1. #81501
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    You have to save a little novelty for later. Now that housing is a real thing, I can transfer all my hopium power to the Tinkers. There's a chance they're hiding in the roadmap... After all, Ion said that Undermine would be very important and that we'd go back there later...
    Maybe I am just impatient and hoping against hope that we get removal of transmog limitations and letting Dracthyr transmog fully. Might even arguably be a bigger thing for me than housing was.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #81502
    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    You have to save a little novelty for later. Now that housing is a real thing, I can transfer all my hopium power to the Tinkers. There's a chance they're hiding in the roadmap... After all, Ion said that Undermine would be very important and that we'd go back there later...
    He did? Was it implied it'd be relevent to the story later or was he hinting at something involving the cars/dynamic ground mounts?

  3. #81503
    Undermine makes sense as a hub for an evergreen racetrack mode. Though they would need to change up the setting somehow to keep them varied.

    And/or Brawlers Guild? Though it would be kind of cool if Undermine was for racing and another new area (Plunder Isle?) was used for Brawlers Guild.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Very late food for thought, but Bilgewater Cartel renown will be the first time a player race faction is a neutral rep/renown.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2024-11-14 at 09:18 PM.

  4. #81504
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I know this is probably tongue in cheek but I think someone proposed a fairly interesting take on that earlier on?

    I think that could be really fun. The Nazrethem were always sort of vague in their alleigences until Shadowlands, but I think they still have this hired gun self vested interest air about them. Whatever comes in Midnight, it would be cool to see the Nathrezem as part of their invasion force. Part of the Legion's invasion feeling so brutal was that there were just massive amounts of troops. We'll get a lot of Shadowguard Ethereals in Midnight, but diversifying the Void's troops would be really fun.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Some sort of tongue in cheek Godzilla vs Kong reference there I'm sure. You're right that they pointed out "alchemically inclined" when speaking about the goblins, so I'm sure that further extraction of the black blood will be on the list of Xal's involvements in Undermine.
    I wasn't joking. There is a very good video out there that goes into it and it all makes sense. Altho personally, I wouldn't like it. I'd like for once, that a character is just evil because of himself and his actions/means to his end. Or just being a greedy goblin that tried to play too many sides.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  5. #81505
    Quote Originally Posted by AOL Instant Messenger View Post
    So, somehow, they managed to make it inexplicably massively worse. Did they say what the catalyst was for this awful mistake?

    Interesting how they were going to name the naaru's overlords "Archons". Were they deliberately trying to evoke Gnosticism or did they randomly pick a name they thought sounded cool?
    I mean, considering the Light in WoW takes from Christianity and Islamic beliefs, possibly? It's highly likely they won't be named that though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Undermine makes sense as a hub for an evergreen racetrack mode. Though they would need to change up the setting somehow to keep them varied.

    And/or Brawlers Guild? Though it would be kind of cool if Undermine was for racing and another new area (Plunder Isle?) was used for Brawlers Guild.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Very late food for thought, but Bilgewater Cartel renown will be the first time a player race faction is a neutral rep/renown.
    Give. Me. Racetracks.

    Give. Me. HIGHWAYS!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There is a fairly lengthy theory that Gallywix is not only an unironic dreadlord but Detheroc himself. While I think it's a longshot it's a fun idea and the fact that Gallywix was the one to show Sylvanas the Azerite (confirming a Jailer "prophecy") is an interesting point. Also general gluttony - sin - revendreth vibe (and they made Detheroc into a fatty in WC3RE)


    I think the ACTUAL dark secret will be Gallywix sold us out to the ethereals and Xal and/or repaired the dark heart, but this would be amazing too.
    Idk, could work.

    I just like the idea of Gallywix being a shitty person though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Man, I'm finally going to get this car after all this time.

    I started out pretty young around Cataclysm, I've been dreaming of having this ride since I was a kid! I can't believe I'm going to have a childhood dream come true + housing... I feel like I'm going to wake up and it'll all be just another dream.
    Blizzard giving players a Car and a House while reality is making it harder for me and others to get that type of stuff...

    W ngl

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    The N'zoth story literally makes no sense unless he wanted to be in the dagger for some reason. I am sure he will pop up at some point. And with the unseeming stuff, its possible the other Old Gods will as well

    Goblins had podracers in vanilla and D.R.I.V.E. is clearly a throwback to the goblin starting zone when you had a car to pick up your crew and travel around in.

    I tend to be more on the fantasy purist side of the spectrum but I think goblin stuff is totally fine as long as its self-contained. And since its just an Undermine feature, there's really no worries for any of it.

    Agreed, but I wouldn't hate it if WoW added T.Vs and P.Cs to the game, but namely as a housing cosmetic feature (And nothing actually lore breaking). That would be sick.

  6. #81506
    Do we have any idea what Nightfall is?

  7. #81507
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Do we have any idea what Nightfall is?
    Given the name is the same as the headquarters of the Hallowfall void cultists, and given the Beledar is not mentioned elsewhere, I would put money on it being Beledar themed. And being some epilogue for the Hallowfall Arathi.
    It also comes out at the time when we would normally have gotten a Megadungeon. So maybe it's similar to the questlines and content we got for the Dawn of the Infinite megadungeon, sans the actual dungeon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It also comes out at the same time as the Horrific Vision event. So I imagine the entire patch will be heavily Void themed. Which to me makes it more obviously a Beledar equivalent to 10.1.5 adding the megadungeon and acompanying dailies and weekly event.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #81508
    Chat am i misinformed or ?
    But didn’t they say we would be getting a new companion for delves for season 2

  9. #81509
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    Chat am i misinformed or ?
    But didn’t they say we would be getting a new companion for delves for season 2
    back at Blizzcon they implied we would, but it seems they meant we'd get a new companion each expansion, assuming delves proves itself an evergreen feature.

  10. #81510
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Dragonquest seems to be doing that just fine, and as a base game feature too. Chances are the issue is on something else with GTA.
    Dragon Quest might be slipping through on obscutiy and not being, y'know, GTA 5, incredibly popular video game that's infamously pay to earn in-game money

    GTA 5's online casino area is specifically not available in certain countries due to it running into gambling concerns.

  11. #81511
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    back at Blizzcon they implied we would, but it seems they meant we'd get a new companion each expansion, assuming delves proves itself an evergreen feature.
    I think they backtracked to it being a companion for a whole expansion instead of a companion each patch. Unsure why, but I do see the appeal of having it be one character you can have fun and meme with for a whole expansion instead of just saying "bye Brann" when Undermine drops.

    Now, if Brann actually got a GOOD questline, that would be nice!

  12. #81512
    If you watch the direct, Ion says "Undermine plays a vital role as a continuation, a next chapter on the MANY stories in the War Within, we will have much more to share in the coming months" or something like that, after saying this the visuals return to shots of Faerin and the Arathi. So its completely safe to assume Nightfall will be about them as we suspect.

    Nightfall is presumably the Beledar turning purple, possibly with more power now, and horrific visions are probably instanced versions of Dornogals zones or cities while the crystal is in Darkmode.

  13. #81513
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    If you watch the direct, Ion says "Undermine plays a vital role as a continuation, a next chapter on the MANY stories in the War Within, we will have much more to share in the coming months" or something like that, after saying this the visuals return to shots of Faerin and the Arathi. So its completely safe to assume Nightfall will be about them as we suspect.

    Nightfall is presumably the Beledar turning purple, possibly with more power now, and horrific visions are probably instanced versions of Dornogals zones or cities while the crystal is in Darkmode.
    Imagine if Beledar cracks and it reveals a Void God to us, showcasing that a Naaru was in there the whole time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Blizzard after they reveal that a Naaru was inside Beledar this entire time (The Light's been trying to claim the Worldsoul as well, and we just haven't fully known it yet)

  14. #81514
    As much as I'd prefer a Naaru, I imagine Horrific Visions will be the visions that Azeroth are sending to its heroes, but now as Nightmares. We go into Faerins Nightmare in Hallowfall, Magni's in ringing Deeps etc, etc. I imagine Thrall in Dornogal and Alleria in Azj'kahet will be included as the original Horrific Visions had them both as main bosses,

  15. #81515
    I also thought we'd be getting a new Delve companion in season 2. Guess that's not the case.

  16. #81516
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I also thought we'd be getting a new Delve companion in season 2. Guess that's not the case.
    Yeah, I guess they don't want to go through the effort of balancing an entirely new character every patch. Was certain we were getting Gazlowe for season 2 regardless of whether we got Undermine or not.

    May be for the best for now, although I don't see myself getting to the end of the season 2 delve track if its going to be more of the same. its gunna get dull real fast.

  17. #81517
    So, the Pantheon of Light seems to be a thing that was, and possibly still is, in the Blizzard "planning" stages. That, or "The Archons" were a first rendition of the First Ones, but they were in the Light before obvious changes were made. If the latter is the case, that still doesn't ruin the potential of a Light Pantheon for me. Heck, if anything, they can still exist, but are given a new name and whatnot, as SL talked about the Naarus "Keepers", and the Archon names are given to both a hero spec, as well as an Eternal One.

    As for what the new name could be? We don't know. But I've been cooking up with some ideas, and I wanna know what y'all think: I think a good name for the Pantheon of Light could be "The Sovereigns" or "The Luminaries". Or, if you want an actual counter to "The Void Lords" in title: The Divine Council or "The Holy Legislative".

    The Divine Council would just be ripped from the Bible, so that's why I said "The Holy Legislative" as an alternative. Also, the Holy Legislative counters the Void Lords perfectly in title (Holy=/=Void, and Legislative=/=Lords? Yessir). The Sovereigns or the Luminaries would work as titles if Blizzard wanted to do something akin to "the Archons" naming convention wise.

  18. #81518
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post

    Also, XIV has casino games and whatnot, why can't WoW?
    You're not grasping how strict they are. Even typing /roll as a bet is illegal in Belgium which is why Blizzard got rid of deathrolling, soon in the UK it's going to be illegal for any sports team regardless of level it's at to have a Gambling sponsor.

    That's when you realise the idea is completely bonkers. Western Europe governments would actually lose their shit, the absolute bare minimum which would happen is slapping a 18+ age rating on the game and that's being lucky when it comes to the super strict laws like they have in Belgium. Alot of governments are turning their attention towards banning Smoking cigarettes and heavily taxing vaping so anything mental health related which can cause an addiction or physical symptoms is just completely taboo now.

    There's no slots games at all in 14, they're arcade games like tossing a basketball into a hoop. That's not gambling.
    Any sort of concept has to be culturally popular and not gambling, FF14 has its own Mahjong game, Mahjong is a super popular board game in Japan and they genuinely cream over it - I've tried it and it's far too complex for me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post

    Very late food for thought, but Bilgewater Cartel renown will be the first time a player race faction is a neutral rep/renown.
    This is why the concept makes absolutely zero sense. Why would a Alliance player side with the Bilgewater? Why would anyone side with any of them except the Venture Co if they're exalted with the Bloodsail Buccanneers?

    "Remember when I came to Booty Bay and slaughtered you all for 4 hours straight to become a well revered Pirate? Well, about that. I'm just here for the Delve keys"
    Last edited by OCoyne; 2024-11-15 at 03:01 AM.

  19. #81519
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think they backtracked to it being a companion for a whole expansion instead of a companion each patch. Unsure why, but I do see the appeal of having it be one character you can have fun and meme with for a whole expansion instead of just saying "bye Brann" when Undermine drops.

    Now, if Brann actually got a GOOD questline, that would be nice!
    I bet its because how much they had to tune Brann since launch made them decide to keep him rather than having to design a new set of mechanics each season.
    Quote Originally Posted by OCoyne View Post
    This is why the concept makes absolutely zero sense. Why would a Alliance player side with the Bilgewater? Why would anyone side with any of them except the Venture Co if they're exalted with the Bloodsail Buccanneers?

    "Remember when I came to Booty Bay and slaughtered you all for 4 hours straight to become a well revered Pirate? Well, about that. I'm just here for the Delve keys"
    This is why I'm surprised Undermine stans are happy with this. Now this entire continent is being downgraded to a single zone when it could have been a whole future expansion setting. I never imagined the 4 known goblin Cartels were the only ones in Undermine, but now that's apparently canon.

    Given the giant Gallywix statue, I have to assume the story will establish that the Bilgewater who remained in Undermine are still loyal to Gallywix, and therefor, the Horde Goblins will have to formally establish themselves as an entirely new Cartel.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2024-11-15 at 03:45 AM.

  20. #81520
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    Of course not, because they were turned into dwarves by the curse of flesh and eventually broke out (or were freed by an earthquake or whatever...details).

    Just to make it clear, the idea is that Khaz Modan-dwarves are all descendants of those Thraegar influenced by Azeroth. Maybe that influence is the reason why the Curse of Flesh affected them but not the "regular" Khaz Algar Earthen.
    i like that theory. Uldaman housed Archaedas too, and Archaedas was the main Keeper of the Earthen of Khaz Algar too. Might very well be, that the Threagar got relocated by Archaedas to Uldaman.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    ...Except there are still Earthen in Uldaman. Uldaman earthen were explicitly in stasis so the curse of flesh would not advance. We've scoured Uldaman so thoroughly we know everything about it. It was just one of Tyr's laboratories. It's not a prison. If the Ironforge ancestors were Thraegar, why would the Algarian Earthen have records of them but Ironforge does not. Ironforge's inception happened way closer to present day than the Algarian Earthen's memories. So many of the long lived races have recent memories of the evolution of the Dwarves considering it happened between 1000 & 1500 years ago. That's like one high elf lifetime. Stormwind would have records of Diamond men emerging from the mountain, but they don't. It's explicitly recorded as stone-men.

    Also Uldorus isn't a prison either, The Vault of the Incarnates is a completely different place. They're next to each other, but Uldrous' explicit function is hiding the Dragon Isles.
    Earthen remain in Uldaman, but the Dwarfs currently outside Uldaman once emerged from there. Who's to say that these dwarves were not Thraegar and thus turned to dwarves, while the normal Earthen remained back in Uldaman. Of course there wouldn't be any Thraegar left there as they all escaped. And that histry speaks of earthy creatures, well Magni at the start of TWW was all mate and did look rocky enough, not like a shining diamond any more. Thraegar that got turned to flesh might be similar that they don't look much like diamond anymore once they emerged Uldaman.

    - - - Updated - - -

    btw, about the runestone on the roadmap, many think it is the heartstone to your home, which could be true, but it could also be something else.

    a poster on Reddit made a good observation:

    the rune is quite close to the ogre runes of WoD, and the bar in the Roadmap turns green, doesn't have to mean Legion, as WoD's end game was also demon focused
    Last edited by Enrif; 2024-11-15 at 05:33 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

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