1. #81281
    Can somebody point me to when they talked about revisiting Horrific Visions? I'll be honest: This is the only announcement from today's news that registered with me. HVs fucking slapped.

  2. #81282
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    In the span of 10 minutes, Blizzard gave the Champions of Azeroth a House and a Car...

    I'm complete now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Imma say it now...

    Tel'abim should be a summer event from Blizzard! In the recent "Exploring Azeroth" book, it's literally advertised as a resort.
    New summer event in game. Yes! Great idea tbh! Only then can you visit it. Very exclusive stuff there. I can picture this.

  3. #81283
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    any 11.1.5 Tinker copium sniffers.
    Also: Any speculation on the triangle thingy at the end? Another remix? Another special type of event?
    I'm on copium therapy, tired of haulin this tank around but alas, huffin till the cure's released ha. Undermined is going to be hard to cope with, watching all these goblin chads trundle around in their mechs while I stand there like an idiot with my sword and board.

  4. #81284
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Can somebody point me to when they talked about revisiting Horrific Visions? I'll be honest: This is the only announcement from today's news that registered with me. HVs fucking slapped.
    Pretty sure they didn't mention it at all. It just shows on the planned features of future patches.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  5. #81285
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Can somebody point me to when they talked about revisiting Horrific Visions? I'll be honest: This is the only announcement from today's news that registered with me. HVs fucking slapped.
    Its the second point under 11.1.5 on the roadmap.

  6. #81286
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Can somebody point me to when they talked about revisiting Horrific Visions? I'll be honest: This is the only announcement from today's news that registered with me. HVs fucking slapped.
    It's on the retail WoW roadmap. Spring 2025, 11.1.5.

    And I'll second that sentiment. I loved Horrific Visions. The concept, the execution, the atmosphere, everything. I also loved Torghast for the same reasons.

  7. #81287
    Brewmaster SunspotAnims's Avatar
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    For many many expansions now, I've taken issue with WoW's habit of over-simplifying non-instanced interior spaces. Compare the layout of the WoD Alliance barracks to the classic Alliance barracks. I remember the classic barracks being a bit challenging to navigate as a new player, but looking back that's kind of what made it believable and feel like an actual separate level from the outside world.

    I have a lot of hopes for housing, but my biggest concern is that the available housing options will continue the trend of looking like elaborate houses on the outside and then on the inside just be made up of one or two big rooms.

    Obviously we aren't going to have many answers until next year. In my ideal system, the houses are fully constructable like Sims houses—you have full control over the layout, and the visuals dynamically adjust to match. Or even just a full sandbox where you have a big empty plot of land and you can put whatever you want in it: a house, a town square, an elaborate garden, your own D&D dungeon, whatever.

    Personally, I'd love to have a huge space like a mansion that I can get crazy with detailing and theming each room. I'm a bit doubtful that's going to be a possibility, but I know that if I could pick any house in the game to call my own, it'd be Waycrest Manor, and I'm hoping housing will let me get even a little bit close to something like that.

  8. #81288
    I wonder if HV are going to be for updated locations or just for a sort of TW event

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Imma say it now...

    Tel'abim should be a summer event from Blizzard! In the recent "Exploring Azeroth" book, it's literally advertised as a resort.
    I found it weird they made a whole hearthstone expansion about a resort but elected to make up a new location. Which they've never done before.

  9. #81289
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    Also... I'd like to point out as speculation: a lot of the images we saw are in-game and supposedly from the Undermine zone.

    The shots of the red/pink/purple Old God-like corruption are contains titan architecture. There are also shots of goblin buildings in the same area.

    One could say that a certain named titan facility that has not been seen yet could be in the Undermine?

    I wonder if my personal speculation of Uldaz being in the Undermine holds true. Perhaps the "dark secrets" of Gallywix they mentioned will deal with him trying to exploit titan technology, or using titan technology to somehow manipulate the Black Blood of the Old Gods... like they tried to exploit Azerite back in BfA.

    Time will tell!

  10. #81290
    The roadmap does not say 10.2 will have a new zone...

  11. #81291
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    It's on the retail WoW roadmap. Spring 2025, 11.1.5.

    And I'll second that sentiment. I loved Horrific Visions. The concept, the execution, the atmosphere, everything. I also loved Torghast for the same reasons.
    Ah damn. I figured it was more than just a blip on the road map. I didn't watch the stream so I figured they might have at least mentioned it in passing. Thanks guys.

  12. #81292
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    The roadmap does not say 10.2 will have a new zone...
    It will likely have some new area, but there is a technicality that makes it not a "new zone".

  13. #81293
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It will likely have some new area, but there is a technicality that makes it not a "new zone".
    I can see them just sligthly expanding a current zone with a small harronir hub and raid / dungeon entrances.

  14. #81294
    I'm placing my bet on refurbished old zone like Uldum and the Vale were in BfA.

  15. #81295
    11.2 is still gonna be Rootlands obviously. Either they just forgot to mention “new zone” in the roadmap, or the Rootlands will be added onto Azj’kahet

  16. #81296
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Also... I'd like to point out as speculation: a lot of the images we saw are in-game and supposedly from the Undermine zone.

    The shots of the red/pink/purple Old God-like corruption are contains titan architecture. There are also shots of goblin buildings in the same area.

    One could say that a certain named titan facility that has not been seen yet could be in the Undermine?

    I wonder if my personal speculation of Uldaz being in the Undermine holds true. Perhaps the "dark secrets" of Gallywix they mentioned will deal with him trying to exploit titan technology, or using titan technology to somehow manipulate the Black Blood of the Old Gods... like they tried to exploit Azerite back in BfA.

    Time will tell!
    Uldaz you mean?

    Possibly. Uldaz could also be the name of the final raid. Idk tho

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Telogrus View Post
    11.2 is still gonna be Rootlands obviously. Either they just forgot to mention “new zone” in the roadmap, or the Rootlands will be added onto Azj’kahet

    It'll either be the Rootlands, or it'll be mini patch content.

  17. #81297
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I'm placing my bet on refurbished old zone like Uldum and the Vale were in BfA.
    I think it would be hilarious if the zone for 11.2 is Silithus because the sword is touching the Coreway. And the Rootlands is literally cut content. As in the Watchers cut the rootlands away to create the Coreway.

  18. #81298
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    any 11.1.5 Tinker copium sniffers.
    Also: Any speculation on the triangle thingy at the end? Another remix? Another special type of event?
    I'm a copium sniffer!!
    At least we get Undermine and all the zany tech stuff I wanted before going into elf hell in Midnight.
    Also I will probably legit cry if that expac launches with some Alleria class. Another elf hero class!! So exciting!

  19. #81299
    Sounds like SoD TBC is on the horizon as well as for their future plans. Shame I don't have more time to do so much SoD, I like the concept. And TBC would be cool.
    Mostly World of Warcraft stuff

  20. #81300
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    I do prefer when raids and dungeons are in the actual dungeons instead of us fighting on the streets, but new raid interiors look really good. This,
    and I'm not really bug fan of Nerubian architecture.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

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