1. #80661
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    [blizzquote]And a "special announcement for WoW". What are we thinking it is?
    It is worded like it wouldn't be part of either Classic or Modern. Interesting indeed.

  2. #80662
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    It is worded like it wouldn't be part of either Classic or Modern. Interesting indeed.
    Dream scenarios:

    - WoW on Xbox.

    - Classic+ with modern graphics. An alternate perspective on how events unfolded over the last decades, making it compelling for both Classic and Modern players to keep up with.

    - World Revamp or at least a HD refresh, coming November 24th.

  3. #80663
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    It is worded like it wouldn't be part of either Classic or Modern. Interesting indeed.
    The way its worded it could be literally anything. From the date announcement for 11.0.7 to the reveal of the second Remix event.
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Classic+ with modern graphics. An alternate perspective on how events unfolded over the last decades, making it compelling for both Classic and Modern players to keep up with.
    I could say this is a possibility but thats effectively Expansion era classic with "many changes." They'd only do this if Expansion era were ending with Cataclysm.

  4. #80664
    Special announcement is 80% Console port and 20% Free to Play.

  5. #80665
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    For all we know this could just be referring to the formal announcement of MoP Classic - so curb your expectations, hard.
    I dunno.

    MoP classic is already something people are expecting and know is coming, and the next classic content update is mentioned like 3 words previously.
    I don't think they'd do this kinda tease if it wasn't something that's more unprecedented.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #80666
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raetary View Post
    I dunno.

    MoP classic is already something people are expecting and know is coming, and the next classic content update is mentioned like 3 words previously.
    I don't think they'd do this kinda tease if it wasn't something that's more unprecedented.
    I would exclude MoP Classic, 11.0.7 and 11.1. Maaaybe it's Season 3 of Vanilla because it's less expected this early - still not surprise it's coming though.

    I won't hype myself to the roof either way. Even if surprise, could be something that doesn't directly affect me like coming to game pass.

  7. #80667
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Warcraft animated series coming in 2025.
    This is something Blizz should try ages ago.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  8. #80668
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Warcraft Direct Stream Description

    Welcome to the epic celebration of 30 years of Warcraft! Join us on a heartfelt journey through three decades of adventure, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments in Azeroth and beyond. In this special 45-minute video, we're bringing together the creative minds behind World of Warcraft, Warcraft RTS, Hearthstone, and Warcraft Rumble.
    Hear firsthand from our development teams as they reflect on the milestones of the past:

    ○ 30 Years of Warcraft RTS: Hear from the team working on the games that started it all as they look to bring some exciting new updates to Warcraft III Reforged and more.
    ○ 20 Years of World of Warcraft: Relive the evolution of the world's most beloved MMORPG and discover what's next on the horizon for both WoW Classic and Modern…and a special announcement at the end.
    ○ 10 Years of Hearthstone: Celebrate a decade of strategic card-slinging fun and get a sneak peek at the game-changing updates coming your way.
    ○ 1 Year of Warcraft Rumble: Join us for our 1st Anniversary and share our exciting additions on the horizon.

    This is more than a look back—it's a warm thank you to our incredible community and a visionary glimpse into the future of the Warcraft universe. Whether you're a lifelong fan or rekindling your passion, there's never been a better time to dive back into the world you love.

    Let's embark on the next chapter together. The adventure continues!
    So Reforged 2.0 confirmed.

    And a "special announcement for WoW". What are we thinking it is?
    Special announcement?

    DnD-styled WoW game. That or surprise Midnight news.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Godlike Direct:

    • New repeating cycle of the three original versions of the game for WoW Classic, with Vanilla launching in November, followed by TBC next year and WotLK in 2026. Once those end, TBC and WotLK get Era servers as well. Launch in November.
    • Classic MoP launching in the spring.
    • Classic+ once SoD ends next year.
    • Hearthstone year of 2025 outlined, with the first expansion set on Pandaria and bringing the Monk class.
    • Warcraft 2 Reforged.
    • Warcraft 3 2.0.
    • Warcraft Rumble update with new season, mini type and heroes.
    • WoW Modern 11.1 fully detailed. Undermine. New Tinker class.
    • WoW Modern 2025 Roadmap teases all patches coming in TWW.
    • Concept art and early look at Midnight, without spoilers. Just to keep people excited. A view of Silvermoon.
    • Warcraft animated series coming in 2025.
    Dude all of this would be perfect.

    But regarding the special announcement? Not sure about a series tbh. We'll likely just get a DND styled game.

  9. #80669
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Special announcement is 80% Console port and 20% Free to Play.
    Yeee, let's make game with like 8 mil subs 6 months ago and possibly biggest source of revenue for Blizz into F2P.
    (and some estimates even claimed it broke players record with re-opening in China)

    And I still don't know how people think gamepad players could play on par with keyboard/mouse users.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-11-11 at 10:55 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  10. #80670
    If it is classic+...that would be cool but idk

  11. #80671
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    I feel like if it were some spin-off, whether game or a show, it would not be included under the WoW section in that list but rather be listed as a seperate announcement.

    Whatever it is, i think its definitely involving the game.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #80672
    I understand keeping expectations low as then you’re less disappointed… but considering it’s such a milestone year for Warcraft, all the promotional stuff they’ve been doing, recent Microsoft acquisition, I could see them revealing something big to capture more attention for the over all positive momentum WoW as right now.

  13. #80673
    Quote Originally Posted by Trazzle View Post
    I understand keeping expectations low as then you’re less disappointed… but considering it’s such a milestone year for Warcraft, all the promotional stuff they’ve been doing, recent Microsoft acquisition, I could see them revealing something big to capture more attention for the over all positive momentum WoW as right now.
    This is fair. Considering a new game like WC2 Reforged is potentially tagged as just "...and more", then something considered a special announcement for WoW could be very big. And going off that, I have to assume the WC3 update is very big considering it takes presecedence when talking about the RTS games.

    Personally though, I would rather keep my expectations very grounded and be legitimately surprised in the event they do have something really huge for WoW to announce.

  14. #80674
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Yeee, let's make game with like 8 mil subs 6 months ago and possibly biggest source of revenue for Blizz into F2P.
    (and some estimates even claimed it broke players record with re-opening in China)

    And I still don't know how people think gamepad players could play on par with keyboard/mouse users.
    There's no way I can see them doing full free to play, but I think it's possible for them to imitate FFXIV's popular trial by letting us play a past expansion (probably Dragonflight for simplicity) for free. Basically using that as a teaser to get more players to upgrade to the Worldsoul Saga for seasonal content.

  15. #80675
    Idk...would the special announcement be Classic or retail related? Almost seemed like it would be separate yet still connected to WoW

  16. #80676
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Yeee, let's make game with like 8 mil subs 6 months ago and possibly biggest source of revenue for Blizz into F2P.
    (and some estimates even claimed it broke players record with re-opening in China)

    And I still don't know how people think gamepad players could play on par with keyboard/mouse users.
    They put Call of Duty on Gamepass. WoW isn't big enough to avoid it if Microsoft wants it.
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  17. #80677
    The fact that they mention the special announcement right after Classic and Modern could imply a new version of the game IMO. MoP Classic would not be a special announcement. We all expect that, and it is just more Classic, not something special.

    The dream is WoW on consoles, but it could also be a new event similar to MoP Remix or Plunderstorm, but new, obviously.

    No chance of WoW becoming free to play BTW.

    Thinking a little bit more about a possible new version of WoW... What it could be? We have Retail, Classic, Hardcore, SoD (which is essentially Classic+ IMO). What else can we get? If it is a console version, it would not be new. It would be just Retail on consoles (maybe Classic too), unless they take the console version as a chance to make something new.

    Hmmmm, a more solo experience? WoW as an action RPG with Plunderstorm's type of skills? I do not even think that something like that is possible, but...

    A more simple WoW with Gacha elements? You create the main character and then you can recruit the legendary characters of WoW, all of them with a different gameplay, and of course with a much more simple combat.

    I am running out of ideas here... In both cases the game should have to undergo such massive changes that it seems very unlikely.
    Last edited by Darkarath; 2024-11-11 at 11:44 PM.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  18. #80678
    Elemental Lord
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    After I read all ideas here, imo Warcraft series fits most to message from blue post. Maybe with same style as Alleria short before TWW.

  19. #80679
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post

    And a "special announcement for WoW". What are we thinking it is?
    Surprise tinker reveal

  20. #80680
    Quote Originally Posted by Malorne the White Stag View Post
    Surprise tinker reveal
    Tinker class reveal or housing are the ultimate things i expect for WoW.
    But it'll probably be an animated series or something else.

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