern. I've gone from loving to being incredibly scared of giant crystals in one day.
    Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2024-10-16 at 04:28 AM.

  9. #79589
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    We know the Light was first to reach Azeroth, regardless. It's the reason it has life (at least elemental life).

    Life as a force might have arrived at this point too, which means Death followed. Although it is possible Shadow (the Void) got there first with more intent behind it.

    Then came Order (the Titans) and did its thing, before Disorder (the Burning Legion) followed in its wake. In a sense, Azeroth's pre-history culminated with the Sundering.

    I guess you could argue Death had a more active period in WotLK and Shadowlands, but in terms of affecting the worldsoul I bet it was already doing so as soon as Life spread on Azeroth.

    So all forces have been there to leave their mark on the worldsoul, is my point.

    But I think the Light was first among them, and considering how it is the most fundamental force in the universe, I don't see why the "Prime Worldsoul" wouldn't lean towards it.

    I'd like to map out chronologically when the forces made their way to Khaz Algar, too. If the fissure leading to the worldsoul was always there, it seems intentional that they've all been aiming for it.

    So the Beledar, if it was an off-world thing, might have either crashed their millions of years ago, or as recent as a few hundred.

    Then one of the Old Gods seemingly embedded itself nearby, based in that mural.

    After which Life planted Elun'Ahir through Eonar, before Aman'Thul ripped it out and the Titan-forged constructed the Coreway.

    Then Sargeras went stabby stab nearby as well.

    Seems like they all realise this is the place to be if you want to stay in the race for taking the worldsoul as a prize. I guess six seats at the high table, only one will remain to claim its prize.

  10. #79590
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Then Sargeras went stabby stab nearby as well.
    I rather doubt he aimed for any place in particular. He wasn't exactly at liberty to carefully select his target at the time.

    And from what i remember, the Titans discovered Azeroth before the Void. They shaped ancient Kalimdor into the supercontinent the Old Gods then ruled over for millenia.

  11. #79591
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    I rather doubt he aimed for any place in particular. He wasn't exactly at liberty to carefully select his target at the time.

    And from what i remember, the Titans discovered Azeroth before the Void. They shaped ancient Kalimdor into the supercontinent the Old Gods then ruled over for millenia.
    The Old Gods were ruling over Azeroth before the Titans arrived.
    Kalimdor was a supercontinent back then too, as seen in the chronicles.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #79592
    Not sure why people cling to the "naaru ship/anything" theory for Beledar.

    If it is indeed calcified Azerite, it is very likely just that, but a majority of it is Light-imbued.
    It could be a literal bloodclot, either to stop that Light energy from spreading, or Azeroth used this to enclose Void-y parts of her, which would explain the cycles of darkness - Sargeras stabbing the planet weakened the confinement, now the Void is trying to break out.

    Or some agent of the Light turned this particular crystal to the Light, which in turn makes it susceptible to falling to the Void, similar to Naaru. Similar. That is was vaguely called "Naaru Crystal" on a concept map is no proof to me that the Naaru are directly involved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Guess the new island the goblins found isn't the top of Beledar but another crystal entirely.
    Too late, "the island is Beledar's top" is already the new "Beledar is the Sword's tip".
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  13. #79593
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post

    Seems like they all realise this is the place to be if you want to stay in the race for taking the worldsoul as a prize. I guess six seats at the high table, only one will remain to claim its prize.
    Coincidentally this was a unsolved riddle from N'Zoth in the Crucible raid.

    Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.

    Atleast we know the context of that now. It would appear Azeroth will be a problem World soul if she's capable of radiating Death, Chaos and Void energy all in 1 aswell as the 3 good forces.

    Sargeras stabbed Azeroth because he sensed the Void energy from her. It all ties together.
    Last edited by OCoyne; 2024-10-16 at 06:38 AM.

  14. #79594
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Not sure why people cling to the "naaru ship/anything" theory for Beledar.

    If it is indeed calcified Azerite, it is very likely just that, but a majority of it is Light-imbued.
    It could be a literal bloodclot, either to stop that Light energy from spreading, or Azeroth used this to enclose Void-y parts of her, which would explain the cycles of darkness - Sargeras stabbing the planet weakened the confinement, now the Void is trying to break out.

    Or some agent of the Light turned this particular crystal to the Light, which in turn makes it susceptible to falling to the Void, similar to Naaru. Similar. That is was vaguely called "Naaru Crystal" on a concept map is no proof to me that the Naaru are directly involved.
    While I don't think your explanation is illogical or anything, I do think it's way too convoluted to be the likely answer. I feel like they wouldn't have multi-sourced so much about it being fundamentally Light/Void based and Naaru-adjacent and from above if the plan was that it's something else.

  15. #79595
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    Coincidentally this was a unsolved riddle from N'Zoth in the Crucible raid.

    Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.

    Atleast we know the context of that now. It would appear Azeroth will be a problem World soul if she's capable of radiating Death, Chaos and Void energy all in 1 aswell as the 3 good forces.

    Sargeras stabbed Azeroth because he sensed the Void energy from her. It all ties together.
    Light, Life and Order aren't inherently good (just like Death, Chaos and Void aren't inherently bad).

  16. #79596
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    I rather doubt he aimed for any place in particular. He wasn't exactly at liberty to carefully select his target at the time.

    And from what i remember, the Titans discovered Azeroth before the Void. They shaped ancient Kalimdor into the supercontinent the Old Gods then ruled over for millenia.
    I'm not so sure. He once visited the worldsoul inside the heart of Azeroth, and was awestruck by what he saw.

    I don't think he's on a Crusade to destroy Azeroth anymore. I think he wants to tear everything else down.

    He reveres her just as the rest of them do, but being chaotic in nature his instinct is to crush the "system" rather than the worldsoul.

    Hence, aiming his sword right at the heart of it all, where the other forces have converged to race towards the worldsoul.

    In the end he'll be the last Titan, an anti-hero that saves Azeroth.

  17. #79597
    These new information is... interesting.

    First things first. There is no confirmation that the Beledar is some calcification, it was a question asked by Dagran.

    But let's look back, When we were in Hallowfall with Anduin he remarked that the light crystals used by the Arathi are similar to Azerite, but not quite the same. Anduin had Azerite in hand when it first appeared, so he should notice if it is the same (the vison of power to create and destroy he got when touching it). Next, we know from Gallywix that the tip of his staff, was azerite, and since Gallywix had Azerite on his staff before the sword, the gold and blue hue of it is not from whatever sargeras did.

    So, Then why is Azerite gold and blue, but the Beledar only golden and turns purple, not blue. Which should mean, they are not the same. But, they can still be related.

    We know of the origin story of the universe from chronicles. Sure, titan pov yadda yadda. But, the shards of light that started all life could still be a true thing. So, where do worldsouls come from in the first place? According to that story, maybe every world soul IS a shard of light. But don't light turn to shadow automatically? Like the Beledar?

    Well, not all Shadow is the same. With TWW we saw some very interesting color choices for some things. Old god shadow is purple-magenta colored, so more into the red spectrum. While Xal'atahts shadow is more pure purple and less red. But then we also have cosmic voids shadow, which is distinctively blue. We can see that perfectly in these icons for some crafting materials. Also note the names given to these icons.




    So. What if, world souls, are shards of light, but also void? This would perfectly explain the color of azerite of being gold for light, and blue for cosmic void. So, how does the Beledar fit in here? The beledar might also be a shard of light, but a smaller one. And a smaller shard might not be able to turn into a world soul, but the next best thing, Naaru. Naaru, we know, communicate in song like fashion. Like the Radiant Song. We also know, that Elune is supposedly the "mother" of the prime naaru. Now, Elune is always connected to the moon, and also seems to have a shadow side. This all could be connected. The bigger the shard of light, the more powerful a being is. Perhaps Elune is from a bigger shard of light, but not quite a world soul. This let's me think of a hierarchy of power which could explain a few things, but others are still open and need more information.
    • Prime Shard of Light - Prime World Soul - Azeroth
    • World Shard of Light - World Soul - Titans, Argus, Sargers
    • Moon Shard of Light - ??? - Elune
    • Star Shard of Light - ??? - Beledar (same or above Prime Naaru?)
    • Mayor Shard of Light - Prime Naaru - X'era
    • Minor Shard of Light - Naaru - A'dal and others

    This is a lot of ramble. But is quite fun to speculate.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
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  18. #79598
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    Light, Life and Order aren't inherently good (just like Death, Chaos and Void aren't inherently bad).
    From the point of view of players, I think they could considered better than the three opposing forces.

    For one, they haven't sought to destroy and defile as the rest of them do. Instead, they're focused on building things, creation, and beauty.

    But their success is also inherently tied to ours.

    If Life controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Light controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Order controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Death, Disorder, or Shadow control Azeroth, it becomes a literal hellscape (if it even survives) and everything on it is either corrupt, dead, or suffering.

    Now, granted, there's nuance. Order and Light tend to be too controlling and their adherents rather zealous. Sometimes they see us as ants, unimportant in the larger scheme of things. Life can also be rather chaotic in its ambition to spread, as seen with the Botani.

    But there's no question that three forces are more destructive.

  19. #79599
    The original concept of the World Soul was that they were created by Light and Void interacting. Perhaps we are just going back to that. Beledar is now a huge chunk not of the blood of Azeroth but of the SOUL of Azeroth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    From the point of view of players, I think they could considered better than the three opposing forces.

    For one, they haven't sought to destroy and defile as the rest of them do. Instead, they're focused on building things, creation, and beauty.

    But their success is also inherently tied to ours.

    If Life controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Light controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Order controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Death, Disorder, or Shadow control Azeroth, it becomes a literal hellscape (if it even survives) and everything on it is either corrupt, dead, or suffering.

    Now, granted, there's nuance. Order and Light tend to be too controlling and their adherents rather zealous. Sometimes they see us as ants, unimportant in the larger scheme of things. Life can also be rather chaotic in its ambition to spread, as seen with the Botani.

    But there's no question that three forces are more destructive.
    If any of the first three controls Azeroth, we are fucked. Life goes rampant and we are in a survival of the fittest jungle. Light just crystallizes us into permanence, Order snuffs out free will. Now if we get those three in balance then yes, we thrive. Which is what Azeroth has had for a long time.

  20. #79600
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    From the point of view of players, I think they could considered better than the three opposing forces.

    For one, they haven't sought to destroy and defile as the rest of them do. Instead, they're focused on building things, creation, and beauty.

    But their success is also inherently tied to ours.

    If Life controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Light controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Order controls Azeroth, it's all good. We thrive.

    If Death, Disorder, or Shadow control Azeroth, it becomes a literal hellscape (if it even survives) and everything on it is either corrupt, dead, or suffering.

    Now, granted, there's nuance. Order and Light tend to be too controlling and their adherents rather zealous. Sometimes they see us as ants, unimportant in the larger scheme of things. Life can also be rather chaotic in its ambition to spread, as seen with the Botani.

    But there's no question that three forces are more destructive.
    If Life controls Azeroth, civilization wouldn't be possible, you would get your life choked out by vines and uncontrollable growths (see the Sporemound in Draenor). If you are even allowed to die and not just shamble around as a overgrown corpse.

    If Light controls Azeroth, it's all good, you thrive, as long as you adhere to the Light's will. If you stray from that path, you are free to be hunted down.

    If Order controls Azeroth, the titans can just go back to there Order, eradicate all new life and re-establish their robotic heritage.

    Yeah, Void, Chaos and Death clearly can be seen as more chaotic, but it remains to be seen what Chaos even is without Sargeras at the helm twisting it's nature. Death is actually rather orderly and apart from Zovaal, could actually be seen as a rather benevolent force in the grand scheme of things. While the void at it's extreme end is just nothingness and madness, it also encourages to question order and the status quo.

    It's just a very surface level observation, because we have already seen the Worst of what Chaos, Death and the Void have to "offer", while what Light, Life and Order have done are either way in the past, or just "background noise" (Like the Light basically glassing AU Draenor).

    The Emerald Dream we see is just like a tamed version of it's true form. A book in 10.2 reports, that Waves of "joy and contentment" washed over a druid who came close to the edges of the dream, before falling asleep. It could be that this is similar to the madness that people who deal with the void experience.
    Last edited by Jaggler; 2024-10-16 at 09:02 AM.

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