A great and terrible presence filled the hall. Turalyon felt holy wrath coalescing around Alleria. He
stepped next to her. "Xe'ra, please, show mercy," he said.
I warned her what would happen if she tolerated the Shadow. And now she would defile this place.
Lothraxion knelt before the whirling power of the Mother of Light. "Hear my words. Lady Alleria
Windrunner came back to save us, knowing that she would not be accepted here. Courage, honor,
selflessness… these virtues still reside in her heart."
Virtues count for nothing if you stray from the path the Light has chosen for you.
And yet, despite her anger, Xe'ra hesitated.
Turalyon opened his mind to her, letting her see his doubts, anguish, and resolve. "I beg you, Xe'ra, do
not harm her."
Xe'ra's merciless regard examined his soul, and then turned back to the woman he loved.
Alleria Windrunner. Will you renounce the Void and pledge obedience to the Light?
Alleria spoke without fear. "I will fight the Burning Legion until it is dust."
Answer my question.
"We walk different paths, but we are not enemies. I have seen it. I will join the Army of the Light in the
final battle against the Legion, and together we will bring the demons down."
No, Alleria. You will not. You will remain here, imprisoned, until you accept the path of righteousness
once again. I will not allow you to taint what I have foreseen.
"Do what you must."