Like I said, the Forsaken and Scarlet Crusade stuff has been getting a ton of focus lately. Would be odd to see us not deal with them, as Midnight takes place in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Like I said, the Forsaken and Scarlet Crusade stuff has been getting a ton of focus lately. Would be odd to see us not deal with them, as Midnight takes place in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Looking at the map from Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, yeah idk...
Would just make more sense if they utilized Northern EK, and not JUST Quel'Thalas. Though it also looks like there wouldn't be enough land to build a Zul'Aman ZONE from with the Amani? Idk tho.
Ah okay. Yeah, technical reasons are why we're wanting Northern EK to be revamped. We just think Quel'Thalas alone wouldn't be enough to serve as an expansion setting.
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They actually planned stuff for Wrathion, but cut him out midway, and they focused on him again in BFA. As for Malfurion? That's them intentionally ignoring him, cause in the lore he's busted asf. Pretty sure that was their actual argument, no joke.
Besides, the sword is gonna be a plotpoint for TLT as well.
To which zone? Lordaeron and Arathi Highlands already have a Zidormi. Should she now flick between three states? Or other zones with her. How many phases should there be? It would make much more sense to make a revamp of the zones, into their own map(like draenor to outland) and not put more phasing onto the zones.
Just have Zidormi be there for the capital or capitals of Midnight (assuming we get faction capitals again, which idk about). That, or to avoid players being plopped in the middle of the Great Sea (Assuming revamped Silvermoon becomes a capital of course), she'll likely be located at the Plaguelands, by the gate to Quel'thalas.
Then you'll have your normal Zidormi for pre-Midnight Tirisfal, Arathi Highlands, etc.
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I mean, fair, but then I'd ask how you would incorporate Southern Eastern Kingdoms. Would that be its own separate map? Would they incorporate seamless transitioning to it?
Last edited by Joshuaj; 2024-11-09 at 05:11 PM.
That is the question. And would a question that would be worse for Kalimdor as it has no convenient part that can cleanly split the area. I think they will use a "void consumed azeroth" plotline, and shut off everything beyond Quel'thalas during midnight. Well, only in the narrative, you can still have your portals and stuff, but can't fly from Quel'thalas to the rest of the EK. Think Plunderstorm the void storm closing in.
If they want to make a seamless transition they would push back that voidstorm expansion by expansion. The question is, can they run such a big map? Or would it be too big? I mean tech gets better and better, and it could be possible.
If they want to, they can just update the zones that do exist and apply the seamless transition to Quel'thalas. There are a couple of ways they can make it work for the Eastern Kingdoms.
Kalimdor can also work similar, but like you said, that doesn't have a distinct cut off.
Anyways, on to something completely different.
Do anyone think we are getting genuine ring transmogs in the near future? Maybe from the last raid in TWW, or sometime during Midnight?
We do have the 20th Anniversary ring toy, and there is the new ring from 11.0.7 that also gives the player a unique model. So it's not unprecedented by any stretch.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Totally! I imagine for the time being they'd continue being special items, but maybe going into late 12.0/13.0 we'd see them as a staple. They really seem to be prioritizing cosmetics. Take the back pieces for instance; we saw a lot of them enter in Shadowlands, and now they're a very diverse staple of transmogrification. Same can be said for the shoulder cloaks.
These things are obviously requiring some sort of code spaghetti untangling as they're still working on a 20 year old engine, but I expect them to continue to push through the boundaries and deliver some really cool pieces in the future.
Although, before we get more rings, let's fix the hair and helmet issue please lol
Zone 1: Quel'thalas, including the Ghostlands. Slightly enlarged. Generic elfy woodlands.
Zone 2: Expanded east coast of Quel'thalas becomes Zul'Aman; hills and forests, with a couple of islands off the coast to create the sense of a larger open space with water in-between, without turning the world map all goofy.
Zone 3: South and southwest of Quel'thalas forms a sort of elf/human hybrid zone, featuring more regular towns and cities, churches, lumber mills, etc. Essentially the Plaguelands but as if half of it was inside the Quel'thalas gates all this time. Lots of secret necromancy cult stuff going on here, and new Forsaken lore. I think of this as our entry to the story, progressing south to north through Quel'thalas until we reach the enemy.
Zone 4: The Isle of Quel'Danas is expanded by quite a bit, but non-flyable. It's where the forces of the Void have focused their assault on the Sunwell. Dangerous endgame zone vibes.
Zone 5 (patch content): Naga zone exploring the kinship between Night Elves and High Elves. Re-familiarising us with Queen Azshara's past, and establishing "friendly naga". Think of it as an island where the High Elves first landed en route to their new home in the Eastern Kingdoms, with Elven ruins and some underwater areas.
Zone 6 (patch content): K'aresh, from whence Queen Azshara's forces assault Quel'thalas.
I think people are getting a bit ahead of themselves in this thread. For all we know Quel'thalas gets yeeted into the void and is chilling with Dalaran in Midnight.
I think Warlords of Draenor is useful to keep in mind. Same place, new coat of paint.
Metzen, I feel like, loves going back to the earliest core concepts of WoW and say: what if we did that this way?
Quel'thalas is a good setting to do essentially what they did with WoD. Take something old, explore it again but from a different angle and with a face-lift.
Same thing seems likely with TLT.
If anything, his absence during Shadowlands and Dragonflight was noticeable because of how far they strayed from traditional Azeroth content.
Both of them felt like a new team of writers just went: "OK so we've explored all of Azeroth and the dudes who came up with this stuff are all gone, so let's invent something fresh".
Then Metzen returns and we get 200% traditional Warcraft content again. I'm here for it.
I can sort of see this, but I'd prefer a big Northern EK update. With the Arathi likely being a thing brought forward to Midnight, it would make sense for them to have a plot in the "Arathi Highlands" and whatnot.
Also, I genuinely believe we'll get the Isle of Quel'danas as a patch zone. Just feels right.
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The Dragon Isles was a Classic WoW concept that was repurposed for something new. Metzen, while not in anything big at the time, was still working with Blizzard on the expansion. Heck, he's a big reason for why the Incarnates are a thing.
Last edited by Joshuaj; 2024-11-10 at 12:01 AM.
They've already pitched in the press release synopsis that the initial campaign is all about re-uniting the High Elf tribes preparing for imminent invasion of the Sunwell. There's an outpost to the north of EPL which makes further sense that northern EPL will just be a Chrome Time zone for the campaign and an outpost in The Hinterlands which will also see The Raventusk Trolls become involved - They're pretty much the Sweden of WoW who have never been politically arsed about War but with full blown war on their doorstep they'll have to do something for once.
The 2nd part of the campaign is obvious already. Zul'Aman is built on top of the most powerful C'Thraxxi currently in slumber which will be Xala'Tath's 2nd biggest prize, but there's huge historical differences with the Amani Trolls.
Any sort of complete continent map change will very more than likely wide of the mark but they'll no doubt expand or merge certain zones, Hinterlands conventially borders EPL to the South and then you have the Isle of Quel'Danas where the Sunwell is located, will have to be brought closer inland as it borders nothing, it's just there in the middle of nowhere.
Great news if you like Troll lore however, because there's going to be alot of that.
Last edited by OCoyne; 2024-11-10 at 01:48 AM.