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It would fit in with Xe’ra’s obsession with Illidan, as Huth said. It bears remembering that MU Xe’ra’s entire story arc in Legion revolved around her obsession with Legion. Her motivation felt more about converting Illidan to her side as her primary goal, over defeating the Legion.
I don’t think it’s a certainty that Illidan would play a major role in a Light based expansion. But it’s important to remember during the Legion story, a big part of Illidan’s development was his alleged connection to the Light, his apparent destiny involving the Light, and ultimately him rejecting the Light. And given what we know now about the Light, or rather suspect, those who represent it won’t be all too pleased to see who is perceived to be their potential greatest champion, completely turn his back on it. To top things off, the literal Lightmother of the Naaru has an unhealthy, hostile obsession with him.
That particular story thread is still there to be explored if Blizz choose to, and I don’t think we should quite dismiss it yet.
- - - Updated - - -
Well, the Lightbound invasion could happen for both reasons. Yrel wants to forcibly convert the denizens of Azeroth. Xe’ra wants to convert the denizens of Azeroth, but it could be a two bird one stone situation as she continues to pursue her obsession with Illidan. I think it could make for an interesting story, and one more slightly different than what we are expecting. Rather than just having Xe’ra completely focused on converting all folk to the Light, it would make for a refreshing change to have her just be completely unhinged and obsessed with Illidan, wanting to convert him by any means necessary and using the Lightbound as a means to that end. It could also create an interesting schism at some point between Yrel and Xe’ra.
Do I think that’s what Blizz will go with? Probably not. I expect and wouldn’t mind a Light based expansion following the below pattern or something similar:
11.0 - Light invades, wins Stormwind to their cause. Invades Lordaeron and Quel’thalas. Raid is either a revamped Sunwell or repurposed Deatholme in the Ghostlands. Lightholme?
11.1 - Lightbound lead an assault on Azuremyst and Bloodmyst. Raid is Defence of The Exodar.
11.2 - We push the Light back to Stormwind. Elwynn, Westfall, Duskwood and Redridge become daily hubs. Raid is Siege of Stormwind
Mega Dungeon - I have no idea someone jump in here. Possibly Scarlet Monastery. Alternatively could be Temple of Karabor if we head to Draenor sooner.
11.3 - We push the Light back to AU Draenor. We land in Farahlon which homes the last remaining bastion of Orcs from AU Draenor. A war campaign leading us from Farahlon to Talador ensues. Raid is Shattrath City.
But I could also see a heavy Illidan story taking place considering what we know. I think both possible story paths have merit.