1. #81561
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I think it's WoD Remix. All in on that one.

    Unless... maybe...

    ...playable Ogres.
    I've been leaning toward WoD remix too, but that's also because I really want that. I don't like the idea of skipping it for Legion. WoD had its problems but I think a condense, Remix experience would be quite nice, and there's a good amount of stuff that can be put out item wise like MoP.

  2. #81562
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Exactly, the point is that not everyone cares for housing.
    Tine will tell how usefull or fun this is, but I consider it a niche group whos into decorations for a house. It seems like a massive project for such a group.
    Well, if you're not interested, no one's forcing you to decorate your home. I mean, I never raid and I don't complain about seeing them in every extension. It's like tmog, if you don't like it nobody's forcing you to do it lol.
    I don't get your point.
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2024-11-15 at 01:10 PM.

  3. #81563
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I consider it a niche group whos into decorations for a house. It seems like a massive project for such a group.
    And what is your source for this consideration ? Why would wow playerbase be so different from other mmorpgs playerbase, even the ones very close to wow in terms of gameplay ?
    MMO Champs :

  4. #81564
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    And what is your source for this consideration ? Why would wow playerbase be so different from other mmorpgs playerbase, even the ones very close to wow in terms of gameplay ?
    It's just another “I'm not the target audience for this, so it's a waste of resource”. - WoW player moment.

  5. #81565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Well, if you're not interested, no one's forcing you to decorate your home. I mean, I never raid and I don't complain about seeing them in every extension. It's like tmog, if you don't like it nobody's forcing you to do it lol.
    I don't get your point.
    Its really not hard. You also anwsered the question yourself what the point is. Like tmog or what ever. Playerbase is diverse. Like I said not everyone cares about this feauture.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    It's just another “I'm not the target audience for this, so it's a waste of resource”. - WoW player moment.
    Its kinda weird to say that. Basically saying your opinion doesnt matter. If you are on the other side of the opinion, its easy to say that.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-11-15 at 01:35 PM.

  6. #81566
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Its really not hard. You also anwsered the question yourself what the point is. Like tmog or what ever. Playerbase is diverse. Like I said housing is not for everyone.
    The argument really isn't about who player housing is for and not for, or who it benefits.

    One side of the argument is making the point of (1.) it being a huge undertaking, and (2.) for something so minimal: both of these points are not really objectively true, as we do not know how easy or hard it is for Blizzard to do this. We won't know until either closer to it's implementation or after.

    People end up trying to convince the other side it is pointless, or worthless, or a waste of time, for reasons that are generally based on opinions on it.

    EDIT: Looking at Blizzard in a historical sense certainly helps perspectives for their future endeavours, but its still speculation at best.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2024-11-15 at 01:41 PM.

  7. #81567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    well, people were bumped out about covenants, but blizzard did with renown pretty good. People were bumped out with faction restrictions in BfA, but we have since got more and more cross faction stuff. Just because something 10 years ago sucked is not a reason to think something else that is similar will suck too. Or else no iteration will be ever good.
    That might be so, but that doesnt mean a similar kind of idea in Garrisons has been forgotten by players. We know blizz likes the restrictions or set places for things to out on. I am skeptical about this being different. Your examples dont really help with that. I think many share the same feeling, in fact I have seen this view many times already.

  8. #81568
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Its really not hard. You also anwsered the question yourself what the point is. Like tmog or what ever. Playerbase is diverse. Like I said not everyone cares about this feauture.
    And you said it was a problem because it was a big project for a “minority” of people according to you. It's only a problem for you, finally. So yes, it's just another “I'm not the target audience for this, so it's a waste of resource” moment.
    Last edited by Enteroctopus Magnificus; 2024-11-15 at 01:46 PM.

  9. #81569
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    The argument really isn't about who player housing is for and not for, or who it benefits.

    One side of the argument is making the point of (1.) it being a huge undertaking, and (2.) for something so minimal: both of these points are not really objectively true, as we do not know how easy or hard it is for Blizzard to do this. We won't know until either closer to it's implementation or after.

    People end up trying to convince the other side it is pointless, or worthless, or a waste of time, for reasons that are generally based on opinions on it.
    I am really not here to convince people this will suck or what ever. The main theme here I am saying, is that people are skeptical, with previous exprience. I think that is fair.

    There is an obvious group who was clearly waiting for this and are beforwhand excited about this. Thats fine, but that doesnt mean everyone shares that excitement.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    And you said it was a problem because it was a big project for a “minority” of people according to you. It's only a problem for you, finally. So yes, it's just another “I'm not the target audience for this, so it's a waste of resource” moment.
    Again, I quoted and responded to you already, So I am just going to say this same thing, cus you are just saying the same thing.

    Its kinda weird to say that. Basically saying your opinion doesnt matter. If you are on the other side of the opinion, its easy to say that. You are clearly on the other side, which is fine. Not making an issue over that, but you got to understand that people are skeptical or simply not interested.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-11-15 at 02:23 PM.

  10. #81570
    One of the bronze rewards in WoD remix should be the garrison sets that you had to farm the scraps for.

    They have armor types attached to them instead of cosmetic still, so you can't use frostwolf set on a warrior.

  11. #81571
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    One of the bronze rewards in WoD remix should be the garrison sets that you had to farm the scraps for.

    They have armor types attached to them instead of cosmetic still, so you can't use frostwolf set on a warrior.
    Well, I think its still treated as cloth/leather etc. Altho being cosmetic. Warrior wont be able to use the cloth set etc.
    I actually thought they loosen up those restrictions? Been ages and never really paid much attention to those.

    More options are always welcome I guess.

  12. #81572
    The triangle symbol seems so obscure of a reference to WoD, but who knows.

    If it were released in December. Pre-patch Jan and Midnight in Feb. That would be shorter than MoP remix. But I guess WoD is shorter too so it tracks.

  13. #81573
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Well, I think its still treated as cloth/leather etc. Altho being cosmetic. Warrior wont be able to use the cloth set etc.
    I actually thought they loosen up those restrictions? Been ages and never really paid much attention to those.

    More options are always welcome I guess.
    Sadly only Stormwind guard and grunt sets are cosmetics and every class can use them, all others are still tied to armor type, like frostwolf leather, warsong mail etc.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2024-11-15 at 02:33 PM.

  14. #81574
    It is a stretch but another thing the roadmap symbol kinda reminds me of is a simplified drawing of Oshu'gun.

  15. #81575
    MoP remix also didnt have a symbol. I hope that it is another, different form of event.
    I think remix once in a while for different expacs is cool, but I hope they keep experimenting with different gamemodes. I'd not like it if they did 2 experimentals last year that now MUST be formulaicly repeated each year. Keep it fresh.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  16. #81576
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I've been leaning toward WoD remix too, but that's also because I really want that. I don't like the idea of skipping it for Legion. WoD had its problems but I think a condense, Remix experience would be quite nice, and there's a good amount of stuff that can be put out item wise like MoP.
    WoD Remix would be a lot of fun. I wonder if they could repurpose the Garrison in Remix as a way to farm housing cosmetics via Bronze.

    I think we still hit the age old issue of the lack of content from WoD. Although I think they'd have to find some way to include the Garrison here, I really cannot imagine how that wouldn't just be a rehash of the same issues.

    But give us a deeper look into Oshu'gun please, let's focus on the Shadowmoon and the Pale and what the Void truly can do.

  17. #81577
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Sadly only Stormwind guard and grunt sets are cosmetics and every class can use them, all others are still tied to armor type, like frostwolf leather, warsong mail etc.
    Aah I see, that is indeed a bit strange. Its not a strange request and should be an option in the future for who ever wants that. Wod remix or even wod timewalking seems like a good fit to loosen that up.

  18. #81578
    I think it'll be the symbol for housing, but others have pointed out the rune is on a pennant that is actually the worldmap & the rune itself is covering Northrend.

  19. #81579
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I think it'll be the symbol for housing, but others have pointed out the rune is on a pennant that is actually the worldmap & the rune itself is covering Northrend.
    This, I highly doubt we'd get WoD Remix considering the alternative of Legion Remix (and how even more popular that would be)

  20. #81580
    I hope that there's both free housing as well as more extravagant plots of land you can get, hopefully with ingame gold as well. And I really hope they don't feel restricted by lore on this: let us settle in Revendreth and such.

    A plot on Macaree with the broken skybox above would be amazing. Or Bastion, hell even Elunaria would be cool.

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