It'd be... fine, I guess. I don't really feel a burning need to be able to access other places like Zandalar from Undermine. There are all kinds of other faster easier ways to get around the planet.
It does make me wonder how much of the Undermine zone will be above-ground. Or even how much of Undermine we'll actually see. Can we fly around Mount Kajaro? Will we be able to see Bilgewater Port? Are they going to restrict flying so we rely on vehicle movement and can't go beyond whatever slice they give us?
They said in the Alpha they didn't want Earthern Druids and changed their spell animations to Shaman spells to deter any suggestions was in the pipeline.
But I wouldn't rule out a U-turn given how unpopular they are. Only 0.1% on Alliance and 0.3% on Horde are actively playing an Earthern at max level - The lowest and 3rd lowest of all the races.
I'm not sold on the theme of Undermine. I wanted something different than the void has reached us. It's blatantly obvious they're saving Elun'Ahir and the Nightmare it's emitting as the theme for the last raid.
Fr. I thought the things above the buildings were a highway, but it seems to be a pipeline thingy. I could be wrong though, and if I'm not wrong, maybe we can drive on the pipes or summ? Idk. Something like that would be cool though.
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I mean, the other major Goblin areas have above ground roads
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Ooo...imagine a race track at the Undermine, or a race track around Mount Kajaro.
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I can't see the Car system making it in without race tracks
The "car system" seems fairly obvious to be a prototype for dynamic groundriding that will be extended to other ground mounts in time.
Oh 100%. I just want them to take advantage of the car system, ya know?
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Does seem like we'll get more info on the car system once the patch enters PTR or so.
Maybe we'll get info on how the system works, maybe we'll see confirmation on race tracks, potential highway showcases, etc.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
Tbf here, the other goblin cities in game have above ground roads, no reason Undermine or Kezan shouldn't.
Also, this is a rough preview of Undermine, so anything can happen tbh. Heck, the car system wasn't at all expanded upon, which implies there's a lot to be talked about still.
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Regardless, if we get Undermine race tracks...
I'm doing this in 11.1
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Warcraft Fan Event: Undermine Piston Cup!
Undermine would be a very good setting to return to in future expansions for additional racetracks, while not disturbing the outside setting of Azeroth.
Blizzard Entertainment! Give me Highways and Racetracks across the Undermine, and my life is yours!!!
It was a quick tease of what has always been one of the most highly requested features- possibly the most requested features- for WoW. It is absolutely a bigger selling point than a new class.
I mean, I'd be more interested in a new class myself, but that would just be a normal expansion feature that doesn't warrant a super-early tease. Showing us that we're finally getting the big thing that lots of players have been asking for for 20 years fits much better for the big, special anniversary announcement. If a class does come (something I'm still very optimistic about), it'll be shown at Midnight's proper reveal next summer.
It's also a bit too early to say whether or not player housing is the only new feature to come with Midnight. They'll likely save any other notable elements to accompany the expansion's cinematic reveal.
That being said, assuming player housing is treated like dragonriding and delves it is going to be a feature updated for every major patch and expansion which only adds to its appeal.
Flying is too dangerous in Undermine with all the rockets and explosives going off overhead. Ground-mounts only.
From what we've seen of Undermine, it looks a lot like everything is underground - there's a few shots of a dingy green sky, but I can't tell if that's a polluted open sky or just a haze in an underground area.
There's a few shots of what looks like just walls and domes of scrap-metal panels. The whole region might be enclosed.