1. #79881
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post

    - - - Updated - - -

    That is all but confirmed. I would imagine that for the amount of time the titan installations have been on Azeroth, she will be at least part-titan. Perhaps the very first titan-like being that embodies all 6 of the cosmic forces?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Never thought about this. I wonder what she would name herself if given the opportunity.


  2. #79882
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post

  3. #79883
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post

    - - - Updated - - -

    That is all but confirmed. I would imagine that for the amount of time the titan installations have been on Azeroth, she will be at least part-titan. Perhaps the very first titan-like being that embodies all 6 of the cosmic forces?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Never thought about this. I wonder what she would name herself if given the opportunity.

    I think the idea is that Worldsouls can become any type of cosmic being, if a singular force influences it enough. However, if all 6 forces influence a worldsoul, it could become something unique, which I imagine was the initial intent of the Worldsouls and their function (As the Pantheons embody their cosmic force, therefore making the Worldsouls represent all 6, as the Dark Beyond is the combination of all 6 forces). Granted, I may be very wrong on this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post

  4. #79884
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MauroDiogo View Post
    With all the current story threads going, Do you think the Last Titan in The Last Titan is referring to one single Titan from the Pantheon being the very last Titan after we kill them (if the story goes that way)?
    or do you think someone else becomes the Last Titan after we get rid of the Pantheon?
    I think Sargeras will be the Last Titan, and will be freed at the end of TLT to go and rebuild the Legion for future conflicts.

    It will be fully laid out that Worldsouls aren't innately Titans, but become Titans when imbued with the Titans' Order magic. They become other things when exposed to other kinds of magic (hence the Old Gods wanting to corrupt it for the Void, etc.)

    Azeroth will defy this in the end and refuse to become a Titan, or join any other cosmic power. She won't be the Last Titan, or a Titan at all. She will remain the Worldsoul, an eternal source of life and power for the world of Azeroth.

  5. #79885
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    I think Sargeras will be the Last Titan, and will be freed at the end of TLT to go and rebuild the Legion for future conflicts.

    It will be fully laid out that Worldsouls aren't innately Titans, but become Titans when imbued with the Titans' Order magic. They become other things when exposed to other kinds of magic (hence the Old Gods wanting to corrupt it for the Void, etc.)

    Azeroth will defy this in the end and refuse to become a Titan, or join any other cosmic power. She won't be the Last Titan, or a Titan at all. She will remain the Worldsoul, an eternal source of life and power for the world of Azeroth.
    Honestly I would not mind if Azeroth just never woke up, her power dispersed among the sentient races of the planet with the Champions receiving the majority of that strength.

  6. #79886
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly I would not mind if Azeroth just never woke up, her power dispersed among the sentient races of the planet with the Champions receiving the majority of that strength.
    I'd fuck with it ngl

    - - - Updated - - -

    My question is this though: When tf is the seventh going to make its move? Or has it started making moves from the very beginning?

  7. #79887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly I would not mind if Azeroth just never woke up, her power dispersed among the sentient races of the planet with the Champions receiving the majority of that strength.
    This was (allegedly) a story thread that Dave Kosak, former Narrative Principle Designer, once alluded to a couple times in the past. One time he posted on a Reddit thread (I thought it was on Twitter) about it.
    A thread here on MMO-C was made about it: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...r-wake-up-quot

    It's too late. Azeroth will never wake up. He was the Titan's last hope.

    ...But a bit of his spirit dwells within every hero of Azeroth, every mage who picked up a wand, every warrior who took up a blade, every champion from any world who took root in Azeroth and decided to defend it as their home.

    We mortals are all that stands between the Light and oblivion, but so long as this world is our home we're lit from within by the heroic spirit of a dormant Titan.
    Granted he admitted it was not canon, and the quote comes off as pseudo-RP exposition, but its interesting to see discussion pop up again that is akin to this comment he made.

  8. #79888
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    I think Sargeras will be the Last Titan, and will be freed at the end of TLT to go and rebuild the Legion for future conflicts.

    It will be fully laid out that Worldsouls aren't innately Titans, but become Titans when imbued with the Titans' Order magic. They become other things when exposed to other kinds of magic (hence the Old Gods wanting to corrupt it for the Void, etc.)

    Azeroth will defy this in the end and refuse to become a Titan, or join any other cosmic power. She won't be the Last Titan, or a Titan at all. She will remain the Worldsoul, an eternal source of life and power for the world of Azeroth.

    That's my main guess too! Playing right into the Burning Legion's/Void's schemes. Cause disruption, confusion and in fighting, have the World Soul and the players remove the obstacle that are the Titans and then the BL/Void having full reign to do whatever they please with one less force in the Cosmos pushing back against them.

    This also plays PERFECTLY with my Dark Storm/Traveler book Theory.

    The Dark Storm is a Void, swirling, living purple mass that is dark but you can see the cosmos and stars within it. It's meant to bring about a calamity by the same name, that will consume all life and plunge Azeroth into complete darkness (Midnight). The Dark Storm needs to constantly feed on life to keep and to grow in power.
    Dark Storm is being used by a Burning Legion Highlord called Xaraax, that has the curious title of HARBINGER of the Dark Storm.

    But the Dark Storm has never come to pass because there is a Naaru that has been protecting and using it's grace to shield Azeroth from being fully corrupted by the Burning Legion and the Void.

    If Sargeras knew this, and it's already been implied that he was directly aiming the sword "...or at someone..." (can't remember by who exactly. Not sure if an NPC or a Dev in a presentation), then he was trying to destroy Beledar and remove this shield protecting Azeroth so the Burning Legion/Void could go ahead with it's plans.
    It only weakened Beledar though and another Harbinger, one called Xal'atath, knowing this, has been using this new weak point in this impenetrable shield to try and corrupt it. Thus bringing about Dark Storm/Midnight.

    (I bring the Dark Storm up at times because I cannot shake off the thought of how it both fits and seems to mirror the events in TWW perfectly! haha )

  9. #79889
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    My question is this though: When tf is the seventh going to make its move? Or has it started making moves from the very beginning?
    The 7th force is a power that the First Ones did not anticipate would become so powerful (or powerful enough) to pose a threat to the "pattern" of reality: the player characters.

    The "heroes/champions of Azeroth" are becoming so strong that even Xal'atath has mused on our capabilities. Going to the realms of cosmic forces and killing gods. We are standing toe-to-toe and overcoming the fundamental structures of our physical universe... and not so physical universes (ie: the Shadowlands, potentially Life and Light realms, definitely the Void.) We stand to be the most powerful force in the universe and, if left unchecked, Azeroth's defenders will upset this pretty little balance and cause a total meltdown of reality.

    Also: I totally just ripped that from 'Mortal Kombat: Armageddon'
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2024-10-28 at 06:49 PM.

  10. #79890
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    This was (allegedly) a story thread that Dave Kosak, former Narrative Principle Designer, once alluded to a couple times in the past. One time he posted on a Reddit thread (I thought it was on Twitter) about it.
    A thread here on MMO-C was made about it: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...r-wake-up-quot

    It's too late. Azeroth will never wake up. He was the Titan's last hope.

    Granted he admitted it was not canon, and the quote comes off as pseudo-RP exposition, but its interesting to see discussion pop up again that is akin to this comment he made.
    Yup, personally when I read about that way back then I fully agreed with that approach. No waiting for a god to wake up and save us, we need to save ourselves.

  11. #79891
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    The 7th force is a power that the First Ones did not anticipate would become so powerful (or powerful enough) to pose a threat to the "pattern" of reality: the player characters.

    The "heroes/champions of Azeroth" are becoming so strong that even Xal'atath has mused on our capabilities. Going to the realms of cosmic forces and killing gods. We are standing toe-to-toe and overcoming the fundamental structures of our physical universe... and not so physical universes (ie: the Shadowlands, potentially Life and Light realms, definitely the Void.) We stand to be the most powerful force in the universe and, if left unchecked, Azeroth's defenders will upset this pretty little balance and cause a total meltdown of reality.

    Also: I totally just ripped that from 'Mortal Kombat: Armageddon'
    Interesting theory. I just think it's a 7th First One that went against the other Progenitors, going so far as to want to consume them and become "the supreme being". It would explain one of N'Zoth's whispers a bit, as it's still not yet explained.

    Basically, I want the 7th to be WoW's Yog-Sothoth. But I like your idea as well.

  12. #79892
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Interesting theory. I just think it's a 7th First One that went against the other Progenitors, going so far as to want to consume them and become "the supreme being". It would explain one of N'Zoth's whispers a bit, as it's still not yet explained.

    Basically, I want the 7th to be WoW's Yog-Sothoth. But I like your idea as well.
    That's just a re-tread of Amon and the Xel'Naga from StarCraft II.

  13. #79893
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    That's just a re-tread of Amon and the Xel'Naga from StarCraft II.
    Starcraft did a similar plot? I did not know that (this isn't sarcasm, I genuinely did not know this, I'll have to research more Starcraft lore). I mean, hey, it doesn't hurt to take from another Blizzard verse, ya know? I know the First Ones already share inspirations from different influences, both fictional and non fictional.

  14. #79894
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post

    Okay I'll stop.

  15. #79895
    Quote Originally Posted by AOL Instant Messenger View Post
    It seems like people don't fully know what the word "retcon" is supposed to mean.
    It's not the yearly paladin convention?

  16. #79896
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    So Anniversary rewards are buffed. Not "slightly buffed", but something like 5x. So probably people who do everything (which isn't that hard anyway) will be done in 2, max 3 resets.

    It must be 3rd or 4th time this year when Blizzard make something intentionally too grindy, there is huge uproar, then makes changes just few days later (for prepatch event it was like 2 days!).

    Honestly, I see no logic in that. It may be cynical to make rewards too sparse at begining so people keep playing and later buff them so people won't quit in final weeks, but it makes sense. But this? We both have quick event in first days of patch (so we will be done quickly) AND Blizzard get backlash for first reset.

  17. #79897
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    It's not the yearly paladin convention?
    It is, but only for the ones with ADHD.
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    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  18. #79898
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    I don't want First Ones lore.

  19. #79899
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I don't want First Ones lore.
    Unless they retcon it, Blizzard kinda made it to where the First Ones are engraved in the Cosmology no matter what (Especially since the pattern is their design, and the cosmic forces are quite literally portions of themselves).

    So, like it or not, they're here to stay.

  20. #79900
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post

    Okay I'll stop.
    Lmao, that fucking sounds like a brand new continent will go to in the future.

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