1. #79941
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I'm aware. I talked with him about it, and he quite literally made it because he didn't like the idea of the First Ones being above the Titans. The video was made VIA emotional reasons, rather than logical ones, and it very much shows.
    I've never talked to you about anything. I don't know who you are, and you don't know the motivation/intentions behind my work because you never asked.

    Stop lying about this to make your arguments seem legitimate.

    Go ahead and please, critique in any manner but don't speak about my intentions like you know me. You can't know.

    Carry on forum, but take this for what it is ^^

  2. #79942
    I was just about to post about something about the Shake Shack promotion and just saw that MMO-C posted about it a few minutes ago. So I found that a cool coincidence.

    But! Mauro coming at you with something that could be a nothing burger (pun intended) but I think is interesting.

    In the promotional photo that shows the full menu, there's a map of Kalimdor in the background. I recognised it instantly but it was a bit weird. It shows Kalimdor pre-Cataclysm, nothing stand out about that but it shows a water area just Southwest of Ahn Qiraj.

    Having played the game since vanilla I know that they used to show an inaccesible part of Kalimdor just under Ahn Qiraj but it was NEVER a water area.

    The closest map I could find is this one, but again, you can clearly see the differences with the landmass in the original WoW map and the Shake Shack map showing a water section instead. There are also some very topographical features in the Shake Shack map that do not match the original map. I've looked around for a while and there is no map of Azeroth at all that features the same details or an underwater section just below Ahn Qiraj.

    This could be nothing at all of course. But it's interesting that for their marketing they used an asset that 1) does not exist online so I can only assume it was given to them by Blizzard 2) if given to them by Blizzard, pictures an area that does not exist in the game (yet?) but is one of the focus of the image. They could have focused on any other part of the planet but put a focus on something that's... Odd.
    Last edited by MauroDiogo; 2024-10-30 at 04:05 PM.

  3. #79943

  4. #79944
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Streets Strange by Moonlight
    Already out of underground?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #79945
    Quote Originally Posted by MauroDiogo View Post
    I was just about to post about something about the Shake Shack promotion and just saw that MMO-C posted about it a few minutes ago. So I found that a cool coincidence.

    But! Mauro coming at you with something that could be a nothing burger (pun intended) but I think is interesting.

    In the promotional photo that shows the full menu, there's a map of Kalimdor in the background. I recognised it instantly but it was a bit weird. It shows Kalimdor pre-Cataclysm, nothing stand out about that but it shows a water area just Southwest of Ahn Qiraj.

    Having played the game since vanilla I know that they used to show an inaccesible part of Kalimdor just under Ahn Qiraj but it was NEVER a water area.


    The closest map I could find is this one, but again, you can clearly see the differences with the landmass in the original WoW map and the Shake Shack map showing a water section instead. There are also some very topographical features in the Shake Shack map that do not match the original map. I've looked around for a while and there is no map of Azeroth at all that features the same details or an underwater section just below Ahn Qiraj.


    This could be nothing at all of course. But it's interesting that for their marketing they used an asset that 1) does not exist online so I can only assume it was given to them by Blizzard 2) if given to them by Blizzard, pictures an area that does not exist in the game (yet?) but is one of the focus of the image. They could have focused on any other part of the planet but put a focus on something that's... Odd.
    Frankly, to me that looks more like somebody messed up and C+P'd a piece of coastline over the bottom of Kalimdor.

  6. #79946
    Also Arathi Ears for Kul Tiran and Humans aswell as Plunderstorm returning in early 2025

  7. #79947
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Streets Strange by Moonlight
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  8. #79948
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Already out of underground?
    Thank fuck.


    Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren—an electrifying storm crow mount
    Could this be the unsued storm crow finally making it to the game?
    Last edited by Sentynel; 2024-10-30 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #79949
    Elemental Lord
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    As I said in some previous post, Khaz Algar map has 3 empty spots:

    1) On top there is place for new island
    2) next to Azj'Kahet is most likely Rootlands
    3) right to Ringing Deeps is place for (imo) either Undermine or some kind Azeroth core.

    My money still for 11.1 in Rootlands and 11.2 deeper into Coreway. We should know for sure in 2 weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Already out of underground?
    Would be awesome if you can fly from Dorn to new island and then into Hallowfall.

  10. #79950
    Quote Originally Posted by Sentynel View Post
    Thank fuck.
    Don't get too excited, there's a good chance we'll dig deeper down afterwards.

  11. #79951
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Looks like a mix between Gorgrond, Mechagon, Tiraguard Sound and Waking Shores in terms of style
    Last edited by Valysar; 2024-10-30 at 04:20 PM.

  12. #79952
    Quote Originally Posted by elderu View Post
    I've never talked to you about anything. I don't know who you are, and you don't know the motivation/intentions behind my work because you never asked.

    Stop lying about this to make your arguments seem legitimate.

    Go ahead and please, critique in any manner but don't speak about my intentions like you know me. You can't know.

    Carry on forum, but take this for what it is ^^
    Because we talked on YouTube. It's a different account, but I did chat with you in the comments section of your video. If I may, I'm "Preds43". No need to assume I'm lying about something all because my MMO-C account has a different username.

    I can provide screenshots of it, but know that, from what I saw with your explanation, it seemed emotion driven, especially when you said the First Ones rob the Titans of a role they have "been established to have had for a while now", which I find confusing, as the Titans were only ever stated in official guidebooks and whatnot to be "beings who brought order to the universe". No creator role or anything, beyond what guys like Algalon say.
    Last edited by Joshuaj; 2024-10-30 at 04:22 PM.

  13. #79953
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Looks like a mix between Gorgrond, Mechagon and Waking Shores in terms of style
    Feels random tho.

  14. #79954
    Quote Originally Posted by FuujCraft View Post

    Stealth Drop lol
    So, is the Kezan image on one of the computer screens a coincidence or?

  15. #79955
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    What is this patch, I don't even.

    - Dull, generic biome. Dry sandy cliffs. One colour.

    - Essentially no features, just copy-pasted Mechagon stuff. No class/race combos, even?

    - Only transmog shown or mentioned was old, unused pieces?

    - Very vague story. Kul Tirans mined Azerite but vanished. Now goblins want it. Yay.

    Benefit of the doubt etc. Maybe the details will make it sound more fun. But if this is all we're getting to play until around March 2025, following the Anniversary event patch, then BIG OOF for TWW's early patch content.

    Let's hope Warcraft Direct at least gives us something on the horizon to get excited over.

  16. #79956
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    What is this patch, I don't even.

    - Dull, generic biome. Dry sandy cliffs. One colour.

    - Essentially no features, just copy-pasted Mechagon stuff. No class/race combos, even?

    - Only transmog shown or mentioned was old, unused pieces?

    - Very vague story. Kul Tirans mined Azerite but vanished. Now goblins want it. Yay.

    Benefit of the doubt etc. Maybe the details will make it sound more fun. But if this is all we're getting to play until around March 2025, following the Anniversary event patch, then BIG OOF for TWW's early patch content.

    Let's hope Warcraft Direct at least gives us something on the horizon to get excited over.
    It's a mini patch, but yeah, it ain't for me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    11.1 is the big thing regardless.

  17. #79957
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    What is this patch, I don't even.

    - Dull, generic biome. Dry sandy cliffs. One colour.

    - Essentially no features, just copy-pasted Mechagon stuff. No class/race combos, even?

    - Only transmog shown or mentioned was old, unused pieces?

    - Very vague story. Kul Tirans mined Azerite but vanished. Now goblins want it. Yay.

    Benefit of the doubt etc. Maybe the details will make it sound more fun. But if this is all we're getting to play until around March 2025, following the Anniversary event patch, then BIG OOF for TWW's early patch content.

    Let's hope Warcraft Direct at least gives us something on the horizon to get excited over.
    It's a .7 patch. Not sure what you were expecting from a minor update.

  18. #79958
    For a .7 patch it's actually pretty loaded.

    We get the Island but the continuation of some plot threads.

    Dealing with the Kirin Tor and aftermath of Dalaran blowing up AND the prologue for 11.1? Kul Tiran & Human Arathi ears! GIMME IT NOW!

  19. #79959
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    It's a .7 patch. Not sure what you were expecting from a minor update.
    I mean they could at least make it look nice? Some cool tropical jungle on the island? Dark and stormy? I don't know, this one-colour wild west thing isn't doing it for me.

  20. #79960
    Quote Originally Posted by Sentynel View Post
    Could this be the unsued storm crow finally making it to the game?
    That's what I'm assuming.

    Anyway this is pretty much just the Forbidden Reach 2.0. It even comes with an upgrade-able ring like it did.

    My eye is more drawn to this:

    Delve into the aftermath of Dalaran's fall in The War Within epilogue questline—the Kirin Tor must confront their past mistakes and decide on the future course of their people.
    Seems kinda early to have an epilogue?

    Continue the story of The War Within and uncover a familiar face in the darkness.
    Wonder who that could be.


    She's got Kezan in the background...

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