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None of its been retconned, its just brushed over. Like WoD.
Like, we even saw the Night Fae in the Emerald Dream. Little hard to, y'know, be a retcon if they're showing up and going 'Hey been a while here's the big seed thing that we worked at in the Night Fae Questline in the expansion World of Warcraft Shadowlands", and its not like Amirdrassil was that long ago
None of them are set up to be used as player models so we'd know immediately if they were ever considering it. Kyrian and Sylvar are the closest due to being based on Vrykul and Draenei, Maldraxxus ones don't even have a face though they're just KTs, and Venthyr would need a complete model rebuild even bigger than what the Nightborne got
Mind my Shadowlands hopeful player race has always been the gargoyles, not the venthyr