1. #80601
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Are they going to talk about Midnight at the direct, or is it way too early?
    They might give a little teaser like Argus at the Legion Blizzcon. The release window for Midnight is sometime in 2026 so we'll probably have another direct & Blizzcon before then.

    The itinerary for the Direct will certainly contain:
    • Hearthstone 2025 Yearly Reset Preview
    • Warcraft 2 Remaster
    • Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0 (Re-reforged)
    • Warcraft Rumble Year 2 preview
    • Release date for WoW 11.0.7
    • Reveal of WoW 2025 Roadmap, coverage of what minor features we can expect
    • Coverage of TWW 11.1
    It's not going to go over an hour so its already pretty packed.

  2. #80602
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Are they going to talk about Midnight at the direct, or is it way too early?
    If they talk about stuff in Midnight it will just be things like "X feature won't be available until Midnight." Or "this storyline will be continued in Midnight."
    I wouldn't expect anything about what we will see in that expansion in terms of zones or major features.
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  3. #80603
    Elemental Lord
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    Imo it will be just 11.1 reveal not deep coverage, it's single event not two day Blizzcon and they have lot of games to cover. Don't expect Roadmap either, I think it will be just on late December like always. If they didn't show it on Blizzcon last year, why do it on smaller event?

    For Classic MoP reveal is almost certain (datamined mounts). I'm not sure if they have fresh ideas for next Classic Era season, but they will cover it even as filler talking about Phase 6.

    Warcraft 2 is leaked. We have also this W3 patch 2.0 situation, I really hope it will be something big for W3 and not some technical thing like let's say merging W2 and W3 clients.

    HS, Rumble - don't care at all. Ok, maybe Rumble PC client could be fun.

  4. #80604
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Yes, its obviously way too early.

    TWW has not even had its first major patch announced yet, let alone the roadmap for the rest of the year.
    Is it really too early ? From what they want to pull up and what the datamining have shown, each season will last 6-7 months and they plan on releasing only 3 seasons since they said they don't want to get a fated season this time. If it's going to be in one year, they'll start showing at least the features of Midnight. I don't think we should expect anything we've seen before in term of timing and showoff. We already know the themes of the next 2 expacs.

    But I agree that they'll keep it for another stream. They will present the roadmap for 2025 and maybe reveal some mindblowing features (cosmetic for spell since Microsoft is digging for more ways to monetize the game). If I had to guess, I would say that we're going to have shaman for everyone and eventually a 4th spec for them since Thrall was going to be this "BlizzCon's" murloc.

    Since it's a 20th birthday stream tho, I wanted to dream a little. I was wondering if it wasn't the perfect timing for them to introduce a new class in the middle of an expansion. And the class I'm thinking of is simply the tinker. All the races who are in the spotlight of the expansion have a lot of technological features for them. Dwarves, arathis and soon goblins. We just need gnomes in order to get the perfect balance but that's likely going to happen soon.

  5. #80605
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    they plan on releasing only 3 seasons since they said they don't want to get a fated season this time.
    It must be very niche interview since no one had this information before your post.

  6. #80606
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    It's still a case of losing out on a proper occupied Silvermoon to do quests in.
    Besides, I think Isle of Quel'Danas would be a fun raid as well. Evne if it might be a tad derivative. And I somehow doubt we will get both Silvermoon, and the Sunwell as a raid unless we teleport to it at the end of the Silvermoon raid
    Can easily have it the other way around: Hostile zone with quests -> raid -> capital patch after
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  7. #80607
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    It must be very niche interview since no one had this information before your post.
    I think it was in the same interview where they told they wanted the expansion to be shorter so the The Last Titan would be released before 2k30 but I might be gaslighting myself about that.

    As for my predictions about the announcement, I'd say :

    >Evoker for Hearthstone. It's been 2 years since they've added DK to the game. Evoker is the perfect class for a TCG as it can work with a color system (like DK, but different) with something like cards having different effect depending on the color of the card played before.
    >Northrend content for Lich King. I guess they'll keep Outland when they'll add demons or Burning Legion
    >Warcraft 2 added to the game, a common client for Warcraft 2 and 3 and the possibility to use WC2's assets in WC3 ?
    >Roadmap for WoW, informations about 11.1 lore and raid. And as I've said before, a big feature reveal like a new game mode for retail (like Plunderstorm or Remix) or something "unexpected" like a 4th spec for shaman (Go'el pet, him being useless even tho he's on every main artwork)
    >Classic + since they seems to rush SoD in order to release something for Classic faster
    >MoP Classic
    >Maybe a Warcraft serie or something similar ?

  8. #80608
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Everyone already summed up what to expect, but i am holding out a little hope for a potential Warcraft show.

    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    >Evoker for Hearthstone. It's been 2 years since they've added DK to the game. Evoker is the perfect class for a TCG as it can work with a color system (like DK, but different) with something like cards having different effect depending on the color of the card played before.
    if they add another class it should be monk, which has been on their to do list for years according to their former game director.

    Especially with mop classic coming up, it'd be the perfect opportunity to bank on Pandarias nostalgia.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  9. #80609
    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    Everyone already summed up what to expect, but i am holding out a little hope for a potential Warcraft show.

    if they add another class it should be monk, which has been on their to do list for years according to their former game director.

    Especially with mop classic coming up, it'd be the perfect opportunity to bank on Pandarias nostalgia.
    It's been on their to do list but I think the main issue with monk was to find something that would fit Hearthstone. But you have a pretty good point it would be a great timing and I think Lich King in HS happened when they announced WotLK Classic (or shortly before, not sure about the timing).

  10. #80610
    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    It's been on their to do list but I think the main issue with monk was to find something that would fit Hearthstone. But you have a pretty good point it would be a great timing and I think Lich King in HS happened when they announced WotLK Classic (or shortly before, not sure about the timing).
    Pandaria perfectly fits Hearthstone. It is more HS than most of Warcraft is.

  11. #80611
    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    It's been on their to do list but I think the main issue with monk was to find something that would fit Hearthstone. But you have a pretty good point it would be a great timing and I think Lich King in HS happened when they announced WotLK Classic (or shortly before, not sure about the timing).
    Hearthstone doesn't time anything with WoW.

    The only reason DH got released before DK is because they already did an entire what-if expansion where every one of the original 9 classes becomes a DK.

  12. #80612
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    They might give a little teaser like Argus at the Legion Blizzcon. The release window for Midnight is sometime in 2026 so we'll probably have another direct & Blizzcon before then.

    The itinerary for the Direct will certainly contain:
    • Hearthstone 2025 Yearly Reset Preview
    • Warcraft 2 Remaster
    • Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0 (Re-reforged)
    • Warcraft Rumble Year 2 preview
    • Release date for WoW 11.0.7
    • Reveal of WoW 2025 Roadmap, coverage of what minor features we can expect
    • Coverage of TWW 11.1
    It's not going to go over an hour so its already pretty packed.
    That should be interesting. Year of the Warcraft. Warcraft 2 Remastered, Reforged being fixed and updated, Roadmap for patches for WoW and etc.

  13. #80613
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Can easily have it the other way around: Hostile zone with quests -> raid -> capital patch after
    That's just Belameth again. A HUB doesn't work like that. A Hub is always accessible from the start of the Expansion. Shattrath for TBC, Dalaran for WotLK, Orgirmmar/Stormwind for Cata, The Shrines for MoP, the Garrison for WoD (the weakest hub), Dalaran for Legion, Dazar'Alor/Boralus for BfA, Orios for SL, Valdrakken for DF, Dornagal for TWW.

    Hubs are always accessible from the start. Some took some leveling to get to them (Shattrarth, WotLK Dalaran, the Srhines) but since WoD, you are very quickly be able to get to the Hub. No big quests or raids or other contrivances, especially ones that take patches to do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  14. #80614
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    I say make Windrunner Spire the new hub for Midnight. Quel'thalas is invaded, it's big-time war, we're on a martial footing, it would be unrealistic for life to be going on as usual in Silvermoon. Place needs to be like Suramar or the City of Threads, a massive city-zone full of content, but a place filled with danger.

    The Spire is perfect and should be themed as more of a military fortress and supply depot, with all the resources there bent towards the war effort.

  15. #80615
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    That's just Belameth again. A HUB doesn't work like that. A Hub is always accessible from the start of the Expansion. Shattrath for TBC, Dalaran for WotLK, Orgirmmar/Stormwind for Cata, The Shrines for MoP, the Garrison for WoD (the weakest hub), Dalaran for Legion, Dazar'Alor/Boralus for BfA, Orios for SL, Valdrakken for DF, Dornagal for TWW.

    Hubs are always accessible from the start. Some took some leveling to get to them (Shattrarth, WotLK Dalaran, the Srhines) but since WoD, you are very quickly be able to get to the Hub. No big quests or raids or other contrivances, especially ones that take patches to do.
    There is no reason that you cannot add a capital down the line though. Yes, it has not happened before. But it is not actually hard to do, especially if you already have the assets.

    The idea here is that it is far better narratively to actually use Silvermoon as an adventure location (with possible delve, dungeon AND raid placed in it). I'd rather have a questline, do world quests and have a dungeon, raid and a delve in that area.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2024-11-11 at 10:10 AM.

  16. #80616
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    There is no reason that you cannot add a capital down the line though. Yes, it has not happened before. But it is not actually hard to do, especially if you already have the assets.

    The idea here is that it is far better narratively to actually use Silvermoon as an adventure location (with possible delve, dungeon AND raid placed in it). I'd rather have a questline, do world quests and have a dungeon, raid and a delve in that area.
    A Capital down the line doesn't work. We saw it with Bel'ameth. No one is there. It was dead when it was current. The only reason people went there was to get the few items cosmetics.

    Wasting a perfectly fine Hub just for a bit a gameplay, that can be done in every other part. Like, you can make Isle of Quel'danas into your "city scape adventure zone" instead. Or Deathholme, or Zul Aman, or Tranquillien, or heck even Stratholme people fantasize about.

    And delves, dungeons and raids can be still placed inside a Hub city. We had dungeon entrances in Hubs since classic with the Stockade and Ragefire Chasm, or the Violet Hold with Dalaran twice, we had raid entries in Boralus/Dazar'Alor. And we can easily place a delve next to or in the Hub. Still, nothing of that requires a beloved city like Silvermoon to be wasted on a adventure zone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  17. #80617
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    I say make Windrunner Spire the new hub for Midnight. Quel'thalas is invaded, it's big-time war, we're on a martial footing, it would be unrealistic for life to be going on as usual in Silvermoon. Place needs to be like Suramar or the City of Threads, a massive city-zone full of content, but a place filled with danger.

    The Spire is perfect and should be themed as more of a military fortress and supply depot, with all the resources there bent towards the war effort.
    Sounds good.

    Blizzard expands on an iconic location and the players still get to be surrounded by thalassian architecture, while Silvermoon gets fully utilized.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  18. #80618
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    They might give a little teaser like Argus at the Legion Blizzcon. The release window for Midnight is sometime in 2026 so we'll probably have another direct & Blizzcon before then.

    The itinerary for the Direct will certainly contain:
    • Hearthstone 2025 Yearly Reset Preview
    • Warcraft 2 Remaster
    • Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0 (Re-reforged)
    • Warcraft Rumble Year 2 preview
    • Release date for WoW 11.0.7
    • Reveal of WoW 2025 Roadmap, coverage of what minor features we can expect
    • Coverage of TWW 11.1
    It's not going to go over an hour so its already pretty packed.
    Solid guess.

  19. #80619
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    If they add a new spec, that means:

    A) they have to uproot a Hero tree between 2 specs and add a new hero tree so there are 4 total, or

    B) make every Hero tree available as a choice to each spec. That means some tuning for some specs, but some may be hard to work with (like wtf can they do with Oracle to make it work for Shadow?).

    I think the 'Every Hero tree for any spec' will be inevitable. But I can't see it happen 1 major patch into TWW. That feels like an end of expansion power up like how we had our Artifact weapons overcapping by the time we invaded Argus or the HoA got giga boosted with M.O.T.H.E.R's help at the end of BFA.
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  20. #80620
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    If they add a new spec, that means:

    A) they have to uproot a Hero tree between 2 specs and add a new hero tree so there are 4 total, or

    B) make every Hero tree available as a choice to each spec. That means some tuning for some specs, but some may be hard to work with (like wtf can they do with Oracle to make it work for Shadow?).

    I think the 'Every Hero tree for any spec' will be inevitable. But I can't see it happen 1 major patch into TWW. That feels like an end of expansion power up like how we had our Artifact weapons overcapping by the time we invaded Argus or the HoA got giga boosted with M.O.T.H.E.R's help at the end of BFA.
    I don't see how that would be a power up since according to blizz "all hero specs are tuned evenly and usable in every content" so even if you get an extra one, they should all be tuned the same in theory, and your third choice wouldn't give you a power spike out of the sudden ^^ (just different gameplay)

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