1. #79781
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    ALL of it has been retconned already. They literally released a free novel one month before TWW to re-write Anduin's character, the only event which took place was the fact he was temporarily a Death Knight and it literally got 1 sentence throughout the entire novel.

    If you think that isn't obvious enough they're hard erasing anything to do with SL like a cheating ex who stole from you I despair.
    None of its been retconned, its just brushed over. Like WoD.

    Like, we even saw the Night Fae in the Emerald Dream. Little hard to, y'know, be a retcon if they're showing up and going 'Hey been a while here's the big seed thing that we worked at in the Night Fae Questline in the expansion World of Warcraft Shadowlands", and its not like Amirdrassil was that long ago

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    I'm still holding out hope for the Shadowlands races to become a patch feature as allied races for Midnight when Sylvanas comes back in order to defend Silvermoon. I really, really want to play a Kyrian.
    None of them are set up to be used as player models so we'd know immediately if they were ever considering it. Kyrian and Sylvar are the closest due to being based on Vrykul and Draenei, Maldraxxus ones don't even have a face though they're just KTs, and Venthyr would need a complete model rebuild even bigger than what the Nightborne got

    Mind my Shadowlands hopeful player race has always been the gargoyles, not the venthyr

  2. #79782
    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    None of its been retconned, its just brushed over. Like WoD.

    Like, we even saw the Night Fae in the Emerald Dream. Little hard to, y'know, be a retcon if they're showing up and going 'Hey been a while here's the big seed thing that we worked at in the Night Fae Questline in the expansion World of Warcraft Shadowlands", and its not like Amirdrassil was that long ago

    None of them are set up to be used as player models so we'd know immediately if they were ever considering it. Kyrian and Sylvar are the closest due to being based on Vrykul and Draenei, Maldraxxus ones don't even have a face though they're just KTs, and Venthyr would need a complete model rebuild even bigger than what the Nightborne got

    Mind my Shadowlands hopeful player race has always been the gargoyles, not the venthyr
    The First Ones were also name dropped in the Dragonflight codex book. Khadgar also used Sargeras and the Maw as examples of the champions' defiance and strength in the book.

  3. #79783
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    This week Warcraft should have spotlight even outside regular media, so there won't be better time to finally announce direct.
    Why is that?
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  4. #79784
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Why is that?
    20th Anniversary Patch?

  5. #79785
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    20th Anniversary Patch?
    Yeah but why 'even outside regular media'? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what that means, but it sounded to me like it was going to be covered somewhere outside of gaming media.
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  6. #79786
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Yeah but why 'even outside regular media'? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what that means, but it sounded to me like it was going to be covered somewhere outside of gaming media.
    I meant outside wow/blizzard media like wowhead or mmochamp.

  7. #79787
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I meant outside wow/blizzard media like wowhead or mmochamp.
    Aah like interviews/articles etc? Yeah makes sense I guess.
    "What does it feel like to celebrate 20 years of wow?"
    "It has been an amazing journey ... .... ... ".
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  8. #79788
    So, was Algalon actually bluffing (or just clueless)? If the Sundering disconnected Khaz Algar from "the manifold", surely Ulduar and Uldum have been similarly disconnected, meaning Algalon didn't actually have any way to re-originate Azeroth anymore. He was probably sending reply codes into the void (not that one) and so did we, explaining why we got a fancy light show over Dalaran instead of presumably a communication beam into the direction of Uldum.

    I realize in Wrath the idea was that the reply code goes straight to the Titans "in space", but that contradicts what we know about Titans and how their constructions work from Cata, Legion and now TWW.

    Although I admit there is a fair chance that this changes again in TLT.
    Last edited by Samin; 2024-10-21 at 08:50 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  9. #79789
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    So, was Algalon actually bluffing (or just clueless)? If the Sundering disconnected Khaz Algar from "the manifold", surely Ulduar and Uldum have been similarly disconnected, meaning Algalon didn't actually have any way to re-originate Azeroth anymore. He was probably sending reply codes into the void (not that one) and so did we, explaining why we got a fancy light show over Dalaran instead of presumably a communication beam into the direction of Uldum.

    I realize in Wrath the idea was that the reply code goes straight to the Titans "in space", but that contradicts what we know about Titans and how their constructions work from Cata, Legion and now TWW.

    Although I admit there is a fair chance that this changes again in TLT.
    I imagine Ulduar was a lil more unique, since it's a much bigger facility, and all the Keepers were rocking there.

  10. #79790
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I imagine Ulduar was a lil more unique, since it's a much bigger facility, and all the Keepers were rocking there.
    Given it's importance, the re-origination mechanism probably has more redundancies as well.

    On the flipside, the Coreway had served its purpose and wasn't technically needed anymore.
    Last edited by huth; 2024-10-21 at 09:51 PM.

  11. #79791
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    So, was Algalon actually bluffing (or just clueless)? If the Sundering disconnected Khaz Algar from "the manifold", surely Ulduar and Uldum have been similarly disconnected, meaning Algalon didn't actually have any way to re-originate Azeroth anymore. He was probably sending reply codes into the void (not that one) and so did we, explaining why we got a fancy light show over Dalaran instead of presumably a communication beam into the direction of Uldum.
    I don't think Uldum ever disconnected.

    Because Algalon for one, but in BfA we also powered it with the Engine of Nalak'sha in Pandaria.
    It's also the Titans big failsafe facility, so i wouldn't be surprised if there aren't extra security measures in place to prevent that from happening.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #79792
    Are the weekly titan disc quests missable? Cause I haven't played in almost a month.

  13. #79793
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Are the weekly titan disc quests missable? Cause I haven't played in almost a month.
    No. They'll replace your regular weekly until you do them.

  14. #79794
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    No. They'll replace your regular weekly until you do them.
    Nice, that's really good to know.

  15. #79795
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Given it's importance, the re-origination mechanism probably has more redundancies as well.

    On the flipside, the Coreway had served its purpose and wasn't technically needed anymore.
    This is also true.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Btw, the "Forge of Origination" is such a shit name. That didn't originate shit.

  16. #79796
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    This is also true.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Btw, the "Forge of Origination" is such a shit name. That didn't originate shit.
    I'm pretty sure it means Origination like "Turn everything back to the original" I.E.: big reset button. Originate doesn't sound like create to me, but im not a native speaker.
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  17. #79797
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    I'm pretty sure it means Origination like "Turn everything back to the original" I.E.: big reset button. Originate doesn't sound like create to me, but im not a native speaker.
    And Forge of Factory Reset just doesn't have the same ring.

  18. #79798
    Not sure if it has been mentioned but I went back to the Shadows Beneath cinematic and we see an Arathi airship going into a coccoon/black blood infested tunnel that looks nothing like anything else in Azj-Kahet (maybe it's something within the raid? I haven't set foot inside so I don't know what all the areas in it look like) but in another scene we see the camera flying through another one of those tunnels and it ends on this really dark room/lab where you see both a Nerubian:

    and the very same Nerubian experimenting while standing in front of a hanging Old God tentacle:

    Looking at all the information we have and pictures, it looks very much like a N'zoth tentacle. You have the purple hue, the black spikes and then the red eyes all over it.
    With N'zoth being closely tied to aquatic themes, Queen Azshara and also having some ties to Xal'atath, I feel like we're going to be hearing a whole lot more about him and we're not done with the Nerubians story just yet.

    Some of the flora found around Azj-Kahet also resembles the maw at the top of N'zoth. The vertical, sort of twisted, fanged top with the yellow/orange light emanating from it.
    Which would make sense because if it's N'zoth's blood that's corrupting the land, the plants around the area also absorb the blood and start taking a shape that resembles him.

    A question I have though is... Who is the character in the trailer that's doing those experiments? It looks a lot like Executor Nizrek in every way, except the Executor has a 5th big middle eye, as opposed to the 6 seen on this character. The headpiece's shape is the exact same.
    It however, looks exactly like Skeinspinner Takazj in facial features but the headpiece doesn't look like the one he has in-game (Maybe once appointed to the Silken Court his kit has had a bit of a glow up?).

    What we see in that cinematic also links to concept Art from a few weeks back. Concept Art could be exactly just that, just concepts, but we have a creature called the Great Devourer (with a few more like it behind it) consuming or dribbling all over a Jellyfish-like creature with some sort of Artifact embedded into the top of it:

    We see the same Jellyfish creature and artifact multiple times in his Artwork, and with the Artist calling the creature out by name, it sounds like it could be a creature relevant to the story? The concept Art is similar to what we see in the cinematic in atmosphere and look. The hanging mass of something, chains all over the place, the room looking like some sort of lab.
    Another confirmation of this is this series of artwork by the same artist, which he calls and describes as "The War Within: Nerubian Kingdom Laboratory and Chambers
    Fallen old gods remains are experimented with and are stored in deep chambers. Their blood harbour interesting properties.": https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kNlKvd

    Could we be seeing an even darker and even more closely tied to Old Gods (N'zoth?) part to the Nerubian arc in the future?

  19. #79799
    I mean the city in the cinematic also looks quite different to ingame. Maybe more recognisable, but I wouldn't bet money on airship scene being anything else than an older interpretation of the entrance to Azj-Kahet.

    I believe the latter concept art is early concept art of the Weaver's Lair or influenced what the Weaver's Lair would become. Similar to the concept art of Beledar with stairs leading up to it, maybe just discarded ideas.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  20. #79800
    Looks like patch 11.0.7 will be January 7/8 since the 20th anniversary event ends on the 6th.

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