1. #80841
    I personally feel Legion is too recent to be the next Remix (yeah I'm getting old but it doesn't feel that long ago )
    Maybe because I levelled a few alts there and it was such a cool expac, it still feels fresh and modern.

    I'd like WoD to be the next one - its short and sweet, had good levelling and raids, and could help remedy the bad taste left behind by that half-baked expansion.
    It also had a lot of cool transmog and mounts that could be recoloured as rewards

  2. #80842
    I'm still laughing at the idea of a full roadmap with three different games and only one sentence of new content.

  3. #80843
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    If you want to get full conspiracy: HD Classic = World Revamp. (I wish)

    It would at least explain the HD human houses in the files that have served no purpose for years.
    I mean, yeah that would be cool. But I'd rather they give us a full world revamp for retail if that's the case lol.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    A healthy strategy for today is to expect 11.1, 2025 Roadmap, regular updates on Hearthstone and Rumble, updates to Warcraft 2 and 3, and then finally new versions of Classic.

    That's already an amazing event. I'm sure each game will provide additional blog posts and trailers as well, after the main event.

    Anything on top of that is just icing.
    This is most likely gonna happen, but man, it would be cool to see them talk about Midnight in a way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    This is the website: https://altertime.es/

    This is the video (minute 10:45 to listen to the "big things coming" part): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hgWNgzktvPg

    I do not know the name of the guy, but the site is important enough to have interviewed Ion himself two times, among other developers.

    I discovered the website relatively recently, as I used to visit only English wow-related sites. It has fairly interesting information. For example, this is from 19 hours ago: https://altertime.es/article/blizzar...en-la-compania

    Seems that Blizzard hired quite a bit of people for a new game fairly recently.


  4. #80844
    I do not expect anything about Midnight today. We do not even know anything about 11.1. We will today, but I do not see them saying: "Look at this shiny 11.1!! Now, forget about it, here is Midnight!!". Seems counterproductive IMO.

    My final predictions about the stuff we do not know are:

    - WoW on consoles.

    - If 11.1 is Undermine, Tinker class available for any class, without having to make a new character. If we all can learn engineering, I do not see why we cannot be Tinkers.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  5. #80845
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I do not expect anything about Midnight today. We do not even know anything about 11.1. We will today, but I do not see them saying: "Look at this shiny 11.1!! Now, forget about it, here is Midnight!!". Seems counterproductive IMO.

    My final predictions about the stuff we do not know are:

    - WoW on consoles.

    - If 11.1 is Undermine, Tinker class available for any class, without having to make a new character. If we all can learn engineering, I do not see why we cannot be Tinkers.
    I mean fair, but it would be nice to see a slight update on how things are going. Heck, even a showcase of JUST revamped Silvermoon would be enough for me.

  6. #80846
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I do not expect anything about Midnight today. We do not even know anything about 11.1. We will today, but I do not see them saying: "Look at this shiny 11.1!! Now, forget about it, here is Midnight!!". Seems counterproductive IMO.

    I think they will show a snippet of HD QT to sate the players who have checked out until Midnight.

  7. #80847
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Have to fully agree here. My guess is still going to be Remix announced as a proper feature, and not just an experiment.
    Yes, most people could probably already guess it's a thing. But there is a huge difference between assuming something is coming back, and having it confirmed. Probably with some updates to stuff like UI or gameplay modes as MoP Remix was mostly just about the stat increases rather than an entirely new spin on the expansion.
    They already said in an interview that remixes are here to stay, both new ones and a return of MoP down the line.

  8. #80848
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    I mean fair, but it would be nice to see a slight update on how things are going. Heck, even a showcase of JUST revamped Silvermoon would be enough for me.
    Sure, it would look impressive. But I would imagine it would be even more impressive if they showed something else in TWW that also looks impressive. Like a really impressive Undermine. Or something else that comes out earlier.
    Once the developers are ready to show off ALL of Midnight, it will be massively impressive to see revamped Zul'Aman, Silvermoon, the Sunwell, Lordaeron, Gilneas, Plaguelands, etc.
    No need to tease us with a tiny bit of content we won't see for over a year anyways. If that was the case then they would have done that before.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    They already said in an interview that remixes are here to stay, both new ones and a return of MoP down the line.
    I know. Which is why it's one of those things that is impressive to the average player who doesnt follow WoW news religiously for the tiniest hint at future content.

    The developers could also as I said, focus on how Remix will be more of an actual remix, rather than just speedrunning the expansion. Maybe bosses have added mechanics. Or Transmog is swapped around. Maybe they go fully into experimental fun stuff like Paladins getting to use Bows, or warriors tanking in Cloth. Like what we saw in Season of Discovery, just even with an even greater focus on experimentation, and even less thought given to balancing.

    I would argue that doing something like that, and then announcing that Remix will return every year, or every 6 months or whatever, would constitute exciting news.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  9. #80849
    My hopes - new character model refresh akin WoD.
    But realistically - WoW on consoles or new 11.1 info. Maybe even glimpse of 11.2

  10. #80850
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    While Midnight info is far from guaranteed, I wouldn't rule it out.

    That said, I'm happy either way.

    By pre-announcing at last BlizzCon, they've created a unique situation.

    On the one hand, they've bought themselves time to work on the expansion in quiet. I doubt anyone would go "where the hell is Midnight?" if there's no mention of it today. Since we already know it's coming, they could probably even afford to wait until Gamescom before doing a deep-dive.

    But on the other hand, they've already shown that they're prepared to let us know things well in advance. First by showing the 2024 roadmap, then by revealing both Midnight and TLT years ahead of release.

    This could indicate that they're willing to tell an ongoing story about these future expansions, dropping information here and there just to wet our appetites.

    An excited player that knows what's on the horizon, both near and far away, is more likely to remain subscribed than somebody who feels jaded and kept in the dark about the game's future.

  11. #80851
    That "WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition" leak makes me think.

    I had interest in playing Classic, but that quickly waned once it was clear, nothing you get from there will move forward to your retail account. And i'm sure i am not the only one that thought so.

    So, for people like me, and other people who want to see the classic world in a more modern look, this "20th Anniversary Edition" might be a ticket for that.

    It would need have to these following points to really appeal:

    • Full modern graphics for the world, NPCs, players and transmogs
    • Transmog and mount collection right from the start connected to the general retail collection
    • Class adjustments (classic+) to make each class and spec worth playing
    • Barbershop and free class respeccing
    • Modern UI

    And that would be by minimum requirements. Ideally it should be connected to Retail in a way, that it can be entered, like Plunderstorm and Remix, directly from your normal game and not needing an extra classic instalation.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  12. #80852
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    That "WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition" leak makes me think.

    I had interest in playing Classic, but that quickly waned once it was clear, nothing you get from there will move forward to your retail account. And i'm sure i am not the only one that thought so.

    So, for people like me, and other people who want to see the classic world in a more modern look, this "20th Anniversary Edition" might be a ticket for that.

    It would need have to these following points to really appeal:

    • Full modern graphics for the world, NPCs, players and transmogs
    • Transmog and mount collection right from the start connected to the general retail collection
    • Class adjustments (classic+) to make each class and spec worth playing
    • Barbershop and free class respeccing
    • Modern UI

    And that would be by minimum requirements. Ideally it should be connected to Retail in a way, that it can be entered, like Plunderstorm and Remix, directly from your normal game and not needing an extra classic instalation.
    Tbf, just making a new classic rollout that actually is connected to retail from the start would be enough for me to play it. No need for modern graphics or other stuff if we can just get the cosmetics for the actual real wow lol. Also I would love them to add the SoD changes like the new raids and mounts aswell.

  13. #80853
    I feel like talking about Midnight this early will only take away from the hype of the rest of the TWW patches.

  14. #80854
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I feel like talking about Midnight this early will only take away from the hype of the rest of the TWW patches.
    I personally think it would add to the hype ngl.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just knowing about Midnight and TLT already takes away from TWW's hype, if you wanna use said logic.

  15. #80855
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    I think it's way too early to talk about Midnight and TLT lore, only new content is ok (new class, new features), and even then...

  16. #80856
    Maybe they will just give us a sneak peak at the world revamp in Midnight (which might be the "cool" feature of Midnight they teased us about before).

  17. #80857
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Okay let's have fun.

    If you could name just one announcement that would send you over the moon tonight, what would it be? You can only name 1. Your biggest hope.

    For me it's probably a refresh of the old world, at least a HD update of assets but I'll take a revamp as well hehe. Along with that, some type of old world content, like world quests or gathering that feels relevant to the endgame.

    How about you?

  18. #80858
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Okay let's have fun.

    If you could name just one announcement that would send you over the moon tonight, what would it be? You can only name 1. Your biggest hope.

    For me it's probably a refresh of the old world, at least a HD update of assets but I'll take a revamp as well hehe. Along with that, some type of old world content, like world quests or gathering that feels relevant to the endgame.

    How about you?
    Housing or world revamp. But I fear one of them is never gonna happen

  19. #80859
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Okay let's have fun.

    If you could name just one announcement that would send you over the moon tonight, what would it be? You can only name 1. Your biggest hope.

    For me it's probably a refresh of the old world, at least a HD update of assets but I'll take a revamp as well hehe. Along with that, some type of old world content, like world quests or gathering that feels relevant to the endgame.

    How about you?
    Warcraft TV series similar to Arcane.

  20. #80860
    Artificer class

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