1. #81981
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Btw do you all think there is a chance of Anduin actually dying?
    This is a longshot but I could see Anduin sacrificing himself and being able to force the Beledar to shift back to permanent Light similar to how Velen shifted K'ara. Ofc it could also be Turalyon that does that. Or Faerin.
    Anduin is like 26 bruh. He ain't dying just yet.

  2. #81982
    I would say Anduin is in danger if he has a child with someone in the course of the WSS

    But otherwise I don't think they will wipe out the line of Wrynn anytime soon.

  3. #81983
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    Faerin is their sacrificial lamb. As much as people love to rag on Blizzard for their diversity quotas, they never last long.

  4. #81984
    If there's anyone who gets sacrificed for the plot that way, it's Turalyon. Fits like a glove what with Alleria's ordeal.

  5. #81985
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    I don't really expect Turaylon or Alleria to survive Midnight. They die, and their son Arator steps forwards to take center stage.

  6. #81986
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    Interestingly, the opening cinematic for the Warcraft 3 campaign "Terror of the Tides," in which Illidan summons the naga to his cause, is called The Awakening.

    Reminds me of the naga prophecy from the Forbidden Reach, "A Song of the Depths".

    When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening.

    Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth. We must make ready.

    Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed.
    Coincidentally, the playable Earthen are called The Awakened.

    Here are a few more interesting quotes, relevant right now.


    Make no mistake, Alleria: if you pursue contact with the Void, your destiny will fall into ruin.

    You will lose Turalyon. You will lose Arator. You will lose Silvermoon, Azeroth, and everything else you hold dear.

    The Light and the Shadow cannot exist together. You already know how to strike down the Void. That is all you need to know.
    It's almost like she knew The War Within would cause Midnight.

    Then there's this one:

    The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.
    Previously thought to be about Sylvanas or Tyrande. But the 11.1.5 patch has "Nightfall" in it, which seems fishy. Xal'atath's or Azeroth's true identity revealed? Alleria's?

    Old God in the mural?

    Or how about this one:

    A pity it now lies dormant. But anything that slumbers can be awakened.
    Ah, awakenings, I see...

    That which was sunken shall rise.
    Wait, you're telling me the "sunken city" of Ny'alotha will rise?

    So the place we visited in 8.2, which wasn't really sunken at all, was just another vision of N’Zoth?


    All that were sleeping... shall be awakened.
    It's almost like we're about to visit the real Ny'alotha and its shadowy realm in the depths of Azeroth, in 11.2.

    Because, you know, the fish know all the secrets, and fishy boy in Hallowfall warned us not to bring the light into the abyss.

    Time for an Old God awakening.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2024-11-24 at 10:17 PM.

  7. #81987
    I think you're putting way too much weight into a fairly common term. Yes, they're obviously foreshadowing the reawakening of the old gods, but I don't think you could realistically connect that to the TFT Nelf opening cinematic or the faction name of the Awakened earthen.
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  8. #81988
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    Quote Originally Posted by AOL Instant Messenger View Post
    I think you're putting way too much weight into a fairly common term. Yes, they're obviously foreshadowing the reawakening of the old gods, but I don't think you could realistically connect that to the TFT Nelf opening cinematic or the faction name of the Awakened earthen.
    Oh no, not at all. Hehe. Those two merely got me interested in digging a little further into the awakening.

  9. #81989
    *Looks at how dead the Old Gods are*


  10. #81990
    again that "x has to die"

    death is cheap if it is used to often and frequently. I see no character of the current cast kicking the bucket that would actually serve the story.

    At best, for TWW, i could see Orwyna to die, depending if she is an ally or will turn a villain.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
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  11. #81991
    I think Faerin is set up as the leader of the obvious and unavoidable "Arathi rebel" faction when we inevitable come to clash with the Arathi empire itself. Either that or it's a Nazgrim situation.

  12. #81992
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    again that "x has to die"

    death is cheap if it is used to often and frequently. I see no character of the current cast kicking the bucket that would actually serve the story.

    At best, for TWW, i could see Orwyna to die, depending if she is an ally or will turn a villain.
    I stand by "Alleria dying will kick Midnight into motion" simply because they had her say "Oh gee, it sure feels like I died twice already!" as if that is organic conversation and not a way to attach the prophecy to her.

    Granted, that could also mean that it's something else and not necessarily dying, but it just feels like they are starting to run out of steam with that character.

  13. #81993
    I still think that prophecy should be about someone who actually died multiple times, not about metaphorical deaths.

  14. #81994
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I still think that prophecy should be about someone who actually died multiple times, not about metaphorical deaths.
    I still think Xal'atath fits it best, it's very easy to see how she could be considered to have died twice already even though it's not 100% explicit (first when she was sealed within the dagger, second when she was sacrificed with the other Artifacts to seal Sargeras's sword's power).

    She's clearly set up as TWW's main antagonist too, so my guess is that we'll kill her current Elf form at the end of TWW leading in to Midnight's invasion. And she'll probably regain her original, true form to lead said invasion since iirc Metzen said that we'd face her multiple times across the Saga.

  15. #81995
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    I still think Xal'atath fits it best, it's very easy to see how she could be considered to have died twice already even though it's not 100% explicit (first when she was sealed within the dagger, second when she was sacrificed with the other Artifacts to seal Sargeras's sword's power).

    She's clearly set up as TWW's main antagonist too, so my guess is that we'll kill her current Elf form at the end of TWW leading in to Midnight's invasion. And she'll probably regain her original, true form to lead said invasion since iirc Metzen said that we'd face her multiple times across the Saga.
    I agree with this one. Alleria sounds like a red herring.

    Xal'atath died as an Old God, when her brethren murdered her and claimed the powers she had gained over Life and Death from Elun'Ahir.

    Then her new body technically died as an elf, and I'm guessing she is able to tap into the memories of her host or something.

    The third time is when "the arrow finds its mark," and "the final fetter falls away," e.g. when Alleria kills Xal'atath and her "spirit" or whatever instead goes into her old/new form.

    Question is whether it's just her Old God form that has regenerated by claiming the powers and the blood from her fallen brothers, if she is possessing some other entity (the worldsoul perhaps), or if there's a new kid on the block (a Void Lord, or "The Ancient One," etc.).

    Just to be clear, when I say Ancient One I'm referring to a dude introduced in Hearthstone but sometimes seemingly referenced vaguely in WoW:

    The Old Gods, even while chained beneath the crust of Azeroth, led massive armies and empowered fearsome generals. The Ancient One was vanquished long ago, but it's hard to keep the minions of the Old Gods down, and with enough of its blood, you can herald the return of the Old Gods' greatest creation!
    Sounds an aawful lot like what Xal'atath is up to. An Old God Megazord or something.


    Just to add on to this, I'm increasingly convinced there's a buttload of evil Old God shenanigans still going on further below on Azeroth.

    First, we have the fishy in Hallowfall and all the kraken there. Then we have old stuff, like Iso'rath from Cataclysm. Basically a massive and Old God-like creature the Twilight Hammer summoned from deep below.

    It conjures nightmares and stuff, which seems similar to the Visions that will be returning in 11.1.5.

    I think there's a whole domain of the Void near or around the worldsoul, and our little excursion to Khaz Algar barely even scratches the surface.

    It could be that in Midnight, rather than being K'aresh, one of the new zones could be set in this place.

    Maybe, just maybe, after protecting the Sunwell, that's where we'll have to go in order to fight Xal'atath.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2024-11-25 at 11:46 AM.

  16. #81996
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    Idk if any of y'all care about the felcycle atm. But I was not looking forward to part 6 requiring me to (vague spoilers) do a battle pet event, deal with apparent rng quest appearing in WoD, and finagle my way through a reputation I can't reach on the character I'm doing the secret on until next patch.

    Thank GOD you can get credit by being close enough when someone else completes an objective. I guess Josh (the dev behind it) or someone else looked at this step and thought "OK maybe make it a bit fairer."
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  17. #81997
    I'm certainly one for the whole secret stuff being extensive and whatnot but I finally went to look at a list of what's needed so far and damn, that's gonna be annoying.

  18. #81998
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    If anyone has to die to save Beledar it's Faerin. Anduin hasn't been set up enough to die just yet.
    What is there to save? It's just a calcified chunk of Azeroth's essence. There's apparently quite a few all over the place.

    Did this week reveal anything more in the titan disc quests?

  19. #81999
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I think Alleria will go full Void very soon, but the problem with doing so is what the hell happens with the Void Elves? How are they able to resist more than their leader? What could they learn about staving off the void from other affected beings that Alleria couldn't?

    Unless Midnight just totally renames them to High Elves to avoid this, I don't think that we'll see a perma-bad Alleria, only maybe a Xal'atath controlled Alleria.

  20. #82000
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I think Alleria will go full Void very soon, but the problem with doing so is what the hell happens with the Void Elves? How are they able to resist more than their leader? What could they learn about staving off the void from other affected beings that Alleria couldn't?

    Unless Midnight just totally renames them to High Elves to avoid this, I don't think that we'll see a perma-bad Alleria, only maybe a Xal'atath controlled Alleria.
    Something more would have to happen to Alleria, separate from the typical Void Elf experience that we know.

    The whole concept behind "Void Elf" is them constantly fighting off the corrupting whispers of the Void, defying them even, and using the power of the Void for the good of Azeroth. Alleria was the first elf to do this, sharing her experiences and training all subsequent Void Elves on how to also successfully accomplish this.

    So, why would she turn evil all of a sudden from the typical Void whispers? What would that mean for any and all Void Elves if this were to happen?

    Would have to be another form of further Void corruption at her.

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