1. #8201
    Quote Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
    The Blood Troll armour is probably going to show up in August. I hope I'm still alive at that time XD
    Why wouldn't you be alive, it's one month - stay strong dude.

  2. #8202
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I doubt WoW is getting a Titan-based expansion right after Hearthstone gets a Titan-based expansion. I also believe the titans are going to be major part of the end of Dragonflight.

    I still believe the top contender is Lightbound invasion with Arakkoa and Ogres as the new races. I have yet to see a rival expansion contender.
    Based off what evidence in game?

    The general pattern is each expansion is hinted through various means in game, mostly subtle that make more sense in hindsight, but some a little more blatant like we saw with BfA leading into Shadowlands.

    What hints have you seen for Light invasion, Ogres and Arakkoa? From what I’ve seen in DF there hasn’t been any.

    The hints we have been getting in DF basically equate to the following:

    World Revamp
    South Seas/Pirates

    There’s nothing there to indicate otherwise at the moment so I’d be extremely surprised if it’s none of the above.

  3. #8203
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Based off what evidence in game?

    The general pattern is each expansion is hinted through various means in game, mostly subtle that make more sense in hindsight, but some a little more blatant like we saw with BfA leading into Shadowlands.

    What hints have you seen for Light invasion, Ogres and Arakkoa? From what I’ve seen in DF there hasn’t been any.

    The hints we have been getting in DF basically equate to the following:

    World Revamp
    South Seas/Pirates

    There’s nothing there to indicate otherwise at the moment so I’d be extremely surprised if it’s none of the above.
    SL was hinted at in BfA, but also during Legion. it means that these indications don't necessarily point to the next expansion - maybe the one after. at the same time, hardly anything showed us that DF is 10.0 during SL - the clues were put in the game mostly during BfA.
    Light as the antagonist has been in development since at least 7.3. it has to be released eventually, and now it's pretty ripe.

  4. #8204
    Brewmaster Jekyll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mekkle View Post
    man it must suck being black, you simply exist, and someone calls you woke.
    I got infracted for calling out racists who openly say that the Asian theme doesn't fit WoW multiple times on MMO Champ. I remember a post celebrating Women's day got trolled hard, but none of the trolls were infracted but the OP got infracted and the thread got locked. Calling out racism and misogyny in MMOchamp is bad and considered as 'trolling and disruptive' but being openly racist isn't. It's systemic

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Why wouldn't you be alive, it's one month - stay strong dude.
    IDK how to tell you this, but death can happen at any time; in your sleep, on the road, in your own home. There's nothing in the future that is certain except for death
    Last edited by Jekyll; 2023-06-28 at 07:39 AM.

  5. #8205
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    SL was hinted at in BfA, but also during Legion. it means that these indications don't necessarily point to the next expansion - maybe the one after. at the same time, hardly anything showed us that DF is 10.0 during SL - the clues were put in the game mostly during BfA.
    Light as the antagonist has been in development since at least 7.3. it has to be released eventually, and now it's pretty ripe.
    I honetly could see a lot of diff themes all in one for 11.0.

    If its not a world revamp it could be the Other side of Azeroth aka Avaloren, plus pirates(nightsquall), plus Old God since theres a confirmed 5th now, and throw in some light shenanigans for good measure.

  6. #8206
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    SL was hinted at in BfA, but also during Legion. it means that these indications don't necessarily point to the next expansion - maybe the one after. at the same time, hardly anything showed us that DF is 10.0 during SL - the clues were put in the game mostly during BfA.
    Light as the antagonist has been in development since at least 7.3. it has to be released eventually, and now it's pretty ripe.
    Light probably will be involved in next expansion, they will bring yrel back because why not, she would be fitting as first or second raid end boss.

    Grom was probably captured since i doubt she killed him and will use him in some way, hell she might be even wielding light infused gorehowl. ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
    IDK how to tell you this, but death can happen at any time; in your sleep, on the road, in your own home. There's nothing in the future that is certain except for death
    I know, but thinking too much about random death is not good way to look at things after waking up every morning. :P but it's off-topic, still you will be all kickin and alive when blood troll armor is released.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-06-28 at 07:40 AM.

  7. #8207
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    SL was hinted at in BfA, but also during Legion. it means that these indications don't necessarily point to the next expansion - maybe the one after. at the same time, hardly anything showed us that DF is 10.0 during SL - the clues were put in the game mostly during BfA.
    Light as the antagonist has been in development since at least 7.3. it has to be released eventually, and now it's pretty ripe.
    Eh, there wasn’t anything related to Arakkoa, Ogres or Yrel in SL either though hint wise. The Light references/content we did get in SL revolved around the Lights attack on Revendreth because of the Dreadlords and the Scarlets propaganda. If anything that would hint more towards a Dreadlord/Light expansion because of the former reference, as well as the fact that the historically the Dreadlords have controlled the Scarlets. Nothing to indicate Yrel/Arakkoa/Ogres though.

    The only possible hint I could see implying future Arakkoa would be the time-lost Arakkoa NPC’s in Thaldraszuz. But they’re accompanied by Quillboar, not Ogres. If Ogres were there too then I could genuinely see that as an interesting implication in line with the Kul Tiran and Zandalari maroons in Legion.

    If we’re going off the expansion after next pattern, then wouldn’t the next expansion after DF point primarily to a 7th force or Denathrius expansion?

    I just can’t see it yet, I think Blizz will keep things a bit more grounded away from grand cosmic for a while which is why I’m going with either World Revamp, Avaloren expedition or South Seas & pirates.

  8. #8208
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    I honetly could see a lot of diff themes all in one for 11.0.

    If its not a world revamp it could be the Other side of Azeroth aka Avaloren, plus pirates(nightsquall), plus Old God since theres a confirmed 5th now, and throw in some light shenanigans for good measure.
    could be - they did use the faction war, Nazjatar and N'zoth in a single expansion. however, that approach doesn't leave a lot of space to develop the themes, which is lamentable. up to you to decide whether Nazjatar and its surroundings deserved a whole expansion of its own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Eh, there wasn’t anything related to Arakkoa, Ogres or Yrel in SL either though hint wise. The Light references/content we did get in SL revolved around the Lights attack on Revendreth because of the Dreadlords and the Scarlets propaganda. If anything that would hint more towards a Dreadlord/Light expansion because of the former reference, as well as the fact that the historically the Dreadlords have controlled the Scarlets. Nothing to indicate Yrel/Arakkoa/Ogres though.

    The only possible hint I could see implying future Arakkoa would be the time-lost Arakkoa NPC’s in Thaldraszuz. But they’re accompanied by Quillboar, not Ogres. If Ogres were there too then I could genuinely see that as an interesting implication in line with the Kul Tiran and Zandalari maroons in Legion.

    If we’re going off the expansion after next pattern, then wouldn’t the next expansion after DF point primarily to a 7th force or Denathrius expansion?

    I just can’t see it yet, I think Blizz will keep things a bit more grounded away from grand cosmic for a while which is why I’m going with either World Revamp, Avaloren expedition or South Seas & pirates.
    arakkoa, ogres and Yrel are from AU Draenor, which was being converted during our visit there back in BfA, in the mag'har recruitment scenario. these people are kinda cool, no wonder people expect them to come to Azeroth if we're getting a Light invasion from Draenor.
    also, i don't think scarlet propaganda ever made it to live servers, but i could be mistaken.
    there's no fixed pattern, as in hints in a prior expansion point directly to the next one or the one after the next. imo, it depends purely on what's happening in the cdev dojo. it's just that we've been getting a reminder about the Light's danger for three expansions in a row, eventually it has to result in something. although it is possible that the idea was partially abandoned.

  9. #8209
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    What hints have you seen for Light invasion, Ogres and Arakkoa? From what I’ve seen in DF there hasn’t been any..
    Light invasion has been a vague chekov's gun waiting to be fired, but its defo a 'whenever there's nothing else around to drag out' type of thing they could drag out at any time.

    Nothing about ogres or arakkoa though, as much as I'd like to see the two make another appearance

    Aside from my own crazy 'let's go to the moon and meet/fight elune' theory that I acknowledge as basically unlikely at best, there's also all the Old God "They're lying to you" referenes that could lead to still extant Black Empire related stuff on backside of Azeroth or the like. Plus the 5th Old God got mentioned again in Deathwing's pages so they could bring them back, if G'huun isn't filling that role

  10. #8210
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    The First Ones are an unknown variable, but it does seem like they are omniscient, or at the very least created the idea of omniscience and whatnot, but they simply do not see futures in any traditional sense. Whatever path the Universe takes is whatever path the Progenitors can see. Whether it be singular or infinite.
    I think it's more advanced probabilistics and a thorough understanding of how the universe works (because they made it) combining to let them predict what might happen and creating contingencies for it. So it's really closer to science and math.

  11. #8211
    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    Light invasion has been a vague chekov's gun waiting to be fired, but its defo a 'whenever there's nothing else around to drag out' type of thing they could drag out at any time.

    Nothing about ogres or arakkoa though, as much as I'd like to see the two make another appearance

    Aside from my own crazy 'let's go to the moon and meet/fight elune' theory that I acknowledge as basically unlikely at best, there's also all the Old God "They're lying to you" referenes that could lead to still extant Black Empire related stuff on backside of Azeroth or the like. Plus the 5th Old God got mentioned again in Deathwing's pages so they could bring them back, if G'huun isn't filling that role
    Feels like to me that a Light based expansion would be Blizzard’s “break glass in case of emergency” expansion similar to Legion.

    Illidan’s return(as his destiny is said to involve the Light greatly if X’era is to be believed), Scarlets, Yrel, Denathrius/Dreadlords, Turalyon possibly going bad with an antagonistic Alliance for a change.

    To me that seems like the next big epic expansion to be brought out when things are looking dire, like with Legion.

    I just can’t see us returning so soon to anything grand and cosmic in scale after how poorly Shadowlands was received, with Blizz acknowledging that.

  12. #8212
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Based off what evidence in game?
    In BFA with the Mag'har Orc quest line where Yrel first appears as an antagonist.
    During Shadowlands, Yrel's BNET avatar popped up among other BNET avatars which were all Shadowlands related except for hers.

    The general pattern is each expansion is hinted through various means in game, mostly subtle that make more sense in hindsight, but some a little more blatant like we saw with BfA leading into Shadowlands.

    What hints have you seen for Light invasion, Ogres and Arakkoa? From what I’ve seen in DF there hasn’t been any.

    The hints we have been getting in DF basically equate to the following:

    World Revamp
    South Seas/Pirates

    There’s nothing there to indicate otherwise at the moment so I’d be extremely surprised if it’s none of the above.
    Yeah, there's nothing we know of in DF yet, but then again it could be right under our nose and we just don't realize it. The most blatant hints for DF were two mechanical dragons, and only one of those dragons appeared in Shadowlands and it was a pet. The other popped up at the very end of BFA.

    Also there's nothing to say that Yrel's light invasion wouldn't incorporate Avaloren or the world revamp.

    There's also the small fact that 2024 (11.0's release year) would be the 10th year anniversary of WoD.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2023-06-28 at 01:42 PM.

  13. #8213
    As much as Avaloren sounds enticing for the setting a new expansion on Azeroth, it also sounds very appropriate as the final setting for a traditional fantasy expansion about dragons. I don't think it gets more traditional or grounded in fantasy than something based off Avalon.

  14. #8214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    ya I think it’s likely we’ll see a lot more Titan stuff likely in the last patch and I’d be surprised if we didn’t get some character over lap between it and hearthstone like with some watchers or other Titan constructs.

    Hell if they wanted to go all out they could put away some hidden Titan scanner that took 20 thousand years to find any thing and make the hearthstone titans canon but still a sleep like Azeroth some where in the universe.
    Yeah, I could also see a Titan expansion down the line where we explore a titan land mass of some type. In such an expansion, I could see the major lore characters being Brann Bronzebeard and the League of Explorers vs. Rafaam with us caught in the middle in an Indiana Jones type of adventure. New Class: Explorer.

    Beyond that, the idea of a full Titan expansion sounds incredibly boring.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    As much as Avaloren sounds enticing for the setting a new expansion on Azeroth, it also sounds very appropriate as the final setting for a traditional fantasy expansion about dragons. I don't think it gets more traditional or grounded in fantasy than something based off Avalon.
    This too. Very likely that Avaloren is a setting for 10.3, kind of like Argus, Mechagon/Nazjatar, or Zerith Mortis in previous expansions.

  15. #8215
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Illidan’s return(as his destiny is said to involve the Light greatly if X’era is to be believed)
    I'd say that one died together with her when Illidan violently rejected his "destiny". Pretty sure it was just her fangirling about him anyway and he made plenty clear he won't have any of that.

  16. #8216
    High Overlord RahEndymion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    In BFA with the Mag'har Orc quest line where Yrel first appears as an antagonist.
    During Shadowlands, Yrel's BNET avatar popped up among other BNET avatars which were all Shadowlands related except for hers.

    Yeah, there's nothing we know of in DF yet, but then again it could be right under our nose and we just don't realize it. The most blatant hints for DF were two mechanical dragons, and only one of those dragons appeared in Shadowlands and it was a pet. The other popped up at the very end of BFA.

    Also there's nothing to say that Yrel's light invasion wouldn't incorporate Avaloren or the world revamp.

    There's also the small fact that 2024 (11.0's release year) would be the 10th year anniversary of WoD.
    Did you forget the literal Pirate Dragon Timecap'n Hooktail in Tazavesh?

  17. #8217
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RahEndymion View Post
    Did you forget the literal Pirate Dragon Timecap'n Hooktail in Tazavesh?
    Yes I did actually, thank you for the reminder.

    I do wonder if we'll get a next expansion hint in the upcoming mega dungeon.

  18. #8218
    This is not an invitation to turn this into a classic discussion or talk about classic at all, but because we like looking at official Blizzard logos in regards to comparing it to fake future leaks, here's a bit of a special edition logo.

    Click-y for link to the press site with the 6600 x 5400 version.

    Last edited by Marlamin; 2023-06-28 at 05:33 PM.

  19. #8219
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    I'd say that one died together with her when Illidan violently rejected his "destiny". Pretty sure it was just her fangirling about him anyway and he made plenty clear he won't have any of that.
    I suppose Yrel and AU X’era reason for invading our Azeroth would be to find Illidan and forcibly attempt to convert him to the Light.

    It could also play into “the Light has made a bargain with the enemy of all”. They could attack the Seat of the Pantheon to capture Illidan, freeing Sargeras in the process.

    I don’t think Illidan would willingly join the Light. But a situation where X’era is completely hung up on him and is determined to convert him no matter what the cost could definitely be a possibility.

  20. #8220
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I suppose Yrel and AU X’era reason for invading our Azeroth would be to find Illidan and forcibly attempt to convert him to the Light.

    It could also play into “the Light has made a bargain with the enemy of all”. They could attack the Seat of the Pantheon to capture Illidan, freeing Sargeras in the process.

    I don’t think Illidan would willingly join the Light. But a situation where X’era is completely hung up on him and is determined to convert him no matter what the cost could definitely be a possibility.
    Could be funny if their main reason for attacking was Xe'ra's fangirl obsession with Illidan rather than anything more tangible... especially if most of them don't know that. I.e. she just told them stories of a "great purpose" etc..

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