1. #79761
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Remember when Eredar and Draenei were unrelated species? I do.
    I think you're thinking of the wrong factoid. The retcon was that the Eredar corrupted Sargeras, rather than the other way around. In warcraft 3 what we now know as broken draenei say the Eredar caused their decline, but that's not necessarily mean they weren't part of the same race. But at that point we enter a nebulous lore territory, because two separate teams were writing Warcraft 3 and Vanilla WoW. I don't think the Draenei were even mentioned in Vanilla WoW, just like the history of the world in Warcraft 3 never mentions the Dragonflights.

    It's funny that people think Metzen is going to make Warcraft less-cosmic, when he's the one who came up with the all the stuff about space-travel & sentient rocks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Would love. Who knows maybe it happens. Maybe just Faerin survives cause she is with us.
    Big Talia Fordragon Energy. The first rule of WoW writing is just because a character takes up hours of gameplay doesn't mean she's ever going to do anything important.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-10-19 at 01:22 PM.

  2. #79762
    It seems like people don't fully know what the word "retcon" is supposed to mean.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  3. #79763
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I think you're thinking of the wrong factoid. The retcon was that the Eredar corrupted Sargeras, rather than the other way around. In warcraft 3 what we now know as broken draenei say the Eredar caused their decline, but that's not necessarily mean they weren't part of the same race. But at that point we enter a nebulous lore territory, because two separate teams were writing Warcraft 3 and Vanilla WoW. I don't think the Draenei were even mentioned in Vanilla WoW, just like the history of the world in Warcraft 3 never mentions the Dragonflights.
    They're two sides of the same coin. They weren't Eredar before BC, because before BC, Eredar were 100ft tall primordial space demons who had always been demons and went around corrupting other races into demonic entities. There was no logical connection between the two. The WC2 manual establishes that the Draenei are natives, Gul'dan even refers to the orc's own planet as "the red world of the Draenei" hence it being called Draenor and talks about how they razed the fields the Draenei had been tending for thousands of years, it also establishes KJ as just one of the "daemonlords" from a different plane.

    WC3 just shifted KJ to be part of a specific race, Eredar, who were still innate demons native to the Twisting Nether.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2024-10-19 at 10:39 PM.

  4. #79764
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    None of it has been retconned so far. Something not being mentioned is not a retcon, it's just information that isn't currently relevant. A retcon would require that new information contradicts established fact retroactively.

    And your list is rather tiny and mostly just wishful thinking.
    ALL of it has been retconned already. They literally released a free novel one month before TWW to re-write Anduin's character, the only event which took place was the fact he was temporarily a Death Knight and it literally got 1 sentence throughout the entire novel.

    If you think that isn't obvious enough they're hard erasing anything to do with SL like a cheating ex who stole from you I despair.

    His character's totally changed from someone struggling with PTSD to the Am I a King or do I serve the light arc which you see in finale of the Main Quests which tbh I'm totally okay with it.
    Last edited by OCoyne; 2024-10-20 at 01:44 AM.

  5. #79765
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    ALL of it has been retconned already. They literally released a free novel one month before TWW to re-write Anduin's character, the only event which took place was the fact he was temporarily a Death Knight and it literally got 1 sentence throughout the entire novel.

    If you think that isn't obvious enough they're hard erasing anything to do with SL like a cheating ex who stole from you I despair.

    His character's totally changed from someone struggling with PTSD to the Am I a King or do I serve the light arc which you see in finale of the Main Quests which tbh I'm totally okay with it.

    Weird thing to say considering Xal'atath quite literally flexes the fact we survived the threats in the Realm of Death.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Heck, she uses it as the most important example of mortals being the "most wrathful beings in existence".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    99% of Shadowlands lore is retconned anyhow. It wasn't just because of the Jailer either.

    It was the terrible writing with Sylvanas, promoting an Arthas return, the Dreadlords actually serving death rather than the Burning Legion, missing storylines in Revendreth regarding Lorthraxion, missing storylines regarding Nathanos supposedly turning up otherwise what the fuck was the point in him willingly die in the pre-patch, COVID, Bobby Kotick, FF14 overtaking WoW as the biggest MMO for a short period when the boom happened until DF release.

    That's actually a huge list to why people should consider SL lore retconned. The only 3 which people should factor in which is still in the current timeline is Sylvanas is banished to the maw, the Dreadlords have a leader who's still alive and The Jailers attempts to manipulate the Forge of Orginination
    You mean the Machine of Origination?

  6. #79766
    Just wait until some folks see Shadowlands residents show up at the anniversary celebration.

  7. #79767
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    How I wish they added those Faun from the Shadowlands as a playable race. They clear those stinky looking harronir. And, you know, they aren't just another damn elf.

  8. #79768
    I just want us to get the races that have actually been faction members since vanilla (like Ogres and Forest Trolls for the Horde) instead of whatever shiny catches people's eye every expac.

  9. #79769
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    ALL of it has been retconned already. They literally released a free novel one month before TWW to re-write Anduin's character, the only event which took place was the fact he was temporarily a Death Knight and it literally got 1 sentence throughout the entire novel.

    If you think that isn't obvious enough they're hard erasing anything to do with SL like a cheating ex who stole from you I despair.

    His character's totally changed from someone struggling with PTSD to the Am I a King or do I serve the light arc which you see in finale of the Main Quests which tbh I'm totally okay with it.
    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Not that you'd be remotely reliable given how you keep misreading everything.

  10. #79770
    I think even during SL/just after Anduin's writing has not been good. We're supposed to believe he's completely traumatised and committed countless terrible things, but all he did was steal some mcguffins and stabbed a big blue angel.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  11. #79771
    Elemental Lord
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    This week Warcraft should have spotlight even outside regular media, so there won't be better time to finally announce direct.

  12. #79772
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I just want us to get the races that have actually been faction members since vanilla (like Ogres and Forest Trolls for the Horde) instead of whatever shiny catches people's eye every expac.
    Imagine hopping into a time machine and telling someone playing vanilla we'd get nonexistent fox people, cyborg gnomes, and anemic wall lizards before ogres.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  13. #79773
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I agree with the above posts.

    The thing I care the absolute most for, though, is world design.

    Old expansions had amazing ambience. The zones felt like they existed, not for us to see them but because they're part of a world.

    The music also had a major impact on this; it was simpler back in the day. Especially between Vanilla - WotLK.

    I'm newer expansions, like the story, it got so bombastic, always demanding your attention. Zones became more like themeparks as a result. Great the first time but quickly got old.

    They started returning to form a bit with Dragonflight though. But The War Within instead suffers from having hyper-stylised zones in the underground biome. In a sense, they have the same effect as Outland and the Shadowlands. It takes you out of the world, a bit.

    For Midnight and especially TLT, I hope we get really low key ambient music, regular skyboxes, and natural biomes.
    Low key ambient music adds so much more to the atmosphere which makes the Classic & TBC zones feel like they have more soul in them so I would love to see more of a focus on that in Midnight.

    I would also like to have Northrend feel dangerous. While many will disagree with me, I would prefer it if at the beginning of Midnight & TLT that flying mounts would not be available and that we would have to explore the expansion in it's first months by ground thus making it feel more dangerous and immersive.

  14. #79774
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    It is utterly mind boggling, but equally hilarious, the same handful of posters can repeatedly fall into arguments about what is established lore and what is considered a retcon or not.
    And still be wrong every single time.

    I did one Google search and found the top 5 results, with sources, explaining the Eredar/Sargeras/Draenei retcon from TBC.

  15. #79775
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    You mean the Machine of Origination?
    The Sundering was so severe landmasses moved hundreds of miles, at this point it's more likely all the Titan facilities were part of one singular megastructure than the rest of the coreway being on Khaz Algar. But yes its dumb they used such a similar name in Shadowlands for the big mcguffin.

  16. #79776
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    How I wish they added those Faun from the Shadowlands as a playable race. They clear those stinky looking harronir. And, you know, they aren't just another damn elf.
    I'm still holding out hope for the Shadowlands races to become a patch feature as allied races for Midnight when Sylvanas comes back in order to defend Silvermoon. I really, really want to play a Kyrian.

  17. #79777
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    It is utterly mind boggling, but equally hilarious, the same handful of posters can repeatedly fall into arguments about what is established lore and what is considered a retcon or not.
    And still be wrong every single time.

    I did one Google search and found the top 5 results, with sources, explaining the Eredar/Sargeras/Draenei retcon from TBC.
    I expect them to have forgotten about it by the end of the week. Again.

  18. #79778
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The Sundering was so severe landmasses moved hundreds of miles, at this point it's more likely all the Titan facilities were part of one singular megastructure than the rest of the coreway being on Khaz Algar. But yes its dumb they used such a similar name in Shadowlands for the big mcguffin.
    What does the sundering have to do with a cosmic machine deep within the heart of the sepulcher? Also, why is it dumb? If anything, the Sepulcher's machine is more of an Origination device than the Titans "forge of origination".

  19. #79779
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    What does the sundering have to do with a cosmic machine deep within the heart of the sepulcher? Also, why is it dumb? If anything, the Sepulcher's machine is more of an Origination device than the Titans "forge of origination".
    1.) The Topic is the Coreway & what the Titans were doing with it & 2.) real human people named these things. It's stupid that the writers gave such a similar name to an unrelated device.

  20. #79780
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    1.) The Topic is the Coreway & what the Titans were doing with it & 2.) real human people named these things. It's stupid that the writers gave such a similar name to an unrelated device.
    I mean, you can discuss that stuff about the Coreway, just not with me. Also, don't you think it's possible that the Machine of Origination was used to...ya know...originate existence?
    Last edited by Joshuaj; 2024-10-20 at 09:07 PM.

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